
Bella's P.O.V


"What's this?" My dad screams holding up my notepad.

"H...have you read it?" I asked nervous.

Everything in that notepad was about my sexuality, My crush on Emily and everything else that bothered me.

"Yes I've read it you fag" He replies

I burst out in tears. I don't usually care for insults but this coming from my own father was horrible.

"Give it back"

"What this?" He asks holding it up in the air.


"Well good luck" He smirks at me.

He starts to rip up the pages and I can't do anything about it.

"Dad stop please!" I screamed " That's years worth of work!"

The notepad also had all my stories that I had worked on for years.

He then brings out his lighter and burns all the pages.

"NOOOOO!" I screamed and that's when I lost it finally.


"I want you out of this house by the time I come home" He says to me.

" Dad..." I fall down onto my bed " Don't do this to me please"

" Well you should of thought about that before you became a dyke"

He just walks out of there calmly. I knew he wouldn't like me but he doesn't need to kick me out.

So I just start packing all my belongings.

Alice's P.O.V

" Richard you can't do that to her, she's just a kid!" I say

Richard had just told me exactly what he thought of Bella. Of course he doesn't agree with her.

"She's a disgrace Alice!"

"If you make her leave, I'll leave to and I will be taking Rosie" I reply threatening him.

It was more of a warning than a threat. Bella is one of the greatest things that ever happened to me.

But I wasn't prepared for what Richard was going to do.

He slaps me and goes to work.


The next day

Bella's P.O.V

Dads going to kill me. Mum made me stay. She wouldn't believe I was going to Emily's.

Speaking of parents...

"What are you doing here?" My dad says charging into my room "I thought I told you to leave"

"I decided not to, this is my home"

" your as bad as your mother!"

At this point I don't care about how he feels about me. But I won't let anyone away with offending my mother.

" There is nothing wrong with my mother" I say with spite in my voice.



I feel a sudden pain on my face. He slapped me, my dad actually slapped me.

I start to cry. This was going way to far!

"Leave" I say " Leave my room, I will be gone by tonight"

I am not the one to give up but in this case my family would be better off without me.


Present day

Bella's P.O.V

I couldn't stop crying. I was always a disgrace to him. I knew he never really loved me. I was a mistake. If it wasn't for my mother keeping me, I would have been long gone.

I hated that man yet I still Loved him.

"Hey, it's alright" A beautiful voice says beside me .

"Emily?" I asked "Your still here?"

"Of course I am!" She says staring at me in worry " I will always be here when you need me"

I smile and she smiles back. I am so lucky to have this girl in my life. I lean forwards and place my lips on hers.

We kiss. I still can't believe this is happening.

I have everything I've ever wanted yet I feel like crap.

"Now" She says crossing her legs and sitting in front of me " What's wrong?"

"Nothing new" Emily nods and hugs me.

"I'll always be here ok?"

I nod and give her a sad smile. I needed to let go of him and now was the perfect time to do so.

"What's this?" Emily says looking in one of my notepads.

"Emily don't..." I reply.

It was to late she already read it.

"Bella..." She says staring at me and smiling "These poems  are beautiful"

I smiled back " Thank you"

Her smile suddenly drops and I know exactly why.

She read My most important poem.


You found my notebook full of the truth

I had even written that I thought Emily was cute

You screamed at me and ripped the pages

Then you set fire to it destroying me in stages

You called me a fag

And told me to pack my bags

I did what you said hoping you would feel regret

But then my mum came in and saw me upset

She said I wasn't allowed to go somewhere today

I couldnt believe you didn't tell her I was gay

So I couldn't  leave but it wasn't my fault

It seemed like I was stuck in a vault

The next day when you realised I was still here

You started to make me live in fear

You slapped me on the face real hard

It completely caught me off guard

I told you I would be gone before you came back

And so I started  to pack

You left for work

leaving me feeling like a jerk

Then when I'm finally home alone

I get a call from a number Unknown

I'm told to tell my mum your in the hospital

I just started getting illogical

I called up my mum and told her the news

She sounded like she was having the blues

Once I arrived there I was told what happened

Then everything saddened

You killed yourself and then I knew

Exactly who did this to you

Everything was all my fault

It was just by default

I couldn't handle it anymore

I fainted and hit my head on the floor

You sent me into a dark path for years

Just because you didn't like us queers


Emily's P.O.V

I feel even worse for Bella whilst I read that poem. 

Her dad hated her so much. Bella actually believed she killed him. It was just way to much going on in my head at once. But I would stay , I have to.

" Hey, it's ok"  She stares at me not expecting me to still stay with her.

"Really?"  She asks.

"Really, Now time for breakfast!" I say whilst pulling her out of bed and down the stairs.

"Morning girls" Alice says smiling "Pancakes?"

"Thx mum" Bella says and takes a seat next to her sister.

"Is she alright?" Alice asks me.

"I think she is better than last night, she finally let it all go" I give her a sad smile and make my way to the table.

"Emily" I turn around " Thank you"

"No problem Alice" I answer back.

" So are you two now a thing?" Rosie asks whilst I sit down smiling.

"I don't know are we?" I say giving a large warming smile to Bella.

She nods and takes my hand " Yes, we are"

"Cool" Rosie says then goes back to eating her pancakes.

"Are you girls going to school today?" Alice asks us.

"I have to" I say smiling.

"I'll go as well" Bella says beside me.

"Are you sure?" Alice asks.

"Yeh, I cant hide forever!" She passes me a smile and I just sit there shocked.

Wow, Bella was so much stronger than she used to be.