Saving David

Touji and Haruki get inside the building first.

*quiet foot steps* Haruki whispers to Touji, "Okay you go this way I'll go that way. Be careful and if you need help, I'll help you when I'm done."

"Okay sounds good with me." Touji smiles while whispering.

Haruki walks in-front of the group of people, "So I heard you guys had my friend, I didn't know there would be so many of you. I guess he's a fragile important package." He starts laughing.

"HEY YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!" One of people yell.

"Yea well neither are you." Haruki gives them a death stare.

Haruki then grabs one of the peoples necks and snaps it, then grabs another persons jaw and rips it off as the blood is dripping from Haruki's fingers. Haruki grins, "Now I know what Hiroshi means by loving the smell of death and blood."

Haruki double kicks one of the people coming at him then pulls another persons throat out. The blood splatters on the floor and creates a stench of metallic iron.

"One last person to go." Haruki smiles.

Haruki puts his fingers on his Addams apple and presses really hard till he starts bleeding a bit.

"Okay now where is David?" Haruki smiles wide and demonically.

The guy screams, the excruciating pain he feels as he swallows hard, "I-I'm s-s-sorry. Please d-don't! I'll tell you everything! He's at the top floor! Please don't-"

"Thank you, that's all I needed." Haruki gushes his fingers into the man's throat and rips his Addams apple out.

"So messy." Haruki wipes his hands off on his shirt. "Well this is going to stain."

Haruki goes to the other side then calls Daichi and Daisuke, "Hey, he's on the top floor. There isn't anyone there. You got this."

Haruki then turns the corner and bumps into Touji, "Oh you finished too." Haruki laughs.

Touji smiles, "Yea, let's go now."

Haruki and Touji make it out of the building without a scratch.

*Inside the car*

"We finished, now we just need to wait for Daichi and Daisuke." Haruki smiles and nods.

*Back in the building*

"Okay we got him." Daichi laughs really hard. "They had him tied up to a door HAHAHA! We're coming out now."

Hiroshi scoffs, "Alright see you in a bit."

*Back to the car*

"Okay David we're going to take you to the boss. He wanted us to help you out, so we did. You better be grateful he's such a good guy." Hiroshi looks at David.

*At boss's quarters*

"Hey boss we got him." Hiroshi bows politely.

The boss looks at David, "Thank you guys. I don't know what I would do without you guys."

David then walks to the boss and bows. "Thank you so much everyone for saving me. I won't do this again. I will pay you graciously."

"Alright let's go home guys." Hiroshi walks out the door and holds it open for everyone.

Haruki laughs, "Alright, thank you. I'm glad we're able to do things like this. It makes me feel something inside that I can't explain. But I have you guys so I'm happy."