Let Us Get Murdered

Seth sprints past the group, heading up a flight of stairs. Seth turns to them with a calm expression. "Run." Seth continues on running to the fourth floor, Nixon following quickly behind him. The rest of them confused look down the staircase, seeing a burning man sprinting towards them. They all start running with Seth and Nixon, heading to the top floor. The only problem is that there are two more floors left until they find their ways to the top.

The reason they're heading to the top floor of the hotel is that - that is where the switch box is. They want to completely cut off the power to the entire building. The top floor is also where both Michael and Svilanka are supposed to be because beforehand, Seth had predicted that if things were to go wrong, they'd need a failsafe.

Svilanka and Michael were that failsafe. They were told to wait at the top floor for as long as possible until they came up to meet them. Seth gave them an approximate time as well, in quotes, "In about a day, we will come up to meet you guys, if we are not there in that time, try to turn off the power yourselves."

Since it hasn't been a full day yet, so far, the plan should still be in effect. Seth turns around, "Nix! shoot that fucker!"

Nixon stops and turns around, firing two rounds into Henry's head, Henry falls onto the ground, stunned temporarily. Seth motions for them and they keep heading towards the stairs.


After a few minutes of walking, they finally arrived at the roof. They were all shocked at what they saw. Michael wasn't there and Svilanka was on one of the stairs, putting pressure on her side, blood pouring out of it. Yua runs to her and helps put pressure on it. "What happened!?"

Seth heads up the stairs slowly, peaking above it and seeing Michael, on the floor with his shoulder busted open by a bullet. Seth heads back down the stairs and sits down. "Michael is still alive but he's badly wounded and probably can't use his other arm anymore. Svilanka should be fine since it was only in the gut. Keep putting pressure on it though since we don't know how far the bullet went in." Seth pauses, "Nix, sorry to put you in danger when you're also injured but can you take out any snipers with that revolver of yours?"

Nixon thinks for a couple of seconds and Eremita looks at both of them with a confused expression. "He's fucking injured!?"

"I should be able to do it," Nixon says. Eremita gasps, slightly angry at what Nixon said.

"You're injured!? You can't go out there!"

"It'll be easy. The gleams are bright, they didn't even bother to hide it. It's probably because o-"

"PUTS YOUR HANDS UP!" A boy with an M1911 comes out the stairs with a rope in hand. This was the same rope Lain used to get up the building and ambush the group.

"Kid... you don't know how to use that."

"The hell you mean!? Of course, I do, I was literally trained for shit like this asshole!"

Nixon sighs, "Kid... I won't hesitate to blast your ass back to your mama's womb, okay?"

"Fuck you fag! Those earrings look gay as shit!"

Nixon shoots the gun out of the kid's hand, almost blasting his finger off. "Asian lady, grab it."

Yua mumbles under her breath insults and grabs the gun. "You fucker!"

"You shouldn't be saying shit like 'fag' kid. It means some fucked up stuff, got it?"

"Fuck your mother bitch!"

"Jesus this kid is mouthy," Nixon looks to Seth. "Yeah, I can do it."

Seth pats Nixon's should, going to the kid and restraining him. Nixon heads up to the roof, calmly walking onto it and grabbing Michael. The snipers don't fire.

Nixon throws Michael into Andreas's arms and goes back to the middle of the roof, scanning the environment around him. Nixon takes a deep breath and sighs, putting his gloved finger into his mouth, covering it in saliva and putting it up in the air. Nixon contemplates for a while until pointing his gun high in the air in the direction of one of the lights, making sure to position himself behind the switch box on one side since the building is surrounded, even going as far as to loosen the support on his legs.

Nixon brings his gun to the left slightly and then fire, spinning to another light directly to his left, instead of aiming more to the right, but at the exact same height, firing again. he continues this pattern until a sniper shot rings out from the trees, in where he immediately drops to the ground and it misses, hitting the switch box. He cringes in pain, almost reopening his stitches.

Nixon on the floor of the roof, rolls to the other side of the switch box, quickly getting up and calculating the strength of the wind and distance like the others. This time, only aiming above, not needing to move it again. He fires, again, falling to the floor, army crawling across it and rolling onto his back.

"Looks like I win."

The snipers that were pointing at the building were all killed.

Nixon Driver, also known as the Jackal. The greatest marksman to have ever lived.