Family Ties Part. 2

Jinn opened his eyes as he felt a hand fiddling around in his night pants. Letting out a yawn, he closed his eyes back until he felt his entire member being enveloped by a warm and wet sensation. His eyes snapped open to see Kai below going to work, his head slowly bobbing, his loose curly hair had fallen to one side. Tilting his head back, and closing his eyes, Jinn bit down on his lip letting out a heavy exhale, careful not to be louder than a whisper.

Kai continued, suddenly increasing his speed, causing Jinn to jerk forward deeper into the back of his throat. Kai gagged for a second, and recovered, stroking the length as he sucked.

"Uhhmm." Jinn moaned softly.

He then placed his hand on Kai's head guiding it so to his preference. Kai let go of Jinn's length, and slowly took all of him into his mouth to the base, taking slow, deep movements over and over.

Jinn bit his bottom lip even harder as he almost let out a loud moan, "Just like that…just like that." he whispered loud enough for Kai to hear him. With instructions given, Kai followed, keeping the pace and taking Jinn all the way into the back of his throat every time.

"Mmmh." Jinn moaned softly as he breathed heavily, with his hand still guiding Kai, he fixed his positioning to grab a handful of hair instead, roughly pulling it.

Kai swatted away Jinn's hand as he began bobbing his head up and down faster. Faster and faster he went although his jaw was tired, he wasn't going to stop.

"Uhhh", Jinn let out a high-pitched gasp, he was going to finish soon. Jinn sat up to watch Kai, his long lashes gracing his cheeks as his eye were closed.

Kai began to move his tongue in a circular motion as he sucked and Jinn fell backwards onto the bed, putting his hand over his mouth to muffle the sound that was itching to come from his lips.

"Kai..I'm…I'm." Jinn said softly as he breathed heavily and with one last bob of the head Kai forced Jinn to come, a thick warm liquid bursting into Kai's mouth as he continued to suck while Jinn came. Jinn removed his hand from his mouth and softly tapped his hand on the bed, without a word, saying he couldn't handle anymore.

Kai slowly moved his head upward, swirling his tongue around Jinn's length before removing his mouth causing Jinn to shutter. On all fours Kai crawled up to Jinn who had his eyes closed while he came down from his high. Kai placed himself on Jinn's abdomen and leaned down to kiss him. Jinn parted his lips, only to be kissed and greeted with some of his own juices. Kai licked Jinn's lips, grabbing his chin forcefully keeping his mouth closed.

Kai leaned over and whispered in Jinn's ear, "swallow it."

Jinn had opened his eyes as he was squinting at Kai with a smirk on his face. Not saying anything he nodded, swallowing quickly. A smirk made it's way onto Kai's face as he was satisfied with the outcome, getting Jinn to follow his lead wasn't something that happened often.

"You're nasty as fuck." Jinn said softly with a smirk on his face as he pulled Kai to lay on top of him.

"You like it though." Kai whispered. Jinn let out a chuckle, suddenly flipping Kai over onto his back, grabbing his wrist.

Surprised, Kai froze, "Wait, wait!"

Jinn tilted his head to the side, "what?"

"This is your parent's house; I can't promise I'm gonna be able to be quiet." Said Kai

A smirk made its way onto Jinn's face, "Guess I'm gonna have to gag you then." Said Jinn as he began to kiss and lick on Kai's neck. Kai closed his eyes, letting out a soft exhale but he wasn't prepared for what Jinn did next. Roughly, Jinn bit down on Kai's neck, and began aggressively sucking the area he had just sunk his teeth into. Kai let out a loud moan and Jinn quickly placed his hand over Kai's mouth to muffle the sound. Smiles couldn't help but to be revealed as the two of them giggled.

"Are you trying to get me thrown out?" Kai said softly still giggling.

A smirk made its way onto Jinn's face, "You forced me to taste myself, serves you right."

Kai rolled his eyes and pouted, although he was smirking. Jinn leaned in for a kiss and suddenly door handle jiggled.

Jinn suddenly jumped off of Kai, pulling the covers over them both. The handle jiggled again followed by a knock, "Hey you two it's Jenna. Mom and Dad had an errand to run this morning and Art's already gone, so it'll be just us for brunch." Said Jenna. She had a bad habit of opening doors without permission, luckily Jinn had locked it before he went to bed last night.

"Okay, we'll be down in a bit." Jinn responded.

Jinn turned to Kai, collapsing on him, letting out an awkward laugh, "I almost died just now."

Kai let out a small laugh followed, by a louder one, "you and me both."

An hour had passed and the two of them had showered and gotten dressed. Jinn wore a white V-neck T-shirt and Kai wore his black V-neck T-shirt, the two of them wearing the same dark washed distressed skinny jeans. Jinn ran his fingers through his hair, pulling it backward and Kai put his hair into a topknot. After the two were completely ready, they made their way downstairs where Jenna was waiting.

"You two ready? I'm starved." Said Jenna. The two nodded and everyone made their way to Jinn's car, he thought Jenna drove to fast.

"Hey Kai." Jenna suddenly said.


"I call shotgun." she said giggling.

Kai let a smirk make its way onto his face, "wahhhh." he whined, opening the door to get in the back seat. A smile graced Jinn's face, it was nice to know that Jenna would always treat the one he loved like family, no matter their gender.

After a ten-minute drive the three made it to an upscale family restaurant, they had been seated and waiting for someone to take their order. Jenna sat on one side of the booth alone, while Kai sat on the inside and Jinn on the outside, the two looking at the menu together.

"Why don't you just get both if you can't decide?" Jinn said to Kai.

"I don't think I can eat six pancakes, just help me choose." Kai whined.

"Fine get the apple pie pancakes then." Said Jinn taking the menu out of Kai's hand.

"But I kinda want the Cinnabon ones too." Kai said.

Jinn rolled his eyes, "like I said, get both and I'll eat whatever you don't finish. Your indecisiveness drives me crazy."

Kai pouted, squinting his eyes at Jinn, "I'm not indecisive, they are just two good options and I don't want to miss out on neither." Jinn chuckled, showing a huge smile, both dimples present as he looked at Kai. Jenna watched the two bicker back in forth and she couldn't help but to smile, it was too cute, like an old married couple. Suddenly Jenna let out a giggle, and the two looked up at her.

"Well I'll be damned if my brother is going to eat unhealthy carbs. I can never get him to taste my food or snacks. He was such a health freak; he'd only drink boiled or bottled water. That body had to be maintained and only ate low carbs." Said Jenna giggling.

"Shut up Jenna, people change." Said Jinn with a smirk on his face.

"The hell they do after fifteen years of strict dieting. Kai, what have you done to my brother?" said Jenna with a cheesy smile on her face.

Kai looked at Jinn who seemed like he was feeling a little awkward. It was true that since Kai met the guy, Jinn didn't seem to mind what he ate. Whatever he ate, Jinn ate, no matter how unhealthy it was so this was news to Kai.

Soon the waitress came around and Kai had indeed ordered both pancakes, with a side of bacon while Jinn had steak and eggs. He frowned as Jinn helped himself to Kai's food from time to time, perhaps he could've eaten both orders of pancakes on his own afterall.

"I'll be right back, gonna run to the bathroom." Said Jinn getting up and eyeing Jenna who was smirking as he left.

"My God." Said Jenna suddenly and Kai looked up to see Jenna already staring at him.

"What?" he said with a smile.

"My brother has changed his eating habits for you, the man is in love." Said Jenna.

Kai's smile slowly turned into a more awkward one. "Was he seriously a health freak?" Kai asked.

Jenna nodded, "Since he was sixteen, Jinn use to be chubby, spent every day in the gym."

Kai looked down at his plate and smiled, there was definitely more about Jinn he wanted to get to know.

"Oh here, try this smoothie, it's the most popular one on the menu." Said Jenna passing Kai her smoothie.

As Kai took the smoothie from Jenna's hand, Jinn suddenly appeared grabbing it from Kai's hand. "Have you asked what's in it?" said Jinn sitting down.

"Jinn, what are you doing? Let him try it, I'm not diseased." said Jenna with a giggle.

"He's allergic to strawberries." Said Jinn.

"Uh…yeah I am." Said Kai awkwardly, realizing he had forgotten to ask.

"Oh, sorry. Good to know though." Said Jenna with a smile.

After doing a little shopping with Jenna, the three got back to the house just as dinner time was nearing. They walked into the house with the smell of a roast baking.

"Damn that smells good!" said Kai.

"My wife makes the best roast." Said Mr. Wilkins walking into the room.

"Hey Dad." Said Jinn, the two of them shaking hands and Kai nodded to Mr. Wilkins. The three sat down in the living room for a while talking, while Jenna went into the kitchen to help her mother finish dinner, Mr. Wilkins had a lot of jokes to tell.

"Dinner is ready you guys." Said Jenna coming into the living room. As the three made their way into the dining room, Art walked into the house.

"Just in time Art, I thought you were going to be late." Said Mr. Wilkins.

"Nah, Mom has been threatening me all day to get back by dinner, I didn't have a choice." Said Art

"Oh, stop your story telling and lets have dinner." Said Mrs. Wilkins coming into the living room where everyone was standing. The living room roared with laughter as they made their way into the dining room, they all knew that Art hadn't lied.

When they got to the dining room, the table was covered with a pretty lace red cloth, and matching china sets for six, strategically placed. Mrs. Wilkins had made roast baked with carrots and potatoes, chunky mashed potatoes with brown gravy and asparagus, everything looked aesthetically pleasing. Everyone sat down with Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins sitting on the ends of the table and the other four sitting on the sides, Jinn next to Kai of course. Mr. Wilkins said grace and everyone began to help themselves. Jinn grabbed Kai's plate first, giving him a bit of everything, he then placed it back in front of Kai with a smile. Kai allowed a shy smile onto his face as the two of them stared at each other, "thanks." he mouthed silently and Mrs. Wilkins furrowed her brows as she watched the two.

Clearing her throat, and bringing Kai and Jinn back to reality, she finally spoke, "Kai was it? I do hope that dinner suits your pallet, I know that Chinese people eat differently than we Americans do."

Jinn sighed heavily, "He's Korean Mom, born and raised in America." he said with irritation in his voice.

Kai patted Jinn's thigh under the table, letting him know it was okay. "Dinner looks and smells wonderful Mrs. Wilkins; I'll eat anything as long as it tastes good." Said Kai with a smile.

"Hmm." Said Mrs. Wilkins stuffing a bite of roast into her mouth.

"What do you do for a living Kai?" asked Mr. Wilkins.

Kai swallowed the food in his mouth, "I work in architectural design, same as Jinn."

"Ahhh, okay. Is that how you two met?" said Mr. Wilkins.

"Actually…we…" Kai said but Jinn spoke over him.

"Yes, that's how we met." Said Jinn, the two making eye contact for a moment, not that Kai was going to reveal that he was a regular drunkard who woke up next to random guys.

"How sweet, a coworker love story." Said Jenna.

"Aren't you the manager though, Jinn? That must be awkward telling him what to do all the time." said Art.

Jinn cut his eye at Art, like their Mother, he always had to throw in a snarky comment. "I am, but I think his expertise are better than mine, we just closed a deal with Tomo Kan industries, a foreign millionaire business because of him."

Kai smiled nervously, "I wouldn't say all that now, Jinn is pretty resourceful himself, he actually helped me finish the project."

"Well if he was better, he'd be the manager, wouldn't he? Anyway, have you spoke with Sarah lately Jinn? She's been wondering how you've been and if you're seeing anyone. You two should get together soon." Said Mrs. Wilkins and everyone suddenly grew silent as Jinn slammed his fork down on the table.

"Can we not do this?" he said holding back his anger, although you could still hear it in his voice.

"I'm simply asking if you've spoken with her, why are you so upset?" said Mrs. Wilkins.

"Because Kai is sitting right here, why would you even ask me that?" said Jinn glaring at his Mother.

"Is it wrong for me to ask my still very single son about a woman he's dealt with in the past that could very well be his future?" said Mrs. Wilkins.

"Sarah wouldn't have asked that because she knows that I'm gay. We had this discussion the last time you tried to set us up!" Jinn shouted; he had finally lost all patience with his Mother.

Kai looked around the table, everyone's face had grown kind of dark except for Art who had a smirk on his handsome face. Kai felt a lump in his throat, it was obvious what Mrs. Wilkins was doing, a man was never going to be proper enough for her son, not even if there were only men left on this earth.