A Fate Encounter

Using the Celestial wheel can give boost of strenght for limited amount of time that could be used as an Ace card during battles

Going back to the academy all four of them only had one goal in their mind 'To breakthrough to qi condensation realm as soon as possible' with the help of their unexpected loot of 'Qi Rainbow pills' that they shared among themselves, an extra pill was left with Alex

Entering the cultivation chamber of imperial academy drake saw hordes of disciples in line to use a cultivation room. Disciples can only cultivation here for 3hrs in a week moreover the number of rooms were limited, causing disciples to stand in queue outside any room they wish to use

Cultivating in these rooms was more efficient than cultivating anywhere else in the academy because the spiritual energy was much denser in each of these rooms. That's why each week there was queue of disciples waiting for their turn to use the room but there were some exceptions....

Watching the large queue of disciples outside rooms drake sighed, Only middle and inner disciples were allowed to cultivate in Cultivation chamber but because he was a triple elemental talent, despite being an outer disciple, he was allowed to use any room for 6hrs a week by the three grand elders

The three elders were giving great importance to him, Claude and rose, when they heard about them getting qi rainbow pills they were excited because the shortest time anyone in the academy has breakthrough into qi condensation realm from body strengthening

realm was 10 Months!! But with these pills their breakthrough was guaranteed in one or two months

There was another reason behind their decision, it was because imperial academy didn't have any dark or light element arts to train drake. They were extremely rare elements and now that drake was bound to make a breakthrough because of qi rainbow pills, he would needed element specialized arts to utilize his rare elemental talent just like Duan ren's shaking earth arts. So them allowing him to cultivate 6hrs a week was only to compensate him

There was a queue in front of almost all rooms but there were also some rooms that had no queue In front of them.

'That's strange'

Standing in front of one of such rooms drake saw a sign board that read

'This is the private room of inner disciple Veronica Wayne'

'Wayne? Is this someone from the royal family?'

'There is no mention about private rooms being allotted in rule book. So what if you are from Royal family, you can't make your own rules and even if you make them don't expect me to follow them'

He ignored the sign, entered the room and locked the door. This action of his was seen by many disciples waiting in queue

"what? Did he just entered the room despite reading the sign?"

"That must be a new disciple who just entered middle area"

"He used the private room of Princess Veronica wayne, ranked 5th in inner disciple rankings... He must be out of his mind"

After sometime a figure with long brunette hair and jade like Beauty arrived in front of door she was wearing a purple dress and her elegant and charming smile was so beautiful that young men in queue were watching her endlessly

As soon as she heard news of a new disciple that ignored her sign and dared to enter her private room she came to meet him

'It's the first time something like this happened to me'

She stood in front of room door, waiting for the drake to open the door, it was already 3hrs but the door hasn't opened up yet

'Not only did he used my room, he stayed inside for more than 3hrs, did he want to get exiled from the academy? '



Another hour passed but the door did not open up, disciples already went to report this matter to grand elder



yet another hour passed and the door was still closed, one of the grand elder came to the cultivation chamber

"Grand elder that new disciple is inside from 5 hrs already, even if he was unaware of the rules he must be punished" some disciples said to grand elder. They were excited for a controversy to happen and were trying everything to convert spark into fire

But the grand elder's expression was calm and indifferent as he spoke "The disciple inside was allowed to stay in the cultivation room for 6hrs by all the three grand elders"

As soon as he said those words everyone was shocked, Even the inner disciple can only stay 3hrs inside, what speciality this young man had for him to get this favor from all three grand elders

Princess Veronica was shocked too, being the princess even she can't stay longer than 3hrs just who was this guy?

'wait... Could it be him?'

After his six hours were over drake came out of his cultivation room and looked at the crowd outside his room, his eyes were calm and a smell of medicine can be smelled from the room

The elder clenched his fist watching him come out as he was excited

"Qi condensation realm"

A month already passed since drake killed Duan Ren and when he told elder about rainbow pills, he was already at peak of third stage and now in just 6hrs he made a brokethrough

The grand elder was no longer worried about his D grade talent, seeing his cultivation speed was no less than A grade talent he decided that he will not doubt this young man's potential anymore

Watching the young man with eyes as calm as the deep ocean the princess gave an elegant and charming smile and asked "what is your name?"


"From now on if you want, you can cultivate in my private room freely"

As soon as she said that everyone including drake were taken back by her words. The grand elder just glanced at her.

"Thank you for your favor" drake didn't understand her motive but he still thanked her

"Nothing too big, Meet me here next week"

After saying that She turned around and left




"I got this qi rainbow pill from somewhere, with this you can breakthrough easily, here take it" Alex said while giving the extra pill to rose

"Thank you" rose slowly spoke accepting the pill

"That aside, what was the thing you wanted to talk about?" he asked

The place they were in was an unoccupied area in imperial academy, they were alone in large quiet area full of trees and old stone statues

"I want to tell you about a secret..." Rose said without making eye contact with him