Day 5 (II)

"I cannot put in words how much joy you give me."


"I say, let's hit the bar!" Cole exclaims as soon as we enter the club. Emily and Cole had to pay the couple's charge. Since the entry for females was free, Sasha and I didn't have to pay.

"Come on, Naira, let's go and dance and have some fun," Emily grabs my hand. Sasha has already ditched us and run off to the small separate 'women's only' area on the dance floor. I suppress my smile when I notice Rudy looking longingly at Sasha.

Aww, there goes his chance of dancing with her tonight.

"Aren't you going to join us in drinking?" Zubair interjects.

As it is Wednesday, the Club has ladies' night offering free drinks to women all night. The other popular event is the Friday bikini night where anyone wearing a bikini can get a free entry in the Club and the drinks are on the house.

Oh, man, we should have come here on Friday. Seeing guys dressed up in bikinis would have been a sight to behold.

"Uh, I don't drink," I say drily, checking my phone for any text Mary might have sent. I told her to inform me whenever Tara slept. "I'll just take cranberry juice."

"Boring," Emily says as Rudy hands me my drink. I mutter a 'thanks' distracted as I watch Zubair lean on the bar. The bartender is there to take his order in a flash, eyes dropping only momentarily to the muscles under his shirt. He meets her gaze with a flirtatious smile of his own.

I look away from them when Rudy smirks, "Oh, he's gonna come back for her later.

"Where's Ayan though?" he asks, yelling over the music.

"Donno, he said he had to attend an important phone call," I mutter as I down the entire drink in one go. "Why does this taste different?" I ask as I make a face at the weird taste that burns my tongue.


"Naira, can we talk now?" Ayan asks, stepping closer to me.

I blink at him through my wavered vision.

Why is there two of him?

"Uh," he scratches his neck nervously as he says, "I'm really sorry that I behaved so foolishly that day. I have no right to demand how Zubair should feel nor do I have any right to shout at you. I-"

His words get cut off when I giggle at him. "Now there's four of you."

His eyes widen as he asks, "Are you drunk?"

"Nope," I slur, stumbling over my feet. "I only had cranberry juice. At first, it had a weird taste, but after that it was goooooooooooood."

"How much did you drink?" He frowns at me, maintaining a tight grip on my wrists.

I look at him in confusion. Does he want to have a drink too?

"Lemme think, three... no... four..." I shout in his ear, "uh no wait, I think it was six? Nevermind, I lost count."

"Who gave you these many drinks?" he asks, raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow.

"Rudy," I say giggling. "He is so niceeeee."

"Son of a bitch," he mutters under his breath. "Come with me. You need to drink water."

"No, I don't want water. I want something else," I stomp my feet, giving him an annoyed look, "Strip down. Take your clothes off!!!!!"

"What?" he cries, widening his eyes.

"Yes, it's hot, don't you feel hot?" I say, nodding at him, "Also, you look much hotter without clothes. TAKE THEM OFF!"

"I'm not going to undress, Naira," he cries, looking down at me.

"Why? You didn't have any problem with being naked that day? Why can't you do it now? Ugh, fine." I pull my hands out of his grasp and start tugging on my dress. "If you won't strip, I'll do it."

"Naira, you can strip all you want when you're at home, alone. Not here. Not in this state," he says, smiling and reaching out to cup my face with his hands.

I sigh and close my eyes and bring my lips closer to his. When even after a few minutes nothing happens, I open my eyes.

I stare at him. He stares back, not saying anything.

My face heats up and I try my best to avoid his gaze. I whisper slowly, biting the inside of my cheek, "We can't even kiss?"

He bites his lip as he shakes his head. Then, he leans closer to my face and kisses both of my cheeks. "You'll regret everything tomorrow, Naira. Let's go home now. Okay?"

I finally glance up at him and nod my head. "Only if you give me a piggyback ride."

"Can't." He shrugs, gesturing towards my dress.

The only thing that my fuzzy brain registers is that I can't get my piggyback ride because of this stupid dress.

This stupid dress is the root of all of my problems.

"I'm taking it off," I say with determination. "Then you can give me a piggyback ride."

"Fuck no," he groans. "We're going home right now."

I open my mouth but he shuts me up by glaring at me. I huff in annoyance and glare at my dress. "You bitch. You can't even let me be happy."


Ayan turns the light off and turns to leave the room. I hold his wrist making him pause.

"Can you sleep next to me?" I whisper groggily.

I hear him take a sharp intake of breath. "Uh," he hesitates, "I can't."

I tighten my hold on his wrist. "Please?" I plead with him.

"Ugh." He sighs. "Move over a little. I'll just sit next to your bedside."

I grin and nod excitedly as I shift over and make a little place for him. After he sits, I place my head in his lap and glance at him.

He brushes a strand of hair from my face and strokes my cheek. He places a soft kiss on my forehead as he whispers in my ear, "Sleep now, sunflower."

He can't see me in darkness but I gaze at him as a slow smile spreads over my mouth.

"You're nice," I whisper as I sigh and shut my eyes, drifting off.