Green Eyes

"Huh?" I responded blankly. Had this lady here just figured exactly what I've been wanting all these years? Was she the one who could truly save me?

"Matt, bro, she's in love with you." Collem's comment blocked my thoughts making me agitated.

"That's not fair, Matt you always get everything.." Dante's eyes widened while he turned his back on me and faced the beautiful woman in front of us.

"No. No.. that's not what I-," suddenly my brother's body moved abruptly and captured the female's skeleton that seemed to shatter in his hands; and although he was a mere child, Dante had immobilized her and made her his prisoner in just a second.

"What are you doing??" Perhaps he would have killed her on the spot, though from the start he catched a sense of attachment towards the girl. Again, my legs started trembling and my heart seemed to choke from my lung's wrath. Why was this happening again? I thought to myself repeatedly as my brother's words seemed distant, only certain words I was able to hear increased my sudden panic.

"...she's mine.."


I closed my eyes as I felt my body lose its balance and collapse on the floor.

My body laid there for a minute as I tried to recompose my strength and open my eyes again, too weak to even move. I laid there though nobody tried to help me, unable to open my eyes the silence doomed my ears; almost like witnessing an explosion my ears hurt badly and my sight was unclear.

Hours passed until I was able to open my eyes again, or at least I thought so. There was a shrill that stunned my ears, minutes later after my vision cleared and my eyes willingly opened, they revealed nothing more than my old kitchen in my basement. Why am I here, am I dreaming? The shrill didn't let me think, forcing me to look over where the sound was coming from. There in one of the random wardrobes that my mother stored next to the kitchen laid a circular metal saw, next to it my mom held a sander tool which she used to sharpen her knives and every so often my fangs when I was younger. She used to say it would toughen my look, and that it was part of her culture, though it was just an excuse.


She continued to sharpen her knives with great admiration.

"Mom!" This time I tried to make my voice louder than the shrilling noise of the power tool, though it made no difference. Scared to move, I walked to her as quiet as I could, realizing then that my footsteps wouldn't be heard with such lousy noise.

"Mom, is that you? I thought you were dead, I killed you with my own two hands.." Unconsciously, I started to cry. "I'm sorry, I love you mom, I always have, why did you have to change? We could have been.. one happy family.." My hands seemingly moved on their own, trying to reach my mother's shoulders to wrap her in a hug, but they went right through her chest while my vision shifted red; blood had splattered all over my face.

Confused, I backed away as my mother turned around finally aware of my presence, she smiled and mouthed the words: "..She's your only salvation," while she faded away distinctively into the dark.

"Matt..." "Matt.." Distinctive voices called my name though I was too shocked to care.

"Matt!!!" It was my brother, Collem, shaking me to wake up.

"What. Oh, what happened?" My lips furrowed down, blinking, I tried to adjust to the light.

"You passed out, anyway Dante left with the woman, he said not to follow him or he'd kill us. He's being childish again." Though his tone seemed alerted, his body's expression remained unbothered, while his blue eyes reflected the clearest of the skies.

"We need to follow him. He can't take her."


"Because mom said so." Those mere words seemed to laugh in my face as I tried to comprehend if I had dreamed of the mother that I once remembered to have.

"What? You talked to mom? Is she alive?" His eyes illuminated as he tried to force down a smile.

"Yes, no. Well, I don't know okay brother. I just know we need to get her back as soon as fucking possible!" My voice echoed down through the house, my nerves even more tense now tried to grasp the fact I was still lying down. I wondered if this could be drug withdrawal, after all it had been a while since my mother had injected me..

"You know what, nevermind. Fuck them. I don't need them." I tried to laugh between my panic though it came out as a cry.

"Mind you, I'm getting out of here. There's no food left and it's about to be daylight." That's why it had been so hard to adjust my vision, I thought.

"What time is it anyways?"

"Six a-"


"Huh?!?" Both my brother and I yelled before making a run out of the nearest exit. Unfortunately, our sister had already known our intentions because she was standing right next to the window we were about to jump out of.

"Don't you dare.."

In response she blew me a kiss and shot me on my shoulder forcing me to collapse once again and get arrested by the agents behind me. On the other hand Collem had been much more agile and managed to pass through many of the officials, slicing their necks to bits with an axe he always kept close to his room.

"Take him!"

"No. It's ok we got the main suspect," my sister piped almost out of glory.

My shoulder stinged, a warm feeling travelled from my fingertips to my shoulder immobilizing any future movements. I remained silent as I tried to swallow in the pain that was weak in comparison to my sister's betrayal.

As I tried to grasp another breath without passing out, I looked firmly into my sister's eyes, there I saw what I had been searching all along; the reflection of my mother's pure green eyes she once had.

That's all I remember, until I passed out once again.