We're All Gonna Die

Seth and Nixon don't know if Andreas escaped or not, they don't know if they are alive or not. They don't even know where they could've gone to escape. In the middle, in between each side of the prison is a garden, what blocks the way to the garden is the windows. These windows are impossible to break with someone's hands and if you fire into the window, it won't cause a crack but instead cause a small hole to appear where the window was shot. There was also not nearly enough ammo to create a hole with the bullets nor did anyone think it'd work. Of course, there is only one of them that has a gun and it'd be a waste to let all the ammo go to waste in one go.

This was after Andreas had raided the other side of the prison. Then, confirmation and distress arrived.

[Because of the escape of a group of prisoners, I've decided to change the game a little. 1. The guards will try and kill you if the door is open, the door will now try to force itself open as well. It will now never lock and there is now no curfew because there'd be no point of one if your life is always in danger. 2. The flaming man will now always be wandering the building. I'm kind of just letting him do what he wants, murdering anyone he wants, so not even the guards are safe. The order if effective immediately.]

Curico's voice stops coming from the speakers and everyone goes into a panic as they hear guards rushing through the hallways. Curico wasn't bluffing, the door wouldn't stay closed. Nixon and Seth shut the door, both of them holding down on the handle to keep it closed. The man with the gun starts laughing as if he'd won, firing at the guards. The sound of snapping is heard and the gunfire stops. The sounds of doors slamming against walls and screams echo across the prison.

Both Nixon and Seth nod to each other, letting go of the door and charging out. The guards immediately ready their guns but are taken surprise as Seth grabs one with a triangle choke, stealing their gun and killing them.

Seth immediately drops to the ground and runs into another room before they start firing at him.

Nixon barrels through the guards, taking their guns and killing them. He quickly spins around to the guards trying to kill Seth and they notice, bringing their aim to Nixon as he shoots them all in the head. They collapse to the ground and Nixon runs to the room Seth's in, grabbing the door and shutting it.

After waiting for a while, they open the door, cautiously making their way down the hallway. Nixon jumps back as a hand appears behind a wall leading into the second set of rooms. The hand was boney and green, their nails painted completely black. It pulls itself out from the corner, its head snapping to look in Seth and Nixon's direction. It completely walks out from the corner and its head rises up to the ceiling.

Seth and Nixon had only seen something like this once. On the Island...

Its eyes are wide and bloodshot, its long black hair looking as if it were going to fall out. It's neck as long as a giraffe, it's body boney and frail but as large as a giant's. It grits its teeth and you can see it's neck tense up all the way from the top to the bottom, near its collar bone. It lowers its head down to get a better look at Seth and Nixon and they both recoil, covering their ears.

Its neck fills up with air and a loud screeching sound comes out of its mouth, it's head rising back into the ceiling. Black tar comes out from its eyes and it disappears, the entire room becoming almost pitch black. Seth pulls Nixon to the ground and a hand swipes, passing their hands as all they hear is a loud crashing sound. Seth opens his eyes fully and is able to see perfectly, looking up to the creature's face.

Its face is contorted in rage, its eyes have gone completely pitch black, and is swinging wildly.

Seth and Nixon sprint in the opposite direction, taking a u-turn to the other rooms and running from there to the cafeteria. All of a sudden, the entire place begins to twist and contort. Seth and Nixon pass out.