CLXXX. Night of Feast.

Vanilla and Gabriel Staccato continued to dance swiftly to the night and love symphonies of the granulated music. First right before going two steps left, and then repeating the pattern of the inverted waltz.

She was engulfed by the moment; feeling her body content and her mind at peace by the natural bit of life. Maybe she didn't want to be alone, after all. Maybe she wanted to share a little more intimacy with someone, for the first time in her life.

Would that be a good idea? Probably not. Every time she trusted someone more than they deserved she ended being disappointed. But in the present moment, did it really matter?

Gabriel chuckled, looking down at her. "I like how you look at me. You are clumsy yet cute. Has anyone told you that?"

"N-not really…"

"Tell me something. Why is someone like you alone? Why haven't you let any man in your life before?"