Those Three Words

Jinn had been standing outside of Kai's apartment leaning against his car for almost an hour. He wanted to knock on the door, but what would he even say to her? Kai had kept every argument he had with Dana to himself, so where would Jinn even start, not to mention he was sure that Dana didn't even know about him. Jinn ruffled his own hair several times before turning around to get into his car, but as he did he suddenly paused, there stood Dana with a grocery bag in her hand. Jinn's heart began to race, as the two of them stared at each other for a moment before Dana smiled.

"You're my husband's manager right? I thought you looked familiar."

"Mn." Jinn nodded still feeling quite flustered.

"Did you need to talk to Kai about work because he isn't home. I'm not sure where that man went off too, he's been so stressed lately. I made his favorite meal and he didn't even touch it." Said Dana so casually, letting out a giggle.

Jinn's heart began to race even faster as he felt himself getting angry. How dare this woman? How dare she act as though everything was normal between her and Kai? Although Jinn didn't know the truth, it was still upsetting to hear her refer to the man he loved as "my husband".

Taking a deep breath, Jinn calmed himself, "Well if he's out, I'll just have to catch him another time." Said Jinn turning around to get in his car.

"Wait.", Dana suddenly stopped him. She walked around Jinn's car, standing in front of him. "I know it's a little inappropriate because you're only my husband's coworker, but if he doesn't talk to me much anymore, if he shares anything with you at all could you do me a favor and let me know?"

Jinn's heart sank as Dana mentioned "husband" again. He stared at Dana for a while before lowering his head, exhaling heavily, he could see the concern in her face and automatically knew that Dana was still in love with Kai, and that this was more complicated than he had thought. "Sure.", he finally said, forcing a smile. Dana smiled, nodding to Jinn and made her way back to Kai's apartment.

Letting out another exhale, Jinn flopped down in his car, slamming his car door and throwing his head back against the head rest. Was the reason that Kai was struggling so much because he still loved Dana as well? If that was so, that would change things, more than Jinn cared for.

The next morning Kai awoke to a splitting headache. "Ugh he groaned, as he sat up. Getting out of bed, he went into the bathroom to take a leak. He then walked down the hall to go into kitchen and nearly jumped out of his skin, surprised at the sight of Jinn sitting on the couch like a lifeless zombie. Kai tip toed over to Jinn, unsure if he was asleep or not, but as he got closer he could see that Jinn was indeed awake.

"Uh…Jinn? Why are you're home and why are you sitting on the couch like a zombie? You scared the shit out of me." said Kai. Jinn said nothing as he turned his head to Kai, his eyes were red and dark circles had formed under them, he had definitely been up all night. Kai sat down next to Jinn, leaning his head on his chest, letting out a sigh, "Was I that terrible last night? I'm sorry, I promise I'll do better." Kai said softly, slipping his hand into Jinn's sweatpants, but Jinn grabbed Kai's hand, stopping what would only feel like a cop out apology.

"Is that so?" said Jinn in a bit of a condescending tone.

Kai sat up and looked at Jinn, his brows furrowed. "I'm sorry alright, I know I've been a shit boyfriend lately, I just have a lot on my mind."

"Well I wouldn't know Kai; you never tell me anything. You'd rather drown in your sorrows instead of talk to me, but what do I know?" said Jinn getting up and walking into the kitchen.

Kai jumped up annoyed by Jinn's dismissive attitude, "What the hell's wrong with you? I said I was sorry!" Kai raised his voice.

"Am I wasting my time with you Kai?" said Jinn with a cold expression Kai had never seen him wear before.

"What do you mean?" said Kai confused.

"I need to know if you want me because I'm in love with you, and I don't think you feel the way I do." said Jinn, his expression growing softer as tears swelled in his eyes.

"" said Kai, his voice shaky, that was the first time it had actually come out of Jinn's mouth.

The two stared at each other for a moment before Jinn looked down, "I don't know how else to be there for you when you won't allow me to be." said Jinn.

Jinn's words pierced Kai's heart like a knife, he hadn't realized that Jinn was hurting as well through all of this. Without warning, Kai ran over to Jinn, tightly wrapping his one good arm around him. For a moment Jinn hesitated, then he wrapped his arms around Kai, squeezing him tight.

There the two stayed for a moment, before Kai grabbed Jinn's hand, leading him into the bedroom. Gently pushing Jinn back onto the bed, Kai removed his pants. Kai too removed his own pants and crawled on top, positioning himself directly over Jinn's hips while Jinn helped remove his T-shirt. Kai began to rock his hips, grinding back and forth on Jinn's hardening length.

"Mn." Jinn moaned softly. For a moment he thought, "should we be doing this right now?" There was definitely more that they needed to discuss, but what did it matter, his mind was too clouded by the feel of his lover's body rubbing up against his own. Without warning, Jinn grabbed Kai's hips, flipping him around onto the bed and just like that, they had switched positions.

Kai groaned as his body roughly hit the bed. Leaning up, he whispered coquettishly in Jinn's ear, "Jinn, be gentle with this handicapped man." said Kai finishing off with a lick down Jinn's ear. A shutter ran up Jinn's spine as he passionately crashed his lips into Kai's, with Kai lost in his own world, Jinn hadn't touched him in almost a week and God did he miss those soft full lips.

"Mnn." Kai moaned as Jinn forced his tongue into his mouth, instantly allowing this needy passionate man to do whatever he pleased.

As he kissed Kai, Jinn reached his hand down into Kai's boxers, pulling out the hard length between Kai's legs. Pulling his lips away from Kai for a moment, Jinn spat in his hand. Kissing Kai again he reached down and began to stroke Kai slowly, and gently squeezing as he stroked his hand all the way from the base to the tip over and over.

"Uhm!...yes." Kai began to softly moan in Jinn's mouth, his breathing unsteady.

Jinn began to stroke his hand faster and harder, and Kai let out a gasp, Jinn pulled his lips away to catch his breath, and also his hand. Sticking his fingers into his mouth for a second, he then reached down, sliding off Kai's boxers with one hand and gently sliding his fingers into Kai with the other hand.

"Shit." Kai moaned as he bit down on his bottom lip. Jinn thrusted his fingers back and forth, slowly at first, he began to speed up. With one hand pleasuring Kai, he maneuvered his body, grabbing the lubrication out of the drawer. Untwisting the top off with his mouth, and spitting away the cap, he pulled his rock-hard length out of his boxers and squirted the tube onto himself.

"Mnn." Kai moaned as Jinn continued to pleasure him with his hand.

Jinn smirked, leaning down to kiss Kai on the forehead. He paused for a moment, tasting Kai's lips, multiple times before he pressed his lips to Kai's neck, somehow licking, kissing and sucking all at the same time.

"Mnn!" Kai let out a louder moan, "mmmn! Right now, right now!" he suddenly begged.

Jinn's smirk turned into a devilish grin, "What's that? You want it Kai?" said Jinn as he continued to thrust his fingers inside of Kai.

"Uhhm, I want, I want it!" Kai pleaded as he moaned loudly.

Without warning, Jinn pulled out his fingers, replacing it with his slippery wet rock-hard member. Kai's eyes snapped open, rolling to the top of his head before he squeezed them shut again, it had been too long since he felt Jinn inside him.

"Mn." Jinn moaned softly, as he squeezed his way inside, making sure to hit Kai's spot.

"Uhhm!" Kai moaned as Jinn made contact and from there, Jinn began to thrust back in forth, simultaneously whining his hips as he fucked his lover.

Jinn bit his bottom lip, as he continued to move, the site of his lover's body quivering every time Jinn made contact only turned him on more. Jinn leaned down over Kai, giving his seemingly breathless lover a peck on the lips before he stopped thrusting. Taking a deep breath, Kai opened his eyes and the two stared at each other, passion in each of their eyes.

"Why do you stop?" Kai whispered.

Taking his eyes off of Kai for a moment, Jinn nervously looked to the side, then back a Kai, "Will it be too much for you to hold yourself up, if I flip you over?" he suddenly blurted out.

Kai raised an eyebrow as a smirk made its way onto his face. "Only one way to find out." Said Kai as he leaned forward to Kiss Jinn on the nose and then his lips. A smirk made it's way onto Jinn's face as he wrapped his strong arm around Kai's waist, pulling him close. Maneuvering around Kai again, Jinn positioned himself behind as Kai got up on three's, keeping the pressure off of his broken casted hand.

"Fuck." Jinn whispered to himself, as his eyes traced the somewhat broad shoulders of Kai's beautifully pale but rose hinted colored skin. Jinn's eyes slowly traced along Kai's spine to his backside, seeing him so willing to receive only turned Jinn on more.

Jinn's hands shook a bit as they touched Kai's perfect naked body. Gripping a handful of ass, Jinn pulled Kai close to him, so close that his rock-hard member was pressing into Kai's cheeks. Jinn began to thrust his body slowly, as the head of his member teased at Kai's entrance. For a moment Jinn continued to tease Kai, his lover letting out random soft moans, but he soon grew impatient, teasing himself too long as well. Placing his hands-on Kai's waist, he began to push his way in, and Kai let out a sharp moan as he entered.

Jinn began to thrust wildly, loving the feeling of having complete control over his lover's body.

"Jinn…shit, Jinn." Kai moaned loudly, but he soon muffled the sound as he bit his own lip.

The sound of Kai's constant moan, ruffled Jinn's mind and he began to thrust harder and faster. Jinn removed one hand from Kai's hip, ever so lightly dragging two fingers down Kai's back. The light touch of Jinn's two fingers caused Kai to arch his back more, granting Jinn deeper access.

"Mnn!" Kai moaned as his body moved in tune with Jinn's as they made love. Jinn's thrust were passionate as he moved, and with one last thrust Kai lost his balance as he was holding himself up with one arm. Before Kai could fall forward, Jinn suddenly reached out a hand around Kai's abdomen, pulling Kai close so that their bodies were touching as they were both up on their knees.

Jinn slowed his paced, realizing that Kai's body was quivering beneath him.

"Uhhm!" Kai moaned as Jinn took long deep thrust, he allowed his head to drop backward onto his lover's shoulder and Jinn leaned over licking Kai's exposed neck passionately.

"I fucking love you, do you hear me?" Jinn said firmly in Kai's ear as he continued to thrust, increasing his speed a bit.

"Mhmm!" Kai moaned loudly, but that wasn't quite the response Jinn was looking for.

I love you Kai, I fucking love you!" Jinn said louder this time as he continued to thrust.

"Mhhn, I love you, I fucking love you too!" Kai moaned, finally giving in.

A smirk made its way onto Jinn's face as tears swelled in his eyes. He wrapped both arms around Kai's waist, burying his forehead in the nape of Kai's neck as he continued to thrust.

"Jinn? Are you crying?…." said Kai as he suddenly felt drops on the nape of his neck, but Jinn forced him to forget as he increased his speed one last time. "Fuck...Jinn, I'm...I'm gonna come!" Kai moaned loudly, his body stiffening as he came, and his breathes deep while he released.

"Mn" Jinn moaned as he continued to thrust, holding onto his lover tightly. With a few more thrust Jinn also burst, continuing to thrust as he came inside of Kai. Jinn finally stopped as he lifted his head back, becoming consumed with the orgasm he had just had.

Cautiously removing himself, Jinn pulled out, falling onto his side on the bed. Gently Kai laid down beside Jinn, snuggling himself under Jinn's arm. Jinn leaned forward, kissing Kai on the forehead and allowed a small smirk to grace his face. Hearing Kai say that he loved him too was all he needed to calm his heart and mind.

For a while the two laid still, and Jinn's breathing had become rhythmic as he had finally fallen asleep from staying up all night. Kai glanced up at his handsomely, satisfied sleeping man, and let out a soft sigh, he had said the words "I love you" to Jinn, but was unsure if he meant it or not.