We Shall All Die Alone Someday

Crashing can be heard above them. Seth listens carefully as everyone else gets acquainted with one another. By this point, Nixon is already awake, making conversation with Andreas. Seth quickly jumps onto one of the beds to reach the ceiling, grazing his hand across it. Everyone watches Seth in confusion, Nixon only just realizing what's wrong listens in carefully as well.

"What the hell are you doing?" Yua asks, getting up from the bed, Logan stays on the bed, watching Seth feel the ceiling. Andreas continues to try to have a conversation with Nixon.

"Why is the ceiling...?" Seth whispers under his breath. Andreas stops talking to Nixon, bringing his attention to the ceiling as well. Andreas backs up from Seth and Nixon and gets closer to the door, leaning on the wall near it.

Seth takes out a small pistol in his waistband, firing it into the ceiling above and jumping onto the bed Nixon is on. Yua grabs Logan and runs to the door with him as the ceiling collapses. Someone falls from the ceiling, landing on one of the beds. Seth continues to fire at them, causing them to roll behind the bed for cover.

Seth reloads his gun and empties another mag near the person who fell through the ceiling. Nothing, silence.

Waiting for a response until a shot rings out from that side of the good, ripping past the bed and hitting the wall behind Seth, narrowly missing him. They get up from behind the bed with a massive rifle in their hands to see that everyone had left the room.


Joseph Faust.

He was apart of the staff in the hotel and is the leader of their entire group, all of them intending to overthrow Curico from his position. Going from the inside to attempt to completely take down the Escravos as a whole. The entire staff is apart of this group.

Maid comes out from the kitchen, decked out in guns, aiming at the door ready to fire at anyone who shows any hostile intent. Joseph walks past her, checking to see if the rest of the staff was all in order. In the kitchen, there are chefs, Caçador, and Alina. The head chef walks towards Faust with their arms crossed.

Beth Basilisk, the head chef of the estate, British immigrant, and the past leader of The Lovers. Another chef appears from behind her. The masochistic Lain Bergstrom, a young Brazilian girl with American heritage.

"Contra quem estamos lutando?" (Who're we up against?) Lain asks, struggling to hide her joy, hopping lightly every two seconds. Beth looks over to Lain, placing a cigarette in her mouth and lighting it.

"Acho que é o presidente." Beth looks over back to Joseph. "It's the president right?"

"Yes, it is."

"Definitivamente é o presidente." (It's definitely the president.)

Lain whistles, heading to the back of the kitchen. The other chefs prepare guns. Beth follows behind Lain, grabbing a long knife. Beth walks back to Joseph. "Are you ready?"

"Devo simplesmente matar todos aqui?"

"Has Portuguese become your first language, Beth?"

"Kind of... but should I?"

"Sim, você deve apenas matar todos else." (Yeah, you should just kill them all.)

Beth takes a drag from her cigarette and starts rambling. "I never would've thought that I'd end up in a shitty place like this. When I was young, I always thought that I'd become the greatest swordsman in the world but... now I'm here." Beth opens up her hands and motions towards Joseph. "Give me my cash."

Joseph hands her five-hundred dollars. "I'll give you the rest later."

Beth pockets it with a chuckle. Walking past Joseph and prepping herself. Joseph goes into the kitchen and shuts the door, Maid follows behind him.

Beth sighs, crouching further and further towards the floor.

One second has passed, her foot has raised her slightly off the floor. Two seconds have passed, she had brought down her other foot and has started to gain momentum. Three seconds have passed, she is halfway out the hallway that leads to the kitchen. Four seconds have passed, she has already made her way past the lounge and his heading to the first floor's rooms. Five seconds have passed, Seth has noticed her and has opted to push everyone back with his body while the one with the rifle finally comes out of the room. Six seconds have passed, the one hunting them has been decapitated by Beth and she is not running off of the walls. Seven seconds have passed, Seth takes out one of his daggers and quickly goes to block Beth.

Nine seconds have passed, Seth was almost killed, his arm is cut open and is currently blocking Beth's knife. Beth begins to laugh hysterically.

"Beth! What the fuck!?" Eremita screams.

"Desculpe, Eremita. Todo mundo morre sozinho algum dia certo? Eu apenas decidi que vocês acelerassem esse processo!" (Sorry, Hermit. Everyone dies alone someday right? I'm just here to accelerate that process!)

Seth's blade slips off of Beth's knife and Beth feels a sharp pain in one of her legs. Beth quickly glances to her leg to see Seth had a blade in his shoe and it's now implanted into her leg. In one of Seth's hands is a knuckle duster.


Seth had socked Beth in the face, quickly slipping the knuckle duster off of his hand, revealing it to be a mini revolver with a small knife at the end of it. Beth holds her knife straight in front of her as Seth fires. The bullet is cut cleanly in half by her knife. Seth tries firing at her leg but she sprints towards him, cutting the arm holding the revolver, quickly attempting to take his neck.

Nixon pulls Seth back last minute and fires a shot into Beth's shoulder. Beth jumps back, holding onto her shoulder with one hand. "Back when I was in the army, I was considered the best marksman in my regiment. After the army, I was considered the best marksman in the world. I'd suggest that you don't try me."

"Não sou fã de ameaças vazias." (I'm not a fan of empty threats.)

"Não sou fã de pessoas que tentaram matar um de meus amigos." (I'm not a fan of people who've tried killing one of my friends.)

"I SEE! You're leaving me out, aren't you?" Andreas cuts in, stepping in front of Nixon. "Nice to see you again Beth."

Beth clicks her tongue in a rhythm and smiles. "Il bue è arrivato." (The ox has arrived.)

"Il tuo italiano è migliorato." (Your Italian has improved.)

Beth swings her knife at Andreas, missing by only two centimeters. The cause of her missing, a simple kick to the stomach. She drops to the ground, Andreas feeling his face to see if he was cut. He was, of course, he had no clue how he was cut, but that didn't matter to him.

"Perderai di nuovo." (You're going to lose again.)

"Tch, fuck you."

"I didn't know you spoke french?" Andreas slams his hand on the back of her head and knocks her out. Getting back up and looking back at the group with a smile on his face. "We survived, lucky us huh?"