
Seth Alpheus Hunt.

Sapphire eyes and a shit-eating grin. I assumed he was Asian the first time I met him but he said that he was born in Russia. I tried to ask him what his age was but he pled the 5th. Half-shaven, a black curly mess on one side and practically bald on the other.

The reason half of his head is shaven though is that there's a massive ass scar going from his left eyebrow to the back of his skull, almost touching his spine.

He said the reason for this was, "I had a headache one day so I just decided to... remove it."

When I asked him about his life's story, he became ecstatic, clapping his hands together.

"I was born in a small rural town in Russia, I don't remember much from those times but I do remember my brother treating me to some борщ. I think I was... 4 years young then?" He looked at me in confirmation.

"What? You expect me to know?" He ignored my question and went on.

"After 5 years of living in the Motherland, my family and I decided to move to America. My family then decided to become a hunting family. We've never hunted before we came to America so I rejected the proposition since in my years of young I felt that all life was precious," He paused, for a bit chuckling to himself. "Do not get me wrong though, my life came first and foremost so I did not hesitate to bite off the flesh of other mammals. The thought of becoming like them terrified me everso - so I continued the pattern of being an o' so terrible hypocrite."

He cracked his neck and stuck his tongue out, widening his eyes to show their chillingly cruel glow. "I never believed in the churches bullshit. I knew deep in my heart that there was nothing left after everything was done and gone and I knew I would not be swayed by sweet nothings in my precious little ears." He showed the palms of his hands, placing them behind his ears and pronouncing his chest.

As the interview continued, I noticed that Seth frequently makes exaggerated movements, coy expressions, et cetera - to get his point across. It was enthralling watching him move.

"My parents showed no mercy to the other races that lived nearby. They would try to fight the Italians that lived twelve kilometers away from our house and in town, they would call the black folk racial slurs. My parents... no most of my family did not see any races that weren't caucasian dogs as equal to them. Of course, that's unreasonable, they aren't apes of any sort. They had proper consciousness and could easily speak to others. They were just as smart as us, or even smarter. It was illogical prattle coming from those scum."

His gaze looked over to me in solace. Seth's expression though quickly transitioned into a heinous smile. "Don't miss them a bit. Could because my brain is fucked-" He interrupts himself, roughly tapping his index finger on the left part of his head.

"But I don't mind. Made life a whole lot better when I carved my own skull with that scalpel. Where was I...?" Seth paused for a moment to think, leaning into his chair. "I was eight years young when the headaches started. They would also be the most painful when around children my age. Honestly, I hated kids. I never understood their naivety, the fact that they would always blindly believe in what they saw around them. But that hatred was childish in itself and well... I knew that, and I hated that."

Seth paused to think again. "The headaches lasted for two more years until I collapsed from the pain. My parents thought it was an aneurism, the doctors didn't know what it was. I knew... it was because I didn't need something in my head to be there anymore," He leaned back further, using his foot to keep him balanced against the table in front of him.

"Frankly, I went mad because of the pain. It was unbearable to me, and if it happened now I would have the same opinion as then. So... I took a scalpel, and... I dug it into my skull. I continued until it made a line across my head... blood and hair littering the ground, my feet spreading the blood like it was some fine art."

Seth sighed, "Then the pain went away. Happiest I've ever been. Though, I stopped caring about others' lives. At least those that treated me wrongly and people I just generally didn't know and at twelve years old I killed my first human being."

"I have an effeminate face, which means I most likely would attract the wrong crowd at some point. So as that man tried to rip my clothes off in a desperate frenzy that I could only describe as comical... I took his gun and blew his brains out. The stupid fucking drunk."