
"I've wanted to do that in forever, you tease," he murmurs against my lips, and I can't help but shrug at him.

"I can stay," he kisses my cheek, "here with you and," over my other cheek, "keep kissing you," kiss on my forehead, "and," another kiss, "even then," on my chin, "I would still want more."

"Thank you for giving this guy what he has wanted for so long," he says, kissing me on my nose. He gazes into my eyes, and I blush.


"Ayan," I cry out again, failing to say more as the pain from my stomach spreads to my arms, legs and head. Even moving my hands feels akin to running a marathon right now, and I feel as if I'm dying.

"Hey, a-are you okay?" Ayan asks, bending down and placing a hand on my shoulder. "Why are you sitting down on the stairs at 6 am, sunflower? A-and are you crying?!" He raises his hand and then wipes the tears on my cheek, letting his hand linger there for two seconds longer.