
[Welcome to the prison/hotel of Tubarão Adormecido. Do not fight, do not escape. You won't be able to even if you tried. You all will face other prisoners of my choosing. They will all try to kill you. Luckily for you, you'll all have a break during curfew against these prisoners and if you are caught wandering around the estate after curfew, you will be killed. I won't tell you how you'll be killed, but you will be killed. If you aren't caught though, you could kill the prisoners that want you dead and take their rooms. You could even be in another prisoner's room and you will still not be violating curfew. Bye!]

The doors connected to all of their rooms fly open, slamming onto the wall beside it. Everyone leaves their rooms. Judging by what the man said over the speakers, each side of this prison are opposing sides to each other, so people across the way from these rooms will be the ones who'll have to kill the ones on the opposing side. On this side, it is Seth, Nixon, Andreas, and Eremita. Everyone else who came out of their respective rooms is unrecognizable to them.

Seth knew what this meant though, being on this side. Seth knew he'd have to kill Yua, Logan, Svilanka... he knew he'd have to kill them. Though that was their original intention from the beginning, having it go this way made it feel as if there was a pit in his stomach.

The room started to fill with the putrid smell of corpses as another walked out of their room, covering in blood. He looked crazed. He was large, well built. The muscles on his body were well pronounced and he seemed to wear a large fur coat without anything but pants underneath. He scans the hallway and smiles. Sweat drips from his brow as he swallows his saliva nervously. Everyone knew that this man was their enemy.

This confirmed to everyone who was new that this whole prison hasn't been a one-day thing. This has been going on for a while.

Andreas sprints down the hallway, the man takes a stance, preparing to take Andreas head-on. This man is exceptionally large compared to Andreas, who slides under the man, quickly standing back up and kicking the back of the man's leg, bringing him close to the ground. Andreas tries grabbing the opposite side of the man's face from behind with his right hand, going in to snap the man's neck but the man ducks low enough for Andreas to miss.

Andreas quickly transitions to a kick since the man's face was low enough, breaking the man's nose. Andreas kicks him again, bringing the man to the ground fully. "Tell me your name."


Andreas kicks Phillip again, his leg whipping out and stabbing him in the throat. Phillip collapses to the ground gasping for air as Andreas kneels down, chopping him in the neck and breaking it to kill him. Andreas stands up and looks into the room with a disgusted expression on his face. "This fucking psycho..."

In the room was a mutilated young boy, brains splattered across the wall, saliva dripping from their mouth, tongue sticking out with a few teeth missing. The boy had been sexually assaulted before he was killed by the man.

Eremita goes to check what Andreas had found and Andreas stops her, shaking his head. Eremita nods, following behind Andreas as he approaches Seth and Nixon. "I'm guessing they took your weapons?"

Seth nods, patting down his body, Nixon clicks his tongue. "Fucker took my gun."

"It's probably to prevent sniping since the other's rooms are right across the way."

Between them was an open yard and after the yard was the other side of the building where they also had a large window to look through to the other side, their rooms lined up in the same way. One of them watched in surprise at what Andreas had done, some others heading straight to the cafeteria.

"It seems we have free reign to kill anyone on the other side anytime we want. So there is no, 'getting caught' here."

"There is such a thing as catching scum though," Nixon looks at the man, only knowing that he killed someone in a horrible way. Nixon looks back at Andreas, "I figured he did something bad, but what did he actually do?"

"There was a little boy..." Andreas sighs, shaking his head. "That's all you need to know."

Nixon's face became grimmer, his lip curling upward. "Fuck..."

Seth adjusts his outfit and walks to the cafeteria. "Looks like they've made it easier to kill the other four." Seth comments.

"You wanted to kill them?"

"They know too much about us. You guys are fine though, especially since one of you is family." Seth points at both Andreas and Eremita, continuing down the hallway.

Eremita cuts in, "I've been wondering but, when I first met him, he was a lot more cheerful and flirty, what happened?"

Nixon sighs, turning to Eremita. "That's how he usually is. He hates having to do this shit but we have to. I'm always the way I am though, I'm not like him. He likes putting up a front but I'd prefer to be myself." Nixon pauses. "That guy is like a brother to me though."

Nixon nods to Andreas and Eremita, following behind Seth who was already halfway down the hallway. "Deep history..."

Andreas takes a deep breath and lets out a long sigh.

"A lot of sighing."

"It makes sense doesn't it?" Andreas heads to the cafeteria and Eremita follows.