How Will I Face Him Now?

"You give me everything I want but leave me wanting for more."


When the screen falls to black, Ayan's body goes rigid, his eyes unmoving - fixed on the screen. I pull my knees up against my chest, grinning at Ayan's reactions. The movie seems less interesting compared to him, I'll rather watch him than watch the movie and its dumb characters.

When he notices me staring, I quickly avert my gaze to the screen and look on, bored as the female protagonist turns around and walks towards her closet, continuously asking 'Who is it?'.

Stuffing my mouth with popcorn, I roll my eyes at the idiocy. This is why I don't like horror movies; if you heard a voice, WHY DO YOU HAVE TO FOLLOW IT? Go back to sleep! Or better yet, run in the opposite direction.

But obviously, the lady keeps walking towards the direction of the voice. If I'm not wrong the next moment the closet will open and she'll see a gh-