Welcome Home Mum

Bella's POV

I had to quickly tidy up the house to make sure it was ready for my mum coming over. I've only not seen her for a few weeks but I do really miss her. The twins do as well. She practically raised them.

"Mummy, Mummy" Marcus said grabbing my arm excitingly "Gran is at the door!"

I laugh at him and go to open it.

She rushes past me and goes to hug the Jade and Marcus. Sometimes I feel like she thinks of them as her kids more than she thinks of me that way. I laugh at the thought.

"What about me?" I joke and she gives me a small hug.

"Since when did you want a hug?" She asks half concerned, half confused.

"I don't even know mum, I honestly don't"

She catches my drift and sends Jade and Marcus upstairs.

"So how have you really been doing?"

I tell her all about running into Emily and Liam. Then I tell her about how Emily seems different than she used to be but my mum passed it off as changing throughout the years. I know it isn't though, it can't be.

"What about your drinking?" I get a look of blame.

So much for her trust in me.

"It's still been 5 years mum, just like it was a few weeks ago. Being back here won't change anything."

I know that's a lie though. Being back here changes a lot. I keep finding myself wanting to grab alcohol in the shops or go into a pub but I know I can't. The minute I drink once, the minute I'll go back to drinking every time I feel an emotion I don't like and unfortunately that's often.

"I want Emily back" A tear escapes my eye.

My mum takes me into a hug thinking it's the only thing she can do whilst I sit there crying in her arms. I haven't done it since I was a kid and I had no intention to do anything but it just came out and I couldn't stop it.

Emily's POV

I really don't want to stay in this marriage any longer but I have no way out. No one should have to try and hide bruises every day before work and fear coming home. It's not something anyone can deal with and I certainly can't.

Everyday is exactly the same. Decisions during your teen years really do affect your future don't they?

I let out a groan as I collapse back onto my bed. My work doesn't start for another two hours anyway and I have some time to contemplate.

As I stand up my foot kicks something under the bed. I put my gloves on and check because Liam throws a lot of stuff down there and it can be really dirty and sometimes sticky.

I find the object and it feels solid and in an L shape. It can't be what I think it is, is it? Aren't these illegal? Liam isn't  a policeman or anything and even if he was they don't get guns so what is he doing with one?

I pull it out and I was right. There was a gun underneath the bed I sleep in at night. A gun where I live. What is he doing with it? Am I safe?


Is Bella safe?

The door downstairs shuts and I quickly move it back to Wear it was, throw off my gloves and put it away. I guess I'm lucky I wore gloves now.

"Hey sweetie" Liam says giving me a kiss " shouldn't you be heading for work now?

I nod, grab my bag and leave as fast as I can. I don't know what he's doing with that gun but it can't be good. Maybe I should report him to the police? No I can't it's not safe to what if he finds out? But I have to don't I?

I don't know what to do.