XXVIII. Revival of Old Memories.

"How do I know this is not some trap? Or if it is even real? I'm just on a really bad trip."

She thought it for a moment. Although quite rare, and erased from recordings by father time, there were some beings that were portrayed as inducing hallucinations and showing their victims their deepest desires, only to kill them right away on their most unaware moment.

But she drank that beverage and was alone and safe inside her room, with a sleeping Rowie by her side. Highly unlikely the possibility to be in a bad situation.

Demons were deceiving, cunning, and ambitious, but the higher ones were never cruel if there was not the need. They still wanted her to complete more of their contracts for some reason. They'd likely dispose of her differently.

The man of greek god complexion spoke, pulling Vanilla out from her fast yet slow thoughts. "Young lady, Why would this place or anyone here would want to harm a sister in pain?"