Road Trip III

"You keep me grounded, but at the same time, you make me soar."


Rudy's face is set in a thin line and his expression is sulkier than usual as he narrows his eyes, glaring daggers at me and my bag.

I, on the other hand, am having a hard time trying to control my laughter. Rudy had made a mistake of underestimating me; I woke up earlier than everyone else and hoarded all of the snacks I could find.

"Ugh," he groans, "Why are you like this?"

I open my mouth to comment on his hypocrisy but hold my tongue back when Zubair asks, "Why are you still in your pyjamas? We are leaving in a minute."

"That's because I learnt my lesson last time," I say matter-of-factly, placing a hand on my hip. I reach into my back pocket to procure my cell phone, but, to my shock, I realise that I don't have it with me. It must have fallen down on the pavement when those scumbags kidnapped me. It would be with anyone by now.

Ayan comes forward and hands me a phone- my phone, "I picked it up when I went looking for you. The screen was damaged, so I got that fix-"

"Just because you fixed it doesn't mean that I'm going to forgive you," I mutter, grabbing my phone from his hand.

"Just give her a break, Ayan," Mary says, and Ayan gives her a sad smile. She hands Tara a package and ruffles her hair, "I've packed some food for all of you.

"Keep it safe from Rudy's hands," she whispers to Tara, who giggles, looking up at Rudy as she sticks her tongue out at him.

The expression on Rudy's face at that moment is that of a baby denied a candy. Once again.

"Love?" he turns to Mary and giving her a look full of betrayal and hurt, mumbles, "How could you of all people do this to me!?"

Shaking her head, Mary shrugs, "I don't trust you; you'll finish everything whenever you get the chance and then act like you're the most innocent person on this planet."

He lets out an offended gasp and places a hand over his heart, "I didn't expect this from you, love. Our love story ends today." Then he scoffs and walks out of the house.

"He'll come around," Mary smiles and hugs each one of us goodbye.

Thinking that I won't get a chance like this again, I stop abruptly as we're walking towards the car, "I, uh, I have to pee."

Without waiting for a reply, I head back inside the house and towards the kitchen where Mary is sipping water. I hesitate before asking, "Can you tell me why Ayan doesn't want to meet Maya?"

Her eyes widen, and she coughs, choking on a glass of water. "How do you know about her?"

"That doesn't matter; please just tell me the answer," I ask in a hurry when I hear a car honk outside.

She looks away and lowers her eyes, "I'm sorry, but I can't help you. Only Ayan can answer that."

"Well, that's the thing, Mary," I mutter impatiently, "He's not keen on telling me anything."

When we hear another honk, she turns her back to me and starts cleaning the kitchen counter. "You should leave; they're waiting for you."

I still linger, looking at her with hopeful eyes. When there's another honk, I sigh and leave the room but not before hearing her mutter a vague response, "She'll follow you wherever you go."

I stop in front of the car and am suddenly taken aback when I see there's no space for me: Zubair is already sitting in the driver's seat, and Ayan is in the passenger's seat. Cole with Emily on his lap and Sasha with Tara on her lap have occupied the window seats while Rudy is seated in between them.

"What took you so long?"

I ignore Zubair's question and give him a horror-stricken look, "Where- where exactly do you expect me to sit?"

When everyone except Ayan gives me a know-it-all look and a smirk, I shake my head repeatedly.

Oh hell no- no way. They can't be fucking serious.

"NO. No no no no no no. You can't- I'm not sitting on his lap!" Ayan gives me an unreadable look and straightens up under my stare.

"Do you see any alternative?" Sasha grumbles, "Just get inside. It's not as big of a deal as you're making it."

For the first time ever, I give her an ugly glare, biting my lip to stop myself from asking her that if it isn't such a big deal, why doesn't she sit on Rudy's lap? It's not like he would mind...

Begrudgingly, I sit on Ayan's lap, but not before threatening him, "You try touching me and I'll chop your balls off and feed them to you. Understood?"

All of the guys break into laughter as Ayan nods his head surreptitiously. I point my fingers towards him and make a show of pointing them towards my eye, indicating I'm watching his every move.

"What does she mean by chopping his balls off?" Tara asks, looking at Sasha expectantly.

Zubair snorts from the front seat and grins, "Please tell Sasha; what does it mean? I want to know it too."

All colour drains from her face as she fumbles, trying to form an answer, "Uh uh she- she meant playing balls, yes, you see these boys like to play cricket in their free time, so Naira threatened him that she'll cut all of his balls. Then he'll never be able to play again."

"Oh," Zubair says, his eyes glinting with mischief, "Ayan, don't touch her okay? You won't be able to play anymore."

"Shut it," Ayan says, gritting his teeth.

Before Zubair can poke more fun at Ayan, we all freeze, not knowing what to do when Tara gives Rudy a toothless smile, "If you try touching this food, I'll chop your balls off and feed them to you. Understood?"

Oh my-