Alter Me II

"Trying to kill me didn't work out very well did it?"

Melissa looks around her, composing herself, she looks over to Nixon. "Where are we?"

"A theme park."

"I thought... I killed you."

"You almost did... but I don't trust anyone. Not even my own friends. My guard is always up for any situation, which is why you are here. Does your neck hurt?"


"Might bruise. I disarmed you and then choked you out with my belt. I almost killed you but I made sure to release it just before your windpipe fully shut so you could pass out."

"Why have you taken me here?"

"To ask you a few questions."

"Right... ask away then." Melissa tries moving, but she is bound tightly by ropes. "Not like I have much of a choice in rejecting your questions."

"Okay..." Nixon pauses, thinking of a question, and looking down below.

"I just realized we're on a Ferris wheel."

"Yeah, had to make sure that it stopped us at the highest point for 30 minutes just in case."

"What do you mean?"

"Snipers." They both pause for a second, Melissa looks confused.

"Do you know who I am?"


Melissa's eyes widen in surprise. "Isn't that why you're concerned about snipers?"

"First question."

"Don't ignore me."

"Why did you try and kill me?"

Melissa considers what she's going to say next. Staring into Nixon's cold eyes. "For the hell of it. I thought it would be fun."

"Why would there be snipers coming after you?"

"My friends and I have gotten into the hitman business and accidentally got involved with a gang called the Escravos and now we're here."

"Slaves..." Nixon pauses, scratching the side of his chin. "Why would they call themselves that?"

"The guy who rules over them. We tried to kill him. He's the reason, he referred to his men as slaves." Melissa stares out the carriage their in. "I could've sworn that I put a bullet in his head."

"What was his name?"

"Didn't have one. But he did have a title. He was called Capitan, but would refer to himself as El Presidente."

"I've done some research and... you've played with lava."


"That man can't die."

"Right... that's what they all say, but it always turns out to be some sort of fiction bullshit and it always starts because they were crazy lucky."

"You're right, but that's not what I mean by 'can't die'. I mean he can't be killed. His followers are too devout."

"How devout?"

"They would die for him, but you already know that. Plus it isn't too surprising. What is surprising is when one of his men walks into an enemy encampment, i.e. a fucking orphanage, and just because one of them had parents that were killed by him long, long ago and murdering everyone inside including themselves, all because of one order."

"Excuse me?"

"In 1995, before the Escravos was created, he went on a murder spree throughout all of North America murdering 37 people. Some of those people he killed had parents. Let me clarify, he does this often, where he will completely distance himself from an organization he creates, to kill then goes back. He will then hire people to erase any leftovers he had. So if someone he murdered had a child, he would order someone to kill everyone involved with the child and the child themselves." Nixon pauses. "You have messed with pure evil... But if you were just planning on killing me on a whim, you'd probably get along fine."

"I don't kill kids..." Melissa clicks her tongue. "How do you know all of that anyway?"

"I research into potential enemies. If they were Russian or not, they would fear me, especially Germans, it wasn't just my shooting skills that scared them though. It was that they never knew I was there. I never really shot many people much during each war, I would gather information. Especially information of people after Seth and I."

"What the hell are you talking about...?"

"No... I'm just venting." Nixon lets out a long sigh. "Your friends won't be hurt."

"Okay... I'm happy but why bring that up?"

"Well, if you were after Seth and me, we'd have to kill all of you."

Melissa scoffs. "I'd like to see you try! You say it like it'd be easy! They are trained and shit y'know!?"

"Yeah... we could kill them pretty easily."

"What are you even planning?"

Nixon sits in silence for a couple of minutes. "Revolution. As I said, we aren't going to kill your friends since you aren't apart of anyone chasing us. We really don't want anyone else knowing any more than they should."

"Revolution'... are you going to let me go?"

A gunshot, ringing, and shaking all around them. Birds flying away by the abrupt noise. Melissa's body slumps over lifelessly, blood pouring from her head and nose, spreading across the ground. She falls, creating a loud thud and shaking the carriage.

"Such a beautiful woman too."