CII. Uncomfortable Chatter.

"Is that watch made of gold?" Cookie asked. "It looks more fitting for someone like your father."

"I know that the style is not the most... juvenile, nor feminine," Vanilla crawled to be closer, and put her wrist in the middle of them. "But that's not what matters about this piece."

She pressed the top right button. Burning the air in front of them with a quick dazzle, a translucid, blue square of light appeared in front of them.

"Oh my gosh!" Cookie accidentally jumped back. "What's this wizardry about?"

"Relax, girl. It's called Avrevm Horologivm. I know, that Nihil must really be into the Latin language for some reason. It allows me to increase the power of Avrevm Bacvlvm, its gemstones, or other of my weapons."

"It also can make Vanilla or myself stronger, right?" Rowie mentioned, looking at his owner.

"Pretty much. I am 6% stronger and faster than the last time we meet. Rowie is also 8% more resistant to damage."