Alter Me I

"Hi, we're gonna be your neighbors." Seth stands awkwardly as Michael tries interacting with him. Logan breaks the silence with a clap, heading into room 105. "Ummm... so do you know where the person in 104 is?"


"I see..." Michael cracks his neck, clicking his tongue, and trying to think of something to continue their conversation.

"I'll be going now."

"Right." He snaps his fingers a bunch, heading into the room with Logan. Seth walks past them, back into his room with Nixon, who is following behind him with food in hand.

"What are you doing out here?" Seth jumps, spinning around to look at Nixon.

"Went to greet the other tenants."

"Right, well, I got you... your meat jelly..." Nixon quietly gags. handing Seth the covered plate.


"The girls will probably get settled before us so let's make a plan here." Michael starts the conversation, Logan sitting on the couching propping himself up with both arms. "I'm definitely going to have to remind you again so I'll just do it now. We need to lay low, don't tell anyone what we're here for, no matter how trustworthy they are and do not even dare open up the windows for any reason. Got it?"

"Why can't I open the windows?"

"If you wanna live, then its best not to. On our side of the hotel, it's pointing to an open area. In that open area, there are abandoned buildings about 10 km away from us there," Michael waits for Logan to piece the rest together but Logan sits idly, trying to understand what Michael is implying.

"Nah... I don't get it."

"Do you even know who we're being chased by?"

"Who cares! We could take them down easily. We have a-"

"Not out loud!" Michael yells, cutting Logan off.

"Why? It's not like anyone is listening in?"

Michael lets out a long sigh. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Michael slams his head against Logan's, who recoils onto the bed he's on, rolling in pain. Michael grits his teeth, rubbing his forehead. "Everyone except the girls is our enemy here! We will consider them as such until otherwise proven to be the opposite!"

"How do we even prove that!?"

"We don't! Just don't talk to anyone except the maids or something! Don't forget, we have neighbors too! We don't even know if they're here for us or not, so keep your guard up and think a little!"

"Fuck... fine."


"Finally, some rest..." Svilanka throws herself onto one of the beds while Yua and Melissa unpack.

"You need to help us too. Tomorrow we're going to that 'place' y'know?" Yua says, throwing clothes next to Svilanka who was currently rubbing her face into the sheets.

"Jap, hand me the... the thing." Melissa butts in.


"Sorry, let me correct myself. Oriental, give the thing."

"Don't fucking call me that, and what 'thing'!?"

"You know... the thing."

"You mean... the fucking gun!?"

"Yeah that, gimme it."

"Just say gun!"

"Its quite a drab word, is it not?"

"Who cares? Just call it what it is!"

"Then give me the Suppressed, M1911."

"That's too much, just say pistol or something."

"Now we're being inconsistent? You said 'gun' earlier didn't you? What made you change it to 'pistol'?"

"Why are you like this?" Yua turns to Svilanka who has already wrapped herself completely in blankets. "Are all greeks like this?"

"I'm sure that's more a Spaniard and Roman thing," Svilanka says, muffled by the blankets wrapped around her. "Or it might be a Latin thing in general. I've encountered a lot of racist Latin people in my time in Europe."

"Yeah, except she's not Latin."


Yua jumps. Melissa mimicked shooting Yua in the head with the gun, putting it away shortly after being caught.

"You scared the shit out of me. Couldn't you have just waited until I gave it to you?"

"Nope... I wanna kill one of those pretty guys in 103!"