Joining Together Once Again

-Copper's POV-

"If there's a rat who knows where you hid something valuable, then they must know the ins and outs of the place. It must be someone who was close to your family."

"Close, huh?"

I turned my head around back and forth to make sure no one else besides Shaw and me was here. Outside in the cold weather isn't particularly ideal for having a conversation. Inside the police station is also a bad idea as I don't want any more cops involved. Emmett is the only one I can trust (if you can even call it trust). The only other place that works is somewhere I know this Shaw guy hasn't been to before.

"Follow me. I know a place where we can talk more.."

I lead the way through the rugged snow. He followed suit, making sure to also put up his guard, A part of me wished I had disguised him before heading towards my house. I don't want any of my members to worry or even get involved like the other cops. Four people is enough to work on this case. Before actually entering, I noticed something different. Like someone wasn't at their right position.

"That idiot… Where is he?"

"Where's who?"

"Slade. He's my right-hand in the gang. I told him to keep watch of a certain someone when I'm gone."

Whilst cursing under my breath about choosing the wrong guy, we enter the front door. Right away, I smelled a particular alcohol, one that the foxes are known for. I can't believe this…

I follow the smell trail with Shaw up till the end of the hallway at the back of the house. It was the room I was supposed to have a meeting with Shaw and Slade in. Why would that bastard be here?