Road Trip V

"I have a real opportunity here; I really don't want to mess up, Naira."


10 pm

"Food at last," Rudy exclaims, jumping out of the car in excitement before shooting Tara with a glare, "to someone's distress."

I get out of the car after others while Ayan is left with the responsibility of parking the car. I pull Tara, who is frowning while looking up at Rudy, to my side.

"Stop being so mean to her; she's just a kid. She only did what Mary told her to do!"

Rudy gasps and points at Tara, "And her sticking out a tongue at me isn't mean?!"

I glance down at her and lift her chin, so she's looking at me when I speak, "We don't tease others, Tara. It's a bad habit."

She nods her head in understanding before muttering, "You're correct; we punch them!" Then she lifts her fist up in the air excitedly, perfecting her punch.

Zubair walks up beside me and places an arm around my shoulders while I'm left perplexed and shocked, "You're a very bad influence on the kid, Naira."

"No, I'm not," I punch his arm, "I'm good with kids. Don't you go around spreading false rumours."

"Are we all just going to stand here doing nothing, or are we going inside?" Sasha asks before yawning and stretching her arms.

"Whoa, you're still sleepy?" I voice while pushing away Zubair's arm.

"I thought you had the best sleep of your life, Boobear," Rudy gasps, pretending to be offended.

"You wish," she laughs nervously, her cheeks heating a little, "I have gotten way better sleep on the floor." Then she walks away towards the entrance of the restaurant, grabbing Emily's hand and whisking her away while Cole and Rudy are left staring after her, mouth agape.

I turn to Zubair and whisper, "Have they actually never dated? I find it hard to believe."


The restaurant is full. I look around at the busy tables: a recently married couple studiously bent over their meals with a glass of wine in each hand; a grim woman dining with her toddler, frowning at a bunch of teenagers that are hooting with laughter; and a group of foreign tourists who are having difficulty in deciphering the menu.

Sliding into the booth, I sit down and skim over the menu. Tara's eyes skitter across us, and after contemplating, she jumps, climbing into Ayan's lap.

"This is such a relief... Having Naira in your lap is like being weighed down by a sumo wrestler," Ayan says with a teasing smile hanging on his lips, which makes Tara giggle.


He's saved by the waiter who brings us water, asking for our orders.

Instead of picking up another menu, Rudy snatches the one that's in my hand, scanning it quickly before ordering, "Uh, cheese enchiladas, - no beans on the side - steak, one medium-sized burger, honey chilli potato, and for dessert- a brownie sundae, please, and thank you."


The waiter gives him a polite smile and then takes our order- a turkey burger each for Tara and Ayan, a cheese pizza for the lovebirds while Sasha, Zubair and I will share peppy paneer pizza. Oh did I mention that I ordered fries too?

The waiter goes, leaving us alone. I look up from the vase in the middle of our table, meeting Ayan's eyes and say, over the delicate live music playing, "You're a despicable human being. I do not weigh that much!"

His lips twitch, trying so hard not to smile. Keeping a serious face, he opens his mouth and says, "If I'm despicable, you're the beauty who is in love with this despicable person."

"What!?" I roll my eyes. "That doesn't even make sense."

"A lot of things don't make sense in life, sunflower."

"No," I grit my teeth, "you don't get to call me sunflower. You lost that right when you told me not to poke my nose in your business."

"Oh my God, stop bickering," Emily yells before smiling sheepishly when other people in the restaurant stare at her. "Sorry," she mumbles, blushing hot red.

I huff, making circles on the table with my finger while waiting for the waiter to come with our orders. My attention is diverted when Sasha adopts a warning tone, "Tara, don't drink so much water. Later on, you'll complain that you have to pee."

"It's okay," she beams, "This water is yum."

"Water has no taste, idiot," Rudy mutters, and I give him a reproachful look. "Hey! Don't call her an idiot; you're the idiot."

Tara giggles, clapping her hands. Rudy whines, "Did you see that? She winked at me!!!" When I shake my head, he complains, "How did you not see that?"

Our waiter brings us food, and Zubair places a slice in my plate. I pick it up a little shakily, but before I can take a bite, I feel it being snatched from my fingers.

Rudy digs in, wondering aloud how does it taste so good. I clench my fists tightly; it's a struggle not to hit him at this moment.

"That was mine!"

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realise," he says, licking the slice and then extends his hand to offer it to me.

"Ew," I make a face and turn away. I glance at Ayan, and our eyes meet, saying a lot of unsaid words. Is he thinking what I'm thinking?

Our date...

Shaking my head, I break away from his intense stare and start nibbling my fries, being extra careful to keep them away from Rudy's evil grasp.

"What's wrong, Tara?" I ask when I notice her wiggling non-stop.

"I wanna pee," she says, showing her little finger. Sasha gives her a look that screams 'told you so'.

Giving Zubair specific and strict instructions to keep my food safe, I accompany Tara to the washroom.

"I'm waiting for you outside; call for me if you need any help," I tell her, and she goes inside. Taking my phone out to pass time, I feel a pair of eyes on my back, but when I turn around, I find... no one.