Family Barbeque Pt. 2

Growing nervous at the sight of the two brothers staring quite hard, Kai forced a smile before glancing down at his plate of the untouched slice of pizza, he really needed to learn how to keep his thoughts from showing on the outside.

"Kai could you get me some water from the fridge?", Jenna suddenly asked, bringing him back to reality.

"I can do it.", Jinn budded in, but Kai stood.

"Nah, it's fine, I need to stretch my legs anyway.", said Kai forcing a smile again before he walked off, past the pool, toward Jinn's parents.

"Kai.", Mrs. Wilkins called out as he neared them, and Kai went over.

"Can I get either of you anything?", he asked.

"No dear, but come here.", she said with a smile pulling Kai by the wrist so that he would bend closer to her. "Are you uncomfortable?", she asked with a smile.

With parted lips Kai glanced at Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins who were both looking at him expecting an answer. Glancing back toward the ground, Kai smiled nervously. "A little.", he finally responded.

"Please enjoy yourself, I didn't bring you here so you could be uncomfortable, you are family now okay? Besides, I think you are making someone else nervous, look how he watches.", Mrs. Wilkins giggled. Glancing over toward the other end of the pool, Kai saw Jinn watching them closely.

Giving Jinn a momentary smirk, Kai turned back toward Mrs. Wilkins, "I promise to relax.", he said, giving Mrs. Wilkins a smile. Gently, Mrs. Wilkins squeezed Kai's wrist, giving him a smile back before she let him go.

After leaving Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins, Kai walked into the dimly lit house, stopping in the downstairs restroom first and stood in the dark, staring at his dark reflection. "Okay Kai, pull your shit together.", he encouraged himself, before another's reflection suddenly appeared behind him, hands wrapping around his waist.

"Holy shit!", Kai raised his voice. "Jinn you really have to stop sneaking up on me!", Kai whined, but Jinn was quiet as he leaned forward, nibbling on the side of Kai's neck and one hand caressing the hip and making its way below the waist.

"…", Inhaling deeply, Kai then exhaled heavily, "Can't you wait until later? Everyone is right outside.", he said softly, pulling himself away, but the hand placed in between his legs, held him there.

"Then be quiet.", he whispered as his hand began to massage the growing hard on in his pants, sending a shiver down Kai's spine.

"Jinn.", Kai moaned softly as he closed his eyes, laying his head back on his boyfriends' chest as he couldn't help, but to enjoy the hand massaging his length while the two of them stood there in the dark.

Nibbling on the side of Kai's neck, he then whispered in his ear, "Fuck, can you moan again just like that, but this time call me Art."

Hearing this Kai snapped his eyes open, realizing this person was not Jinn, he never realized how similar the two brothers sounded until now and honestly it was just plain scary. Elbowing Art in the side so that he would let him go, Kai flicked on the light and turned around, his face flustered, but horrified. "You're disgusting you know that?", Kai said angrily, but Art only smirked.

"Well, I could argue that the hard on between your legs does not agree.", said Art as he moved closer.

"…", Not saying anything as his face burned even redder, Kai raised his hands to push him away, but Art quickly grabbed hold of both of Kai's wrist, pinning him back against the sink.

"You are feisty as fuck, but that's what I like about you.", Art chuckled. "Tell me, are you this rough in bed? Can I find out?", Art whispered, as he placed both of Kai's wrist in one hand before grabbing a hand full of Kai's dark hair.

"I will scream!", Kai said as firmly as he could although his voice was shaky.

"I hate that you to think so low of me, I'd never do anything more without your consent Kai. I told you before that I wanted you and since you've refused me numerous times, I think it's more effective to make you want me instead, don't you think? I mean considering that fact that you're still hard.", said Art as his smile widened, while he rubbed his thigh in between Kai's legs.

"Fuck you!", Kai said firmly.

"Well, that's what I'm hoping for sweets.", Art chuckled before he released his grip and Kai flew out of the bathroom down the hall toward the dining room before suddenly bumping into Jinn.

"Babe, what were you doing? I came to se…", Jinn began to say, but Kai's cute pouting, red face and watery eyes silenced him, he wasn't sure how to react.

"…", not saying anything, Kai walked closer, wrapping his arms around Jinn.

"Should we go?", Jinn asked as he hugged Kai back.

Letting out a deep exhale, Kai squeezed his eyes shut before speaking. "No…I…I just have a headache.", he lied.

"Well then let's call it a night.", said Jinn.

"I still have to get Jenna some water.", Kai said softly.

"Don't worry, go lie down, I got it.", said Jinn, kissing Kai on the forehead before letting him go. "I'll be up in a minute.", he continued.

Not saying anything, Kai nodded and walked away, making his way up the stairs, going into Jinn's old bedroom and flopping down on the bed. Letting out a sigh, Kai closed his eyes, unfortunately, they couldn't just leave, they needed to stay for Mrs. Wilkins.

After Kai had went upstairs Jinn made his way toward the kitchen, to grab a bottle of water. As he closed the door and turned around, he nearly jumped out of his skin to see his older brother standing there. "Jesus, why are you just standing in the dark like a creep?", Jinn chuckled.

"I swear I'm not the creep you think I am Jinn, I just got here.", Art chuckled back as Jinn began to walk past him. "There's something I need to talk to you about.", he continued.

"Oh? What's up?", said Jinn pausing and turning back toward Art.

"Kai.", said Art with a smirk, that could only be faintly seen in the dim kitchen gently lit by the overhead light above the stove.

"What about him?", Jinn asked, narrowing his eyes, he hadn't forgotten the advance his brother had made on his boyfriend.

"You should keep a better eye on him.", said Art as he began to walk away.

"What's that suppose to mean?", Jinn responded, his tone somewhat agitated.

"Your boyfriend has been lost in his head all night, or hadn't you noticed?", said Art as he stopped, turning back around toward his brother and raising a brow.

"...", Furrowing his brows, Jinn said nothing.

"Did you two fight, is that it?", Art continued to pry.

"…", letting out a sigh, Jinn simply shook his head no.

"Right, not to mention the fact that Mom has suddenly done a complete 180, but perhaps I am just seeing things that are not there.", said Art with a chuckle as he proceeded to leave the kitchen again.

"Why the dramatics? Just say what you mean!", Jinn said firmly, he was losing his patience.

"I am saying that your boyfriend seems to know something that we don't.", Art shrugged as he continued out of the kitchen, leaving Jinn with his thoughts.

For a moment longer, Jinn stood there thinking about what Art had just said, it was true that Kai had been acting a bit strange, and it wasn't just this weekend either. Shaking his head, Jinn let out a sigh, making his way out of the kitchen, if Kai was holding something in, it wasn't going to be easy to get it out of him either.

After Jinn had given his sister the bottle of water, he bid his parents a goodnight and made his way upstairs. As he walked into his bedroom, there lay Kai passed out on his back with his legs hanging over the side of the bed. The poor thing had fallen asleep, not even bothering to put on his pajamas or take off his slides.

With a smirk, Jinn walked over, squatting down, gently removing Kai's slides from his pigeon-toed feet. Afterwards, Jinn quietly sat down on the bed beside Kai, careful not to wake him. Lightly running his fingers through Kai's dark hair, Jinn let out a sigh, "I wish I knew what's going on in that head of yours.", he said softly, and Kai's eyes began to flutter before they opened.

"Oh shit, I fell asleep.", said Kai as he saw his boyfriend sitting next to him.

"Still have a headache?", Jinn asked.

"Nah, it's gone now.", Kai responded, even though he had never had a headache in the first place.

"Okay, well I got some Tylenol from my Mom just in case.", said Jinn as he laid down, snuggling beside Kai, placing a hand on his boyfriend's stomach.

Grabbing Jinn's firm arm, Kai squeezed it gently in his smaller hand, feeling the muscle definition that never ceased to amaze him. "I need to start going to the gym regularly, I always gain weight when I'm with you.", Jinn whined, running his hand down Kai's abdomen.

"Oh please, you're still just as ripped as you were that fucked up day I woke up to you standing in nothing but a towel.", Kai chuckled.

"Oh, you remember that? I didn't think you paid that much attention to me, considering how rude you were.", Jinn chuckled, his hand going lower. "Did it make you hard just thinking about it?", Jinn asked with a smirk on his face, his large hand beginning to massage the bulge in between Kai's legs.

"Don't be too full of yourself, that's just my wake-up wood.", Kai giggled.

"Well then, allow me to do something about it.", said Jinn, a sinister grin on his face. If there was one way to get Kai to relax and open up, this was it.