Mixed Emotions

For a moment the two stared at each other for a while, surprise on both their faces.

"Did you get the potatoes babe?", said Rich coming up behind Jinn, but Jinn didn't seem as if he heard.

"Babe?", Rich called Jinn again, but as he got no response, he walked to Jinn's side to see what his boyfriend was so fixated on.

Taking his wide eyes off of Jinn, Kai took a look at the man who was standing next to him before lowering his head.

"Kai?", said Saya with a worried look on her face.

"…", not saying anything Kai took a deep breath and exhaled heavily, as he suddenly continued walking again, going straight past Jinn without a second glance and Saya following behind him.

Eyeing Kai intensely as he walked by Jinn was soon brought back to reality as he felt a nudge on his arm. "Huh?", he said.

"Who were they? Do you know them?", Rich asked as they both turned around to watch the two walking away.

Lowering his head, Jinn let out a sigh, "Old coworkers.", Jinn responded as he turned back around and continued picking potatoes.

"Oh, I see.", said Rich as he began picking potatoes as well.

As Saya and Kai got further away, the petite woman couldn't help but to keep glancing at her best friend who was now stuck in his head, spacing out as he walked.

"Kai..", Saya finally said.

"Please don't.", Kai said, turning his head toward his best friend with a smile, that she could most certainly tell was forced.

"Come on Kai don't shut me out, I hate it when you do that!", Saya pouted.

"Fine, what do you want to know?", Kai asked letting out a sigh.

"I know you two had broken up, but…weren't you two still in contact at first?"

"We were, but he stopped responding one day. It could've been the major time difference or whatever, but then I ended up switching to a carrier over there and getting a new number. Either way I don't know exactly what happened, we just lost contact. Although I think I see why he may have stopped talking to me.", said Kai staring at the ground as he walked.

"Are you okay?" Saya asked.

Glancing at Saya, Kai forced another smile, "woman it has been a whole year, besides, I left him, what right would I have to be upset?"

"But still…", Saya persisted, but Kai cut her off.

"Are we almost done shopping? I'm still kinda beat.", Kai said walking up ahead.

Saya let out a sigh, as she followed, Kai always had a habit of shutting people out even when he was feeling his worse, and that was something she hated about him.

Figuring that Kai most likely just didn't want to run into Jinn again, Saya decided to get in line thinking that she could just come back another time. After the two checked out, Kai grabbed all the bags, and they made their way back to the car. Even after they had put all the bags into the car, got in and pulled off, Kai still had not said much and it was driving Saya crazy.

"Hey Kai!", said Saya happily as she suddenly got an idea. "Do you want to go out Friday night and celebrate, have a few drinks and wings?"

"Hmm, I haven't had a drink in about a year and six months.", Kai responded.

"Oh, right I forgot you weren't drinking, well there's no reason we can't get the bartender to make your drinks virgin, they will still pop!", said Saya and Kai let out a giggle.

"Eh, fuck it. I'll drink with ya!", said Kai as equally excited.

"Hell yeah! Best friend is back!", Saya yelled as she couldn't help, but to fist pump in the car.

When the two got home, Kai threw on his night clothes and went to sit on the couch while Saya popped a pizza in the oven.

As Saya made her way to the living room, she paused to take a moment to watch her best friend from afar as he sat moping, flicking channel after channel. Letting out a sigh, Saya perked up and continued into the living room awkwardly squeezing herself behind Kai.

"What…are you doing?" Kai giggled as this small woman was determined to get behind him, he finally gave in and leaned up.

"Thank you, now sit back.", said Saya as she wrapped her arms around Kai, pulling him backwards onto her as she held him.

"Why didn't you just say you wanted to cuddle?" Kai giggled.

"I don't want to cuddle Kai; I just want to hold you for a bit. You don't have to admit that seeing Jinn with somebody else hurt earlier because I know it did, I just need you to understand that I am here for you, okay?", said Saya, squeezing Kai tighter.

"Mn. I have an interview on Thursday with Jane, but I don't think I want to work there anymore.", Kai responded, letting out a heavy exhale as his smile faded into more of a frown. Kai didn't understand it himself, but even after all this time seeing Jinn with someone else felt like an open wound. After all, the tall strawberry blonde was a catch, of course he would have moved on after all this time.

"She still has your portfolio, right? You need to at least get that from her.", said Saya.

"Right.", Kai responded letting out another sigh. Even if he had changed his mind about reapplying, Kai still had to go there, he still had to go to the place where Jinn would be even if he didn't want to.

When Thursday had arrived. Kai got up early and got dressed in his usual black button up and his slim fitting slacks. Smoothing his hair to his liking, Kai was on his way out the door, and into his Taxi.

When Kai arrived, he paid the taxi and got out. Taking a deep breath, he walked into the building.

"Oh my God! Mr. Pak!", a familiar voice called out in front of him.

Looking up, Kai saw a tall blonde-haired kid running toward him. "Brandon hey!", Kai responded with a smile.

"I knew that was you, people were saying they weren't sure or not who the handsome Asian guy was at the door.", Brandon Chuckled. "How was Japan?"

"Japan was great, they treated me well.".

"So I see.", Brandon said with a smirk. "Will you be coming back to work? We'll finally be coworkers!"

"Aww so it was you who took my job was it?", Kai joked and Brandon couldn't help, but to chuckle. "But I think I'll be broadening my horizons elsewhere."

"Aww that sucks to hear.", Brandon pouted.

"Well it was good to see you, but I need to go meet with Jane really quick.", said Kai as he power walked past Brandon, but the kid stopped him.

"Uh Mr. Pak? I'm supposed to tell you that Jane had to run out, she left your file with Mr. Wilkins."

As Kai heard that, he suddenly stopped walking, sucking his lips inward while closing his eyes momentarily. "Noted.", Kai turned around for a second, forcing a smile and continued walking toward Jinn's office.

When Kai got to Jinn's office he simply stood there for a minute, it all felt too familiar although his heart was racing a marathon in his chest. Taking a deep breath, Kai let it out quickly and knocked.

"Come in.", a voice sounded on the inside and Kai nearly melted as his stomach caved from butterflies fluttering around. Taking another deep breath, Kai opened the door to see Jinn sitting at his desk. Letting his exhale out silently Kai walked in, closing the door.

"Well hello there.", Kai said awkwardly and right after cursing himself internally for saying such a stupid thing. "I'm here to pick up my.."

"I know what you're here for.", Jinn responded, cutting Kai off, those piercing blue eyes staring intensely at him and his face frustrating unreadable, the man had not changed a bit.

"Ah! Right!" said Kai still standing at the door.

"Why don't you sit.", said Jinn.

"Oh…okay.", said Kai a bit nonplused as he sat, figuring Jinn would just give him his portfolio so he could go.

The room was quiet momentarily while Jinn stared at Kai and it was honestly making him uncomfortable.

"Why have you decided not to reapply?" he finally asked.

Fiddling with his fingers, Kai nervously stared down at his lap, "You already know why Jinn.."

"I am not asking you to explain why you no longer wish to work with your ex-boyfriend, I'm asking you on behalf of Jane.", said Jinn firmly.

Furrowing his brows, Kai became even more uncomfortable, "Because I want to explore my options.", Kai responded.

"What else?", Jinn asked, and Kai finally looked up.

"Because I've worked here right after graduation.", said Kai.

"And?" Jinn persisted.

Kai let out a sigh before responding, "They paid me more in Japan."

"So, you want a raise? Will that keep you here?"

"Jinn! Stop this, just give me my portfolio and I'll be out of your hair, you can tell Jane one of the many reasons I just gave you.", said Kai growing impatient with this game that Jinn was playing with him.

"You don't have a valid reason; you just like to run when you don't want to deal with things anymore!", Jinn snapped at Kai.

"Can you not do this? If you couldn't handle seeing me twice in one week you should've told Jane you couldn't do it!", Kai yelled.

"You think it bothers me that you're back?", Jinn asked, his face saying more than what came out of his mouth.

"I can see that it does, so let me say to you once again, goodbye Jinn and don't bother speaking if you see me on the street, I won't be here that much longer anyway!", Kai raised his voice as he got up and exited the office.

Popping himself on the forehead over and over, Jinn could've bit his own tongue off. He was too old to be lashing out like a frustrated child when he felt like it.

"Bye Mr. Pak!", Brandon yelled out as Kai stormed out of the building, but Kai didn't stop, he simply raised his hand as he couldn't get out of there fast enough. Power walking over to the parking lot and standing in front of his car, Kai reached his hand into his pocket, stomping his foot like a child having a tantrum as he had forgotten that he no longer worked here and the car he was standing in front of no longer belonged to him.

"Fuck..", Kai said softly as he made his way out of the parking lot. "Go take a break, I'm sure there are people who miss you back at home, said Mr. Kan, sure they do.", Kai pouted as he aimlessly walked nowhere specifically.

After hours had passed, Kai had made his way to his favorite coffee shop that he hadn't visited in a whole year. Sipping his iced mocha latte, Kai's eyes rolled to the top of his head, him closing them afterward.

"Uhhhh! It's just as good as it was the last time I was here.", Kai said happily. Taking another sip, Kai browsed on his phone, like he always did when he suddenly noticed that someone had stopped in front of his table.

"Kai.", a familiar voice said and when he looked up, standing there was Jinn.

"Why are you here?", Kai asked a bit sourly looking back down at his phone and Jinn smirked, sitting himself down across from Kai.

"Because my apartment isn't too far from here, but you already know that." said Jinn.

"…", not saying anything, Kai rolled his eyes.

"and…because this is the only place, I know you'll come when you're mad at me.", Jinn added.