Buying Poison

Saying that she wanted to buy jewelry, Nessa convinced the Duchess to let her invite a merchant to the mansion. The merchant was the black market dealer, and the jewelry he sold was actually drugs and poisons.

"It's nice to meet you, Madam." The dealer kissed Nessa's hand before hauling a large briefcase onto the table.

Nessa gazed at the case with eager eyes. "So, what do you have to show me?"

Inside the briefcase were vials of differently colored liquids, some transparent, some opaque. There were also powders and cream-like substances. Their uses ranged from beautifying to healing to poisoning.

"I want something that will slowly kill someone. Something that will take a few years to work. Something very, very, painful."

"Of course, Madam." The dealer took out a vial of murky red liquid. "This right here, will start off by giving the victim a migraine. Then it'll turn into a migraine, a fever, vomiting, paralyzation...and finally, they'll die an agonizing death. I'm afraid I wouldn't even give this to my worst enemies. It'll make someone wish for death no matter how strong their will is to live."

"That's just what I want." Nessa took the vial and grinned wickedly. "How much?"

"One thousand gold."

"One thousand gold?" One thousand gold was enough to feed a family of four for a few years. It wasn't a small amount, especially to Nessa who wouldn't dream of having that much money before. But nobles always had lots of gold handy for their extravagant shopping trips, and Nessa always had a hefty allowance to spend.

"This poison is rare and extremely difficult to obtain. All the ingredients are of the highest quality and can't be found in normal markets. This price is fair, but if Madam doesn't want to buy it, please give it back." The dealer's voice turned cold and he reached out to take the vial back.

Nessa turned away from him and didn't let him take the poison. "Fine, I'll pay you." She walked over to her box where her money was kept. Unlocking it with a key, she grabbed one of the empty banknotes the Duke had given her and wrote "one thousand gold" on it.

"Thank you, Madam."

The dealer stuffed the banknote into his jacket pocket and was about to pack up his briefcase when Nessa stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"Wait. Do you have anything that can improve fertility?"

"Of course I do. For the woman or the man?"

Nessa thought for a moment before answering firmly, "Both."


Nessa ended up buying the poison and the fertility boosting powder, rounding up her purchase to nearly one and a half thousand gold. She had spent a month of her allowance in one day, but it would be worth it.

The dealer was guided through the halls by a servant, about to leave the mansion. As he approached Kalina's wing, he saw a maid standing near the window. Her uniform was fancier than the normal maids, showing her status as a personal maid who served at a noble's side. One could easily tell she was favored by her master, as she wore bracelets on her wrists and earrings in her ears. Normal servants were forbidden to wear jewelry.

"Mr. Ridge," Olivia met his eyes as he approached her. Her personality had become more like Kalina's ever since she started serving under her, more blunt and cold. "My master would like to buy jewelry from you."

The dealer froze. He did all his dealings under a fake name, and had never disclosed his real name to anyone. How come this maid and her master knew who he was? He felt a sudden chill down his back, his sweaty fingers clenching the handle of his briefcase tighter. He didn't have any jewelry, only drugs. Had he been discovered?

"Then, please follow me." Olivia turned and began walking down the hallway without waiting for a response. The dealer had no choice but to follow as his nervous behavior started garnering strange looks.

Olivia led the man to one of Kalina's sitting rooms, where she was waiting. She sat with her legs crossed and her hands folded neatly on top of each other, the setting sun shining from behind her.

The dealer stared with a gaping mouth before he hurried to bow, recognizing who had called him. "Greetings to Lady Kalina." She really was alluring and elegant, the perfect picture of a noble.

"Hello, Mr. Ridge. Isn't it a lovely afternoon?" Kalina commented softly. She didn't ask him to sit.

"Yes it is. Indeed." He didn't know it, but his voice had already started quivering.

"Well then, shall we see your jewelry?" The last word was emphasized and drawn out, almost taunting. Kalina's expression remained unchanged and she leaned forward, as if she were expectant to see the accessories he was supposed to have.

"That, that is...I..." How was he supposed to tell her he didn't have any? Would that count as deceiving a noble? How many years in jail was he going to earn himself today?

"I really want to make a purchase. You see, I've been dying to get my hands on some new jewels, and since Mrs. Nessa personally invited you here to my mansion, I thought you must have a great selection. Am I wrong?" Kalina gave him no leeway to reject her.

Seeing that there was no way out, the dealer reached towards the lock on his briefcase with trembling hands. He was about to undo the clasp when he broke down and fell to his knees, hitting his head on the floor. "I, I'm sorry, Lady Kalina! Please forgive me!"

"What? Could it be that you're not selling jewelry, but...something illegal?" Kalina covered her mouth in mock disbelief. Her eyes held no surprise and were chilling instead.

"Yes, I...!" The dealer lifted his head and met Kalina's eyes. Only then, when he saw how icy her glare was, did he know that he had been tricked. She had known everything from the start. Begging her was no use.

"Medicine? Drugs? Poison, maybe?" Kalina's voice turned cold as she stared down at the kneeling man. "When you sold that poison to that woman, did you think about her reason for buying it? A prostitute living in the Duchess's house? What else did she buy?"

"She bought a poison and fertility drugs!" The dealer said immediately, hoping that if he told Kalina all the details she would let him go.

"Fertility drugs?" This was the first time Kalina had heard of it. Although Nessa had a daughter, the title of heir apparent would ultimately be given to Kalina, who was older and of legitimate status. However, if she could give birth to a son, then he would be able to compete with Kalina and become the heir. With her son as the Duke, who wouldn't be afraid of her?

In the past, Nessa was unable to conceive another baby after having Lucille. She was examined multiple times, but was not declared infertile. Therefore, she resorted to raising her daughter's status as much as possible–and pushing her to the crown prince. Ultimately, Lucille became the Empress. The mother of the Empress, who rose up from a prostitute, who wouldn't respect her?

Kalina wouldn't.

"Good, good. Take a drug that causes infertility, and go switch it with the one you gave her. Say you gave her the wrong one by mistake. Oh, and fetch me another bottle of that poison."

The dealer nodded furiously but was reluctant to leave and stayed kneeling on the floor.

"What is it?" Kalina asked, annoyed that he hadn't run off to complete his task yet.

"I was wondering how Lady Kalina found out my name."

"A little bit of tracking and asking around, what can't be found out?" Kalina scoffed. She waved her hand to shoo him away. All she had done was send a guard to track him and asked his loose-lipped neighbors about him.

"Yes, Lady Kalina!" The dealer hit his head on the floor a few more times to show his absolute loyalty to her. Someone who could dig up people's hidden secrets so easily was definitely not to be reckoned with.