Hard to Get

The next morning Kai woke up early with Jinn so that he could have a ride back to Saya's house before Jinn went off to work. Pulling up to Saya's house Jinn double parked, "Do you want me to come get you after work?", Jinn asked smirking at his still very sleepy boyfriend who was yawning quite obnoxiously.

"I'll just take an uber or something, I'm starting to feel like I should be giving you gas money at this point.", Kai chuckled.

"It's no problem babe, I don't mind, it's just that tonight is family dinner night and I promised I'd be there." Jinn complained, rolling his piercing blue eyes. "If I come get you, it'll be late, unless you just want to come?", Jinn questioned, raising a brow.

Not saying anything at first, Kai fiddled with his fingers, Jinn may now have a better relationship with his Mother, but that didn't necessarily mean that things would go any smoother considering the fact that her son was still very much so bringing a man home. "Maybe next time.", Kai smiled nervously.

"I figured you'd say that, I just thought that I'd ask, no pressure babe. I don't want to stress you out while you're still on sick leave.", Jinn said with a smirk.

"Funny you should say that when I'm only still on sick leave because of you.", said Kai raising a brow and leaning over to kiss Jinn on the lips.

"True, true.", Jinn laughed. "In any case, I don't mind coming to get you, Saya's house is not out of my way, I'll see you later."

"Okay then babe.", Kai winked, before getting out of the car and closing the door. "Don't work too hard or I'll have to come to your rescue.", Kai yelled as he made his way up the stairs and Jinn only smirked. Starting Thursday, Kai would be going back to work, and honestly Jinn was looking forward to seeing his cute face throughout the day.

After Kai got into the house, he plopped himself right on the couch feeling he had time to nap since Rob worked most of the night and into the early morning, he most likely wasn't up yet. Letting out a yawn, Kai closed his eyes, soon drifting off to sleep.

As Kai slept on the couch, he suddenly snapped his eyes open as a knock on the door scared him out of his sleep. Standing up, Kai stretched as he walked, awkwardly making his way over toward the door.

Unlocking the door, Kai was unpleasantly surprised to see Rob standing there with a grin on his face. "Good morning love, did I wake you?", Rob asked seeing that Kai had major bedhead.

"Oh shit.", Kai said under his breath, raking his fingers through his hair a couple times. "I didn't think you'd be here so early, but thanks.", said Kai holding out his hand, palm up.

Glancing down at Kai's hand momentarily, Rob's grin turned into a smirk, "It's still early, I take it you haven't had breakfast yet?", said Rob pulling a paper bag from behind his back.

Narrowing his eyes, Kai let out a barely audible sigh, withdrawing his hand and crossing his arms. "Rob, can I just have my phone please?".

"I came all the way here love, the least you could do is invite me in and eat the breakfast that I paid for.", said Rob.

Furrowing his brows, Kai stared at Rob who was now smiling from ear to ear. Kai always thought Rob was an interesting person. No matter how negative or rude a person was to him, he never showed his reaction on his face, even at the bar that night they had all hung out, people were pushing and making trouble, and not once did the guy frown. Truly, his patience and calmness was something of a saint, the way he was always in control of his emotions was one of the things that Kai liked about him, even though they were completely opposite to say the least.

"You know that I can't just invite you in, right? That wouldn't be appropriate considering…", said Kai, not finishing his sentence, nosey neighbors were always watching and listening.

"Yes, I know Kai, but our dear friend Saya has asked me to come and hang her curtains that fell last night. She left an extra key under the doormat so I could get in, so technically I would've still came anyway.", Rob chuckled.

"Are you serious?", Kai asked, his brown almond shaped eyes narrowed.

"Mn.", Rob shook his head. Rolling his eyes, Kai somewhat snatched the bag from Rob's hand and made his way into the house, this man most certainly had a way of getting what he wanted.

As the two made their way into the kitchen, Kai placed the bag onto the counter and opened it, "What did you get me?", Kai asked, although he didn't want Rob in the house, the aroma of the food sure was intoxicating.

"A breakfast cheesesteak, one of them is yours.", said Rob, pulling Kai's phone out of his pocket and placing it on the counter.

"Oh my God, how did you know that I've been craving one of these?", said Kai, his eyes wide and a smirk on his face as he pulled the cheesesteak out of the bag, opening it.

"Because you couldn't stop talking about how much you wanted one that night we met.", Rob said with a chuckle as he watched Kai take a huge bite, his mouth full and messy.

Putting his sandwich down, Kai awkwardly chewed slowly, feeling a little embarrassed, he didn't even remember that they had discussed that. Pulling a napkin from the bag, Kai wiped his mouth, and pushed the bag over toward Rob. "I got the same thing, you talked about it so passionately I had to see what the hype was, I've been buying them ever since.", said Rob as he pulled his sandwich out of the bag, unwrapping it. "So, all I have to do is buy you some food and you straighten right up, huh?", said Rob, after taking a large bite of his own sandwich.

"Oh, shut up.", Kai said with a smirk, doing his best to hold back a full smile, there was no way he was going to admit to Rob that, that was one of the ways to his heart.

For a moment, the room was quiet as the two ate, until Kai swallowed, emptying his mouth. "So, did she really ask you to come hang some curtains? I could have done that, I live here.", said Kai taking another bite of his sandwich.

"Well, aren't you like, still recovering? She said she was worried that you would fall or something, and she knew that you probably weren't coming back today anyway, so why not me?", said Rob biting his sandwich.

"Yeah, yeah, you planned this perfectly. It's no wonder you wouldn't bring it to me last night you jerk.", said Kai.

"A guy can try right?", Rob laughed. "Come on, you have to at least give me credit love.",

For a moment Kai glanced up at Rob, the man still smiling, and Kai couldn't help but to smile as well. Although they only had one loud and rowdy bar night with a group of people, Rob had not changed, being exactly as Kai remembered. Although it was their hang out night, Rob was still working the bar, serving everyone with a smile on his face, all while charming the person he was interested in who was Kai at the time.

"Yeah, see that is what drew me to you, Saya said you were handsome, but damn that smile.", said Rob, suddenly bringing Kai back to reality.

Quickly forcing away his smile, Kai cleared his throat, and as he did, the front door opened. "Oh, hey you two, I didn't know you would be here Kai.", said Saya, her face a little strange as she walked into the kitchen with small grocery bags in her hands and Kai walked over to take them from her, placing them on the counter.

"Last minute change, Jinn's gonna be out all day, so I thought I'd come home.", said Kai.

"Oh okay.", said Saya, her and Rob eyeing each other momentarily. "Are you guys eating cheesesteaks for breakfast? My feeling's, why don't I have one?", Saya playfully whined.

"Well, I was gonna eat both, but since he was here, I thought I'd share.", Rob casually lied, a smile on his face, he and Kai's eyes meeting momentarily.

"I've eaten half of it already Saya, want my other half?", Kai asked.

"Oh, can I?", Saya said excited.

"Of course, you can sweets.", said Kai with a smile as he slid his food toward Saya, grabbing his phone, exiting the kitchen and going upstairs.

With his mouth slightly open in disbelief, Rob watched Kai leave the kitchen. He couldn't believe that Kai had just given away the food he had specifically brought for him. Closing his mouth, Rob smirked as he stared down at his food, feeling like a complete idiot.

As Rob picked up his sandwich to bite, he suddenly looked up as he felt Saya glaring at him and a smile suddenly broke out on his face. "You're the one that said he wouldn't be here love. I specifically remember you saying, the house will be empty so use the key under the door mat.", said Rob changing his voice to sound more like Saya's.

"Oh, shut up, I don't sound like that!", said Saya, letting out a cute giggle.

"Sure, you don't.", Rob chuckled as well. "Now, let me finish eating so I can get these curtains up and go home, I've only slept for like four hours.", said Rob before he took another big bite of his sandwich.

"You should get a job at a country club or something, it would be lot slower than the pace you're use to, but at least you'll still have part of your day when you get off.", said Saya.

"That's true, but the plan is to save up enough money so that I can open my own bar and not have to work for anybody, shit is a headache sometimes.", said Rob with a smirk.

"Yes, but you do your job well honey. I don't work this weekend, maybe I'll come keep you company.", said Saya finally picking up the half and taking a bite of sandwich that Kai had given her and Rob narrowed his eyes a bit as he watched her eat.

"I'd like that, but is it good?", he asked with an eye squinting smirk on his face, and Saya looked up, giving an okay sign as her mouth was full from the bite she had just taken. Picking up his sandwich, Rob took another bite, thinking about Kai. His cute little ass had not only entertained Rob so he could have his phone back, but he also willingly gave up the rest of his food like it wasn't a token of affection and then went on about his business without saying a word. Even though he still felt like an idiot, a smirk made its way onto Rob's face as he chewed. He was going to have to find some other way to 'wow' Kai because apparently little gestures like remembering some of your favorite foods meant absolutely nothing, this was going to be harder than he thought.