Day 2 (IV)

"You're my number 1 girl."


"Were you both making out?" I ask, after opening my mouth and then closing it again.

Emily is sitting on Cole's lap, with her hands in his hair while his hands are around her waist and their mouths are, well... connected?

They were so busy with their make-out session that they didn't even hide themselves. Couldn't Zubair have heard them first? Hmph. I have always been unlucky.

On hearing my words, they spring apart from each other. Emily is looking at the ground, scuffing the carpet. There's a faint blush on her cheeks but then, she's always glowing. While Cole rubs his neck sheepishly and grins, making eye contact with no one in particular.

"How come we never kiss, sunflower?" Ayan whispers in my ear casually.

I roll my eyes at him.

"Stop rolling your eyes all the time. Someday, you'll piss off the wrong person. I won't be there to save you then."

Blah blah blah...

I roll my eyes again.

"Naira you-" I tune him out when Zubair speaks, "You both should have waited till the game was over."

I smile cheerfully and hook my arm with Emily's as I say eagerly, "Don't blame her, Zuby. She liked the view so much she couldn't help herself." I imitate her words from earlier, making gestures towards Cole in mid-air.

If I had a mic, I'd drop it.

Score for Naira.

"Shut up," Emily mutters and unhooks her arm.

"We still have to catch Rudy and Sasha. Come on, let's go." Zubair leads everyone out of the room.

Emily holds me back and asks, "Sasha and I will be visiting the local markets tomorrow. Do you want to join?"

I nod my head excitedly. "I'd love to."

I have to buy gifts for my family members and especially Siya. She won't stop sending me threats about how she won't let me meet Natasha if I come back empty-handed from Goa.

I really need to make new friends.

We look under the beds, check all of the washrooms, wardrobes, even check the kitchen but find no trace of them.

"Ayan, where is Mary's room?" Emily asks, after checking the hallways.

"She lives in the guesthouse. So it's not possible for them to go there." He gives a half shrug, as he runs his hand in his hair, messing it up a little bit.

I furrow my eyebrows and blurt, "I don't know about Sasha but do you really think Rudy will follow the rules?" We had decided that hiding outside the house was prohibited.

We all go to her guest house and Mary opens the door. She whispers, "Rudy told me to tell you he's not here," and then in a loud voice, she speaks, "He's not here."

Zubair rushes past her, and shows up a second later, with Rudy in tow.

He gives her a pout. "Damn it, love."

"Where's Sasha though?" Cole asks, peeking inside Mary's house.

"She left to take a walk on the beach. She said something along the lines of wanting some peace without the constant nagging of you all," Mary replies, with a glimmer in her eyes.

"Oh man, we looked everywhere for her. Why didn't she tell us?" Cole murmurs, exasperated.

"Wasn't that the point?" Mary questions, with a raise of her eyebrow.

Damn it, love.

I excuse myself and go back inside the house, to the kitchen.

It's snack time. Sadly, I finished all the junk food Ayan bought me a few hours ago so I'll just have to make do with whatever I find.

I look around the kitchen, trying to find something edible to eat. There's a refrigerator in the corner of the room. Oven and stove are next to the refrigerator. On the other side of the oven is the sink, next to which is a towel rack. There are jars labelled as sugar, salt, flour, tea and coffee beneath the shelves and there are drawers full of plates, spoons and other cooking utensils.

I open and close the first two shelves which only contain vinegar, oils and some turmeric powder. I open the third shelf and gawk at the beauty.

On the top rack, there are a few packets of m&ms. I try to reach the top rack but my height doesn't allow me to. It's moments like these which makes me curse my 5'2" height.

I hold on to the shelf for support and place my leg on the kitchen top, stretching my other leg and am about grab the packet but fate has other plans.

"Sunflower wha-"

Caught off guard, I lose my balance, and hit the floor awkwardly, spraining my right ankle.

Nooooooo. My m&ms!!! I was so close to you!

Also, I think I twisted my ankle.

I try to move my ankle but hiss at the sudden pain that shoots up my feet. I croak, "You should have caught me."

What's the point of having him in my life when his arms can't save my fall? What a jerk!

He sighs and bends down, placing an arm around my back and the other arm around my knees.

"Are you insane?" I cry out. He ignores me and lifts me up, making me clutch his shoulders for support.

"Put me down," I scream and glare at him.

When he doesn't reply, I whine, "I can walk on my own."

"No, you can't." He gently squeezes my leg, pulling me closer to his body. He walks past the living room, up the stairs to his bedroom.

He sets me down on the bed, keeping a hand behind my head so that I don't hit the headboard. He sits down himself and places my legs on his lap and I wince in pain at the movement.

He stares straight into my eyes as I look away nervously. He brings his face closer to mine and I move backwards with my head against the headboard.

"Ww-hat are y-you doin-g?" I stutter, with my heart beating wildly at the close proximity.

I close my eyes shut when his lips move closer to my cheek.

"Ow you son of a bitch," I scream when I feel him twist my feet.

I grab his arm and dig my nails in his skin making him yelp in pain.

"I was just helping you," he yells, pushing me away.
