One Last Chance

For a moment the two stared at each other, before Kai turned away.

"Jinn I.."

"Kai, give me a chance to change your mind.", Jinn interrupted, desperation in his voice.

"I've already made up my mind, I gave you an answer Jinn.", said Kai redirecting his attention back to Jinn.

"What you gave me is a bunch of bullshit excuses!", Jinn raised his voice, as he felt his emotions rising.

Kai let out a sigh before speaking, "I don't want to argue with you Jinn.", Kai responded, standing as well as Jinn, blocking his ex-lover's way.

"Jinn!", Kai raised his voice.

"I won't leave, not until you tell me the real reason your leaving me!"

"Just go! Just…go…I don't want to be with you anymore.", Kai's yell weakened, turning into a barely audible whisper as tears streamed down his face.

Letting out a sigh, Jinn walked closer, placing his finger on Kai's chin to raise his lowered head, both pairs of eyes watering heavily. "If that were true, then why are you crying? You've never been able to look me in the eye when you say things that you don't mean.". Moving a step forward again, Jinn pulled Kai close to him, squeezing him tight. "If it's because you don't love me anymore, I understand."

"That's…that's not…" Kai mumbled; his voice muffled as his face was pressed into Jinn's chest.

"Then what Kai?", Jinn asked, his voice soft, almost as if he was scared.

Looking up a Jinn, Kai pushed him away, sitting back on the bed, and Jinn sat next to him. "Jinn, it's not you, it's me."

"Are you really gonna use that one on me?", said Jinn with irritation in his voice.

"It's true! It is me Jinn! When I first met you I was a wreck, that was the first time in years I had been on my own and then you came along, sweeping me off my feet, but I've been bringing you down hill ever since.", Kai spoke, his voice growing shakier with every word he spoke.


"Let me finish."

"…", Not saying anything, Jinn simply nodded, as his eyes began to water.

"I need to learn how to be independent again. I need to learn how to love myself when I'm alone, to be strong enough so that when I'm falling, I won't need anyone to pull me up.", said Kai as he sniffled.

"Kai please.."

"I love you Jinn…but I can't be with you like this. I'm just not in a good spot right now and every little thing will continue to break me. During thanksgiving dinner, all your Mother did was give me a reality check that I simply do not belong with someone like you...", said Kai as tears streamed down his face.

"Kai!", Jinn cried.

"I don't deserve you!" Kai yelled.

"Why…why is it always you who gets to decide everything?" Jinn asked and Kai looked up to see a heart broken look on Jinn's face.

"I want you to let me go!", Kai cried.

Lowering his head, Jinn leaned over pulling Kai close to him. Burying his head in the nape of Kai's neck, Jinn sniffled, "If that's what you want, just remember that I love you and I'll still be here when you come back.", he whispered and Kai's heart nearly flatlined as those words echoed in his ear.

Kissing Kai on the forehead, Jinn let out a heavy sigh before wiping his red face. Taking one last look, Jinn got up and left, closing the door behind him.

As the door shut, Kai jumped up from the bed, he wanted to run behind Jinn, but his legs wouldn't move. It was like his heart wanted to chase after Jinn, but his brain was doing what it felt was the logical thing to do. "Jinn…I'm sorry..", Kai whispered as he cried, his knees giving out as he fell onto the floor. "I'm so sorry.", he said again.

After Jinn exited the hotel, he simply sat outside of the building, just staring at the door, hoping that Kai was going to come out, but he never did.

Staring at his phone, Jinn slid through the candid photos he had taken of Kai, each one cuter than the last and the tears began to fall again. Even after all this time Kai was still fighting an internal battle, he knew nothing about.

"Why couldn't you just trust me! What am I supposed to do without you!? What am I supposed to do now!?", Jinn shouted, as he cried, throwing his phone and banging his fist on the stirring wheel, accidentally honking the horn.

After a good half hour, Jinn had finally gotten himself together and was fine enough to drive himself home. All he wanted to do was sleep away the pain and hurt he was feeling, but unfortunately all that was waiting for him was insomnia and an empty apartment.

That Friday morning, Kai awoke early, and got dressed, as he had a 12:45pm flight. Throwing on his basic black skinny jeans and black v-neck t-shirt, Kai was ready to go. Saya had unfortunately already left the state again so he was on his own, no one would be arriving to take him to the airport and the thought of it honestly saddened him a bit, but it was his own fault wasn't it? Letting out a sigh, Kai smoothed his hair into a high sloppy bun, and stared at himself in the mirror, bags under his eyes and an unchanging mope of an expression on his face. Raising his hands to his face, Kai patted either side of his cheeks, "Can't believe I'm leaving this place after five years.", he said aloud. Letting out another sigh, Kai grabbed the handle of his suitcase, "Well, here goes nothing.", he said leaving out of the room.

After Kai got off of the elevator, he got in line to check out.

"Next in line please", the agent at the desk called and Kai walked up. "Good morning sir, can I help you?", said the woman with a smile.

"Yes, I just want to check out, I was in room 2444.", Kai responded, handing the lady the small envelope with two keycards in it.

"Okay, just give me a minute.", said the lady, making some notes on the computer. "Oh, a gentleman left this for you.", said the woman, handing Kai a small white envelope.

"Oh?...uh, okay thank you.", said Kai taking the envelope and walking toward the door. Stopping for a minute, Kai let go of the handle of his suitcase, ripping open the envelope. Dumping out its contents, out fell the necklace with the lock on the end of it, along with a letter and Kai's heart sunk. Nervous at first Kai took a deep breath and opened the letter.

"Kai, I didn't have the courage to give this to you last night after things did not go as I had hoped. I couldn't give it to you because I was afraid that you would not have accepted it. Even though we are no longer together, please allow this part of me to travel to Japan with you, as I've said, remember that I love you and I will still be here when you return.

Take care, Jinn."

As Kai finished reading the letter, tears began to drip down onto the paper, squeezing the necklace and letter in his hand, Kai power walked out of the hotel, not looking back.

Waiting for a few minutes outside with his thoughts, Kai's taxi finally arrived, he had sold his car for a cheap price to Brandon during the week, the kid would sure need it more than he would right now. Stuffing the letter and necklace into his pocket, Kai got in the taxi and was on his way to the airport.

At work Jinn sat in his office, starring off into space. He knew that Kai would be leaving today, he just wasn't sure when, and it was all he could think about.

"Jinn." A voice called from the outside with a knock sounding on the door.

"Yeah?", he answered and in walked Jane.

"Here, I have some more layouts for you to look over.", Jane said leaning over and placing them onto the desk. "There was one in particular that needs to be pushed asap.", Jane continued as she flipped through the folders and Jinn blankly stared down at them while she did, but he suddenly put his palm down quickly, scarring Jane.

"What is it?", she asked surprised. Pulling out the folder, he had, had his hand on, Jinn held it tight in both hands, and his eyes began to water, it was a project that Kai had started for another company."

"Jinn?" Jane asked, worry on her face.

"Ahh, nothing, nothing.", Jinn said, chuckling and wiping his eyes, "Damn allergies."

"Well make sure you get that taken care of, I'll leave these to you.", said Jane finding the project she was looking for and exiting the office.

Letting out a sigh, Jinn glanced through the folder, looking at Kai's sketches and placed it down gently with the pile. He didn't know if he was going to be able to handle so many changes at once when everywhere he went reminded him of Kai. He wouldn't be able to see him at home, not at the café near their apartment and not at work, maybe it was time for a change.