Emily's POV

I am alone in the house and it is almost midnight now. I hate being alone, especially on my birthday but my parents are out of town and Sasha has locked me out of our room, telling me not to disturb her.

I check my phone for unread texts but there are none. Has Cole forgotten that it's my birthday?

"No, that can't be. He must be sleeping," I whisper to myself as I sigh. The house is eerily quiet making me hate the fact that I'm alone.

Right then, the bell rings abruptly. I jump up in alarm and my eyes flow towards the clock. It's quarter past 12. My parents won't come till 1.

Who is it then?

Warily, I open the door. As soon as I open it, my face is smeared with cake. I lick my lips and taste chocolate. Mm, at least they chose my favourite flavour.

I glare at Rudy who is grinning widely. Then he wipes a little cake off my face and licks it off his finger. "Happy Birthday, kid."

I grimace at him but mutter thanks nonetheless. He isn't my concern right now. My focus is on my boyfriend who is standing there, arms crossed, smirking at me.

I pout and walk up to him. I grin when a plan forms in my mind. I outstretch my arms and watch as his eyes widen as soon as he realises what I'm going to do.

Too late, sweetheart.

I throw my arms around his shoulder and smudge the cake all over his shirt. I stand on my toes and place a kiss on his cheek, rubbing off some of the cake on his cheek. He gives me a flat look but hugs me back anyway.

"Emily," I can hear the grin in Ayan's voice. "If you wanted Cole to remove his shirt, you could have just asked."

I roll my eyes and remove my arms around Cole's shoulders. Cole stares amusedly at me as I lift the shirt off him and throw it right in Ayan's face.

"There, if I want him to remove his shirt, I don't need to ask him. I can do it myself." I smirk at his bewildered face.

Zubair and Rudy snicker. Cole hugs my waist from behind and whispers in my ear, "Happy birthday, Em."

I sigh dreamily and shut my eyes. I look at him and respond with a small smile, eyes crinkling up at the edges - something he loves about me a lot.

Ayan murmurs under his breath, "I've never felt more single in my entire life."

I look at him bemused, "Why, what happened to your girl of this month?"

"I'm focusing on exams right now." He chews on his lip as he gives me a half shrug. "Who knew passing exams was so hard?"

"I feel ya, man," Cole adds from beside me. I shake my head at them. They have exams from next week but all they do is procrastinate.

Rudy furrows his brows as he says, "Where's Boobear?"

I tilt my head towards the door as I say, "Upstairs."

"Oh," Rudy whispers in realisation. "Then let's go inside. I'm starving!" He rubs his stomach and whines.

Zubair raises an eyebrow as he says, "We all know what you're starving for."

"Hah," Ayan grins and high-fives Zubair.

Rudy frowns. "Food is my bae."

"Sure." I grin at him.

"Uh, guys, go inside, we'll come in a bit," Cole mutters, rubbing the back of his head.

"You were wrong Zuby. Cole is the one who is..." Ayan pauses before wiggling his eyebrows, "hungry."

"Go away," Cole groans as they all laugh.


"What do you think they are doing out there?"

"Shh, let me listen. I can't hear anything."

"Guys, do you think they're kissing? I don't want to be an uncle so soon. I'm still a young boy."

"Oh shut up, Rudy. No one is getting pregnant. Also, a kiss doesn't lead to babies."

"It doesn't?"

I hear someone (my bet is on Rudy) getting smacked and hear someone (my bet is on Rudy, again) groaning.

"Cole and Emily sitting in the tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g!"

"First comes love."

"Then comes marriage."

"Then comes baby in the baby carriage, sucking his thumb, wetting his- but I don't wanna be an uncle anytime soon!"

"OH MY GOD SHUT UP. WE CAN HEAR YOU!" I scream loudly.

Three faces appear at the door. They give me sheepish smiles while I glare at them.

"Are you sure you're older than me?" I glare at Rudy.

"Sorry, kid. I was so hungry and there was nothing in the kitchen."

"You couldn't have waited for a while?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Hey, don't blame the victim," Ayan pipes in. "See you made Rudy sad and Rudy is never sad."

I groan in annoyance. "Wait till you get committed, Ayan, we'll see how much you'll use this sharp tongue of yours in front of her."

He winks in my direction, "Oh, I'll use it plenty."

"You... you..." I say with my mouth agape, "I-"

Cole cuts off my stuttering by saying, "I'll order pizzas for you guys." He sighs and takes out his phone.

"What about her kiss?" Sasha adds from the doorway. She's leaning against the door, with her arms crossed, smirking - clearly enjoying my predicament.

May God never give anyone else a sister like her.




"I don't wanna be an-"

Cole gives me a quick kiss and turns away. My cheeks flame red as I bite my lip.

"I hate you all," I whisper but my lips curve into a smile.

"We love you too, Em."

"Group hug," Rudy yells and they all engulf me in a bone-crushing hug.

I give out a small laugh and throw my arms around them. Cole blows me a kiss and I smile at him.

This is my safe place. The place where I'm happy all the time, where I'm understood.

With Cole.

And uh, these dorks as well.