XLIX. Unexpected Relatives.

"Well, no one is going to bother us again, you can count on that. By the way, Jonny, put that off. You look kinda ridiculous." The failed Revenant, a mummy covered by the phantasmal man Sir William Oaths spoke.

He walked down the stairs in order to reach the other extreme of the octagon, where behind the pillars on the other side, the safe room was located. Lancelot sighed and put his conquistador helmet off on the stairs.

"You heard that Vanilla? I'm the chosen one!" Rowie said and she put him on the floor.

"I suspected it. You make much more sense than a nasty person like me." Vanilla responded, in eyes that reflected self-deprecation.

"Wow Vanilla, why do you call yourself that?" Lancelot said. He descended the circular stairs towards the sarcophagus. Vanilla, Rowie, and Custos Cattus followed behind.

"Oh, if you truly knew me... But by the way," She changed the uncomfortable subject. "What's your real name? Why did he call you Jonathan?"