XLI. Gunfights.

The hooded man in crimson approached. Vanilla held her breath tight, not knowing what to expect if he spotted them. The pup and cat crawled to the other side of the mound everyone was hiding in, trying to sneak better.

He passed by, going to the bottom of the room, to the mounds at the other side where Vanilla and friends hid.

Now he was too close; Vanilla and Lancelot softly followed Rowie and Custos Cattus. If they stayed there then they would be spott—

'Crack'. Lancelot took a bad step. His bones made the grave rattle and hit the soil.

"Who is there?" The man's voice echoed. He pointed his revolver at Vanilla's mound.

Idiot. Vanilla gave the skeleton a stare. He raised his palms and shoulders.

The hooded man approached. Damn. Vanilla stood behind the skeleton, at least his body could protect her from incoming bullets if things went wrong.