A Genius among Geniuses?

The appearance of an A grade talent in first half of ceremony was a good sign. So all three old man were excited

"Emporer, was this the unusual thing that you were talking about?" one of old man asked

"this is indeed a good sign" another old man added.

"what? No no I think you have misunderstood although getting an A grade talent at start of ceremony is good fortune and I was expecting that brat to get an A grade talent but the 'Real Show' is about to begin now" Emporer said while caressing his beard

The three old man got silent but their minds were filled with impatience.

Drake's name was called out. Because he was standing with us, everyone was looking forward to find out his talent.

He calmly walk towards the stone tablet unlike others there was no sign of nervousness on his face and his steps were slow making the crowd impatient.

As he touched the stone tablet, Only one line showed up on it.....

"Fuck I thought it was another talent he is just trash"

"his demeanor is like a lion but talent is like a rat"

"hah D grade talent and here I was hoping for another genius"

Crowd was filled with anger and disappointment, some even abused him loudly but he was still standing there indifferently.

His calm nature made us admire him, Any other young man would have cried till now.

He slowly walked towards us his eyes indifferent and calm like an ocean giving a simple message,

'I Don't Care'

Just as he came to us a young girl walked towards the stone tablet. She was wearing green robes with flower embroidery as her hair were flying due to wind, her beauty was like a fairy.

She touched the stone tablet with her white weak looking hand and four lines appeared...


"I can't believe it another A grade talent we have just begun the ceremony" one of old man said standing from his seat

"if we get one or two more our black pearl empire will surely rise in power" another old man said excitedly

"in the history of empire there had never been a ceremony where more than 2 A grade talent appeared!! " the third old man was filled with disbelief. The Emporer was still smiling mysteriously.

"she is pretty and talented if only I can marry her"

"what? .. Even a prince will be not worthy of marrying her, wake up from your dream"

"she is a fairy that came to crush our hearts"

Crowd was cheering loudly as the girl gave a sweet smile that made many young men fall on ground.

After some time the ceremony was moving towards ending, there were 9 of B grade talent that appeared and around 78 of C grade and tons of D grade talents but there was no A grade talent till now.

Sigh "seems like we will only get two A grade tale-"

"just watch till the end and don't speak ill"

Emporer cut the old man's words in between with unworried look. The three old man became even more impatient.

Another name was called out, the young man with Phoenix tattoo walked towards the stone tablet, His look was calm and arrogant as he walked.

He slowly touched the stone tablet and closed his eyes. The stone tablet didn't displayed any lines as the whole square started trembling

"what? What is happening?"

"An earthquake?.... Wait no the vibrations are coming from stone tablet"

Everyone was dumbstruck the stone tablet was shaking like crazy. The three old man stood up from their seats with shocked expression.

"C-Could... Could it be that...." old man mumbled

Suddenly everything stopped shaking as the stone tablet was shining and lines started appearing on it.






Everyone was counting the lines again and again as if they counted wrong but there were clearly 5 lines on the stone tablet

"an S grade talent....." three old man said in unison

Emporer's smile got even broader as he said "In the ten thousands year history of Black pearl empire an S grade talent never occurred as it can't be awakened using pills our empire has stepped In a new Era"

Each and every person on the square heard the Emporer and looked towards the arrogant looking young man on stage while having their mouth opened.

When I looked towards young man, we stared at each other and suddenly my brain started fading again as I saw an illusion of a Majestic Phoenix covered in flames looking down at me.

When I woke up from this illusion the young man was already down from stage and ceremony continued but people were still filled of disbelief.

What happens next is unsure but from this day on three names will sound in every corner of Black Pearl Empire,

'Young Master Claude, Fairy Rose and A Genius among Geniuses Master Arthur'