Day 9 (III)

"Relationships are tough: you have to compromise plenty, forgive and forget a lot, and constantly make an effort, but at the end of the day when your partner smiles because of you, everything is worth it."


"PUT ME DOWN," I yell at the top of my lungs when he picks me up and takes me to the bathroom.

"I'm just going to clean you up," he says as he puts my butt on the counter.

He removes my dirty bandage, and starts the tap water, washing my arm clean with soap and water. I bite my lip to stop myself from wincing, and he looks at me with sadness, the guilt of being responsible for this engulfing him.

Our eyes meet, and I shake my head no, "It's okay, don't blame yourself."

He looks away and focuses on keeping the wound clean with a wet cotton swab, removing the blood. He applies an antibiotic ointment - from the first aid kit that the receptionist arranged for him - and reapplies the bandage on my arm before proceeding to put a band-aid on my cheek.

"Ayan," I whisper, eyeing the plain white t-shirt he's dressed in, "Remove your t-shirt."

He keeps gaping at me, "Why???"

"What do you mean why? I want to take a shower and need fresh clothe-" I let out a gasp, my cheeks burning, "I didn't mean it that way!!!"

He answers me with his laughter, and then he smiles at me, a real smile where his eyes crinkle at the sides and his face lights up.

I find myself smiling too and shake my head at him, "Just do it, Ayan!!!"

"That's what she said."

"Ayan!!!!!" I whine.

"Sorry," he chuckles, bowing his head, "Your wish is my command, my sunflower."

"I'm not your anything, don't 'my sunflower' me, oka-ohhhhhhhh," I say; when he removes his t-shirt, my eyes travelling over him: his bare upper body, revealing the rope muscles of his shoulders and chest, and his flat abs.

I gulp, looking away when he eyes me with a smirk. I cough awkwardly, "You can leave now."

"Do you want me to stay for a while? I could hel-" he gets cut off when I yell at him.


"Calm down," he says, rolling his eyes, "I meant that I could help you by showing you how to shower without getting your arm wet... not join you in the shower, Naira. Is that what you think of me?"

"Oh, I... I-" I sigh and rest my head in my hands, "Just leave me alone, Ayan. Go away... I don't want to fight anymore. I'm exhausted... I'm starved, I want to go home... I want to sleep... I can't... I just... I want to go home, Ayan. This has gone too far."

"Shh, sunflower," he wraps his strong arms around me, holding me, letting me place my head at his shoulder, as I listen to his heartbeat, his breathing even and regular. He coos softly in my ear.

"It's going to be okay. I'm here with you."

He's here; he tightens his hold on me, not letting me go. He places his hand on the back of my head and runs his fingers in my hair, and I sigh in content, finding comfort in this.

Reluctantly, I pull away, creating space between us, "You've got to stop touching me."

"And you've got to stop being so rigid. Just let go and start living in the moment," he taps my forehead, "You think too much, Naira. You're always on your guard. Stop doing that, and you'll realise that you might not dislike my touch after all."

"Get. Out."

"Predictable," he shrugs before exiting the bathroom. "Be careful not to soak your arm."

Once the door is shut securely, I peel off my garments, and wash them, keeping my undergarments aside.

Standing under the shower, I let the lukewarm water hit me, only to scrub myself clean. After rinsing out the soap, I dry myself clean before proceeding to wear the same undergarments and Ayan's t-shirt.

I stare back at myself in the mirror, flinching at the marks under my eye from where the kidnapper's ring hit me each time he slapped me. I look away with a grimace, running my fingers through my hair while untying the knots along the way. I pick up my clothes and walk out into the open space of the room.

Ayan's sitting on the bed, waiting for me with a plate of food in his hand.

I see him looking at me; his eyes taking me in before dropping to my legs. I place my clothes on the table for them to dry off and then turn around, facing Ayan.

When I see where his eyes were looking at, I glare at him, "Eyes up here, Khanna."

"Sorry," he shrugs, not looking sorry at all, "You've got great legs, sunflower."

"Thanks, Ayan," I smile sweetly at him before climbing on the bed, "Wanna touch them? They're very soft."

His eyes widen, and he claps his hand excitedly, "Can I?"

I give him a flat look and start eating the biryani he ordered for me, "No."

He pouts, "Why are you wearing that shirt anyway? I can see your bra clear as a sky."

"Then don't look!!!"

"Sorry, sunflower," he gives me an unapologetic grin, "That's too hard."

I roll my eyes, "It's not like you haven't seen me a bikini. You know what it doesn't matter."

"It doesn't?" When I shake my head no, he shifts closer to me, "So... Can I cuddle with you tonight?"

"Ayan," I say sternly, and he huffs, moving away from me.

I finish the food in silence, and then turn the lights off after arguing - and winning - with Ayan to sleep on the couch.

Half of the night passes with me staring at the ceiling, falling asleep a distant possibility.

When I can't take it any longer, I clear my throat, "Ayan?"

Just when I am about to lose hope that he has slept, Ayan rolls over on his side, facing towards me, "Hmm..."

I take a deep breath before letting the cat out of the bag, "Who's Maya?"