The Schemes Begin

Knowing that the Empress was on her side, Kalina was ready to set her plan into action. It wasn't like she could take down Prince Heinrich and the Emperor right away. She had to start by slowly building her foundation and pulling out the smaller weeds before she could even think about uprooting a tree.

Once she got back to the mansion, she didn't reveal the news of her engagement being annulled. Instead, she lazed around idly for a week, letting Lucille do as she pleased.

Since they were given the opportunity, she didn't hesitate to show her fangs.

"I heard that Sister took in a little maid to serve at her side?" Lucille slowly strolled through a garden of red roses. Eva followed closely behind her.

"Yes, Lady Lucille. Her name is Nora, and she is just a mere menial servant. I'm not sure why Lady Kalina decided to make her her personal maid."

"Sometimes I just can't guess what she's thinking." Lucille tenderly stroked each velvety petal of a rose in full bloom. "Well, it doesn't matter. If I can't win over Olivia, then I can just use someone else. Tell Miss Nora I want to meet with her. Bring her to me tomorrow."

Lucille's fingers slowly crushed the flower, her painted nails digging deep into the slippery petals. As she opened her hand, they fell to the ground in a crimson flurry.


After Lucille and Nessa had arrived, it didn't take long before the servants brought over began filling in the mansion's servants about who they were. Now that they were aware of Nessa's temper, they didn't dare spite her but still talked about her behind her back.

Nora had heard about it from Thomas, who told her to stay away from the mother and daughter. Of course, she was going to do exactly that, until she was called over by Eva and brought to Lucille's room.

Lucille sat at her vanity, brushing her hair. Nora was bowing her head in the middle of the room. Her petite body shivered with fear.

Lucille's eyes looked at the maid's figure through the reflection of the mirror. Her glare was chilly and cut into Nora's body like sharp icicles. The maid let out a whimper.

The hairbrush was set down with a clack. Lucille turned around and spoke candidly: "Have you been serving Sister well?"

It took a moment for Nora to realize who she was talking about. Hurrying to bow her head lower, she responded: "Yes, Lady Lucille. I have been working hard to serve Lady Kalina to the best of my humble abilities."

"Does she treat you good?" Lucille frowned before probing further.

Nora paused. Actually, even though she had become Kalina's personal maid, she was still insignificant compared to Olivia, who had the power to command all of Kalina's maids. Of course, she served at Kalina's side every day, but it was more like she was a normal maid with the title of personal maid. It wouldn't be right to say she wasn't treated well, but she was definitely unsatisfied with her current position. Seeing Olivia being able to freely speak to Kalina, she started craving for more when her current position was above her capabilities already.

Seeing Nora hesitate, Lucille couldn't help but curl her lips into a smile. Believing that she had discovered Kalina's weakness, she motioned for the girl to come closer and began speaking to her in a hushed voice. After a few moments, Nora stepped away with dark eyes.

"Then, think about my proposal. When you want to accept, come find me. I'll be waiting." Lucille called out as Nora was walking out the door. The girl paused before scurrying off.

'Oh, Sister. It's so easy to take your things away from you. You can't blame me for leaving your things out in the open. Soon, everything that you cherish will belong to me.'

Lucille wasn't a foolish girl. She may have made mistakes while trying to get close to Kalina, but she now saw that her previous tactics were fruitless and harmed her instead.

Under her innocent guise, she was calculating by nature and had quickly learned how to manipulate others as soon as she had begun to interact with others. This was how she was able to wrap everyone around her finger previously.

But things were different now. Lucille believed she was the one in control, but she was too hasty in her actions. She didn't realize that Kalina had always been a step in front of her, and that she was a prey walking into the predator's den.


"I heard you went to visit my little sister."

"Yes, Lady Kalina." Nora's palms grew more moist by the second. Her hands trembled as they clasped each other.

"Well, what did you talk about?"

"Pardon me? Oh, Lady Lucille just asked me how my work was going."

"Lucille wanted to know how you, my maid, were feeling? She doesn't even call me over personally to ask how I'm doing. I'm disappointed." The mirth in Kalina's eyes said otherwise. It was as if she was playing with an interesting toy.

Nora didn't dare make another peep.

"I hope you told her the truth." Kalina picked up a beaded necklace from her jewelry box. "I realize that I haven't been treating you as well as Olivia, but what did you expect? You're not as capable as her or as useful. I made you my personal servant, but you went and visited Lucille without my permission. Aren't you just making me lose face at this point? You should be grateful I'm not firing you or demoting you at this point. I absolutely won't accept my people working with anyone else."

Right now, Kalina seemed every bit of an unreasonable and controlling master suppressing their servant for no reason. But that was what she wanted. The more Nora despised her, the better.

"I understand." Nora bit her bottom lip. She thought back to Lucille, who had promised her glory if she followed her.

"Choose your loyalties carefully, Nora. I've been lenient on you, but if you step out of line, keep in mind that you are not as important to me as Olivia. To nobles, their servants are dispensable tools that may be helpful at one point, but then useless at others. Tell me, what do you think happens to a rusty metal device that can't do its job correctly anymore?"

"It, It's thrown away, Lady Kalina."

"Correct. Unless the owner sees some sort of sentimental value within it, that useless tool is thrown away. Now, Nora, I hope that you will not let yourself become a rusty tool, or else I will have no other choice but to..." The necklace in Kalina's hands was broken, the shiny beads clattering on the ground along with the string that held them together.

To Nora, this was a last warning, a last chance from Kalina. Kalina wanted to use her to push Lucille to make a scene, but she was innocent after all and had done nothing wrong so far.

But if she intended to harm others to raise herself up and consorted with her master's enemy, then she would have to be punished according to her crime.

"I will keep that in mind, Lady Kalina." Nora's lip was bitten so hard that a bit of blood began to appear.

Nora was almost frightened into obedience when she remembered what Lucille had whispered in her ear earlier.

'Don't you want to live a life of luxury? Don't you want to climb up in social status and step all over those who bullied you before? All the maids who shunned you will have no choice but to lower their heads in front of you. If my plan succeeds, I'll grant you a noble title. Think about it. I can promise you more power than my sister can ever give you. With her pesky maid in the way, you'll never climb up any further.'