Plan Backfires

"Of course you love me; I'm lovable."


I look up from my mug of hot chocolate, which is pretty much all whipped cream, when I hear footsteps outside my room. My mom walks into my room, her heels clicking against the tile floor loudly. I shut my laptop while she takes a seat on my bed.

"You have a date at 7, sweetie."

I almost spit out the hot chocolate I'm drinking. "And you're telling me this now?!"

"No," she starts in a calm voice as if she isn't just dropping a bomb on me, "I told you this yesterday..."

"No, you didn't. You didn't tell me when I had to go!"

"Whatever, it doesn't matter," she continues before scrunching up her nose at me. "It's today, so... freshen up?" it comes out more of a question instead of a suggestion. She lifts a strand of my hair, wrinkles her nose and drops it.