Don't Hurt My Boy!

"Boy, aren't you just so fucking gorgeous!"


"Naira!" Ayan's mom smiles warmly at me after she's done chiding Ayan for reasons unknown to me yet. Looking warily at her, I part my lips.

"Hello, aunt-Preeti," I correct myself, waving timidly at her when she narrows her eyes pointedly at me. Content with the correction, she walks over and sits down on the bed, patting the place next to her for me to sit.

"Make yourself comfortable, Naira," she speaks as I sit next to her, my eyes meeting Ayan's for a slight second; I wanted to convey all of my questions in that second but couldn't. Ayan's mom asks me a question and I have to, unfortunately, turn away from Ayan.

"How are you, honey? Is everything okay with you? How is your mother doing as well? We haven't been able to talk in a long time," she says, and I nod my head at her.