My Love

"Your mind is truly marvellous, sunflower."

"No," Tara shakes her head vehemently. "Her mind is poo-poo!"



"Naira," Ayan calls, holding me behind when we're walking back towards my room. "I have something to ask you. Well, mom has forced me to ask you, so even if you say no, it's fine by me; I won't manipulate you into saying yes."

"Oh, nice," I say distractedly as I sit on my bed and remove my shoes, replacing them with slippers. "What is it?"

"Mom wanted me to ask if you could come over at our place one weekend. She misses you, and she said and I quote, 'It'll be a good break from all the testosterone in this house.' It doesn't have to be this weekend, you could-"

"Really?!" I squeal, my voice doesn't betray my excitement. "I'll love to!"