
Sitting at the café near his younger brother's apartment, Art let out a yawn as he unlocked his phone to see the time, "that bastard, how dare he ask me here first thing in the morning and have the nerve to be late?", he complained, putting his phone back down on the table and picking up his brown sugar latte to drink.

Sitting for a moment more, Art let out a sigh before picking up his phone again, he intended to call his brother, but Jinn suddenly walked through the door, making his way over. "Ah, there you are. You know, if you're going to ask me to be here this early, the least you could do is show up on time.", Art complained, picking up his latte and taking another sip.

"…", not saying anything, Jinn pulled out the chair on the opposite side of the table and sat, that same unreadable expression on his handsome face.

"Well, you asked me here, so I take it there's something of importance you need to talk to me about?", said Art, rolling his eyes as he realized his brother was not in the best mood.

"As a matter of fact, I do.", Jinn finally spoke, his deeper morning voice still very much present.

"Well?", Art asked, sipping his latte again.

"Was I not clear enough the last time I asked you to leave my boyfriend alone?", Jinn asked, an icy glare on his handsome face.

Widening his eyes for a moment, Art let out a sigh, "Oh come on Jinn, an eye for an eye, right?", said Art, finishing his sentence with a smirk.

"Don't fuck with me Art!", Jinn said angrily, although he was doing his best to keep his composure.

"And what are you gonna do little brother? Punch me in the face again and worry our poor Mother that we're not getting along? She's fighting for her life Jinn; you remember that don't you?" said Art.

"…", hissing under his breath, Jinn closed his eyes for a moment.

"Now, you asked me here to talk, so be a man and do that.", said Art, his expression now showing that same poker face.

"I'm not playing this game with you!", Jinn said firmly.

"I promise this isn't a game Jinn, I've become very fond of that little cutie, it's not fair for you to keep him all to yourself.", Art responded.

"Be fond of him all you want, but understand that he'll never be yours!", Jinn said angrily.

"You think?", said Art pausing to drink his latte. "The thing is Jinn, I couldn't disagree more, I suit him better than you do.", said Art, his smirk finally returning.

Closing his eyes, Jinn squeezed his own thigh under the table, his nerves forcing his leg to shake over and over. Jinn was doing his very best to keep from jumping across the table and giving this man exactly what he deserved, but Art was right, he had to think about their mother that they visited often.

"You see little brother? Your horns are showing again, you always were quick to get angry.", Art chuckled.

Calming himself once more, Jinn let out a heavy exhale, "is it an apology you want Art? Do you really want revenge for the stupid shit I did when I was eighteen years old?", Jinn asked, trying his best to understand his brother for the first time.

"…", not saying anything, Art put down his half empty cup, his eyes glancing from side to side for a moment before he looked back up.

"Is that it? Were you actually hurt by what I did?"

"You couldn't hurt me if you tried Jinn.", said Art, his face somewhat angry for the first time since they began and Jinn took note, a small smirk gracing his lips.

"You were friends for years, so I understand why you kept him around, but you didn't love…", Jinn began to say.

"You were the one who didn't love him Jinn! Confused and infatuated is what you were, coming out to the first guy you had access too!", Art said angrily.

Raising a brow, Jinn sat back a bit, crossing his arms, both brothers staring at each other with the same icy glare. "So, then I was right, you are doing this to get back at me. We could have talked this out years ago like we are now. Ask yourself why you haven't grown up all these years.", said Jinn, another smirk making it's way onto his face.

"I think you could do the same.", said Art, his smirk returning, and Jinn raised a brow.

"The hell are you talking about now?", Jinn asked, squinting his eyes at his older brother.

"Granted I see you've been trying to change but ask yourself why you're still the same angry Jinn you were when you were a teenager. Ask yourself why Kai, the man you claim to love so much is afraid to tell you anything?", said Art.

Furrowing his brows, Jinn squinted his eyes even further. "…."

"What? Nothing to say little brother?", said Art, pausing to finish his latte.

"You don't know what the fuck you're saying!", Jinn said angrily as he felt himself growing more annoyed, Art only played mind games when he had no other choice.

"Kai's sweet, but feisty which I'm sure you know. He's also quite the rude little shit, but I noticed he's a lot sweeter, timid even when you're around or hadn't you noticed? Kai's responded more than once as if he was terrified for you to find out what had happened. Now, what does that say about your relationship and you as a partner?", Art continued, a smirk on his handsome face.

"He has anxiety, what's your point?", Jinn demand, once again squeezing his own thigh under the table.

"Anxiety? Please?", said Art, a chuckle following. "My point is that Kai is a ball of fire, who's light should not be dimmed. He shouldn't be with someone who's possessive and someone who makes him feel anxious. If that anger you showed him at the family barbeque is a regular occurrence, it's no wonder he's afraid of you."

"Fuck you Art, you've been warned.", Jinn said calmy as he stood, storming past his brother.

"May the best brother win!", said Art, a chuckle following as Jinn exited the café.

Power walking to his car, Jinn quickly pulled the key from his pocket, unlocking the door and slamming it shut as he got in. Putting the key in the ignition, Jinn started the car, placed his hand on the gear and paused. For a moment, he sat there thinking, staring at the wheel before gripping it tight. Art always did know how to get under his skin, but Jinn couldn't help, but to replay the things his brother had said over and over again. Kai does always seem like he's afraid to tell him things, but that was just his anxiety, right? That was how Kai was, wasn't he? Wasn't he like that with everyone? Come to think of it, Kai often flinched whenever they argued. "Dammit!", Jinn cursed under his breath as his thoughts continued to run wild, had he been being mean to Kai without realizing it? Slamming his fist onto the stirring wheel, Jinn put the car in drive and pulled off.


Balled up on the couch in his boyfriend's apartment, Kai sat doodling on his tablet. "I wonder where Jinn went this morning.", he thought. Jinn was gone when he woke up and he hadn't left him a text or anything. "Maybe he still just needs some space.", Kai thought before he let out a sigh, but as he did, he heard the door unlocking, Jinn coming in with a paper bag and a drink.

"Hey, you.", said Kai as he jumped up from the couch. Putting his tablet down, Kai made his way toward Jinn, holding out his hands and silently offering to carry the things for him.

"I got it babe.", said Jinn his view fixated on the ground as he walked past Kai. Widening his eyes for a moment, Kai followed Jinn into the kitchen.

"Is this from the café down the street? What'd you buy me?", Kai asked, excited that Jinn had went and brought him breakfast this morning.

"It's not from that café you like, I went to another place.", said Jinn as he began pulling things out of the bag. "I got you a blueberry muffin and an iced mocha latte, extra mocha and less ice.", Jinn continued as he handed things to Kai.

"Aww thanks babe.", said Kai, grabbing a straw and drinking his latte.

Leaning over, Jinn placed both elbows on the counter, his chin resting on his hand as he stared at Kai. "You want some babe?", said Kai, suddenly looking up at Jinn as he felt him staring.

"Nah, I'm good.", said Jinn, a small smile gracing his face before he looked down at the counter.

Noticing that Jinn was in a mood, Kai put down his latte, walked over and hugged him from behind. "I'm sorry I hurt you, I'll make it up to you, no matter how long it takes.", said Kai.

Letting out a sigh, Jinn stood up straight, cradling Kai's arms that were wrapped around him. "You love me, right?", Jinn asked, his voice somewhat shaky.

"Of course I do, always.", Kai said softly as he placed a kiss on his boyfriends back.


Later that evening, Art lay shirtless on his back, scrolling on his phone. "Hey, I'm here.", said Allen coming into his room and putting his backpack down.

"So, you are.", Art replied nonchalantly, not bothering to look at Allen. Bringing one corner of his mouth tight, Allen kicked off his sneakers and hopped on the bed next to Art.

"What are you doing?", he asked as he snuggled up under Art to get a glimpse of what the man was so fixated on.

"I'm shopping, gonna buy a new car.", he said softly, his eyes glued to his phone as he was indeed looking at cars.

"Oh? What's wrong with your car?", Allen asked.

"Nothing, I just figured someone might need it more than I do.", he responded.

Raising a brow, Allen smirked, "How thoughtful of you, my car is such a piece of shit!", Allen began to giggle as he got up and nestled his head in between Art's legs, his tongue wiggling along Art's man hood. "When do I get the car?" said Allen, only pausing his tongue action to ask a question.

Putting his phone down on the bed, Art rolled his eyes closed and let out a sigh, tightening his abs for a moment as his manhood was becoming rock-hard. "It isn't for you.", he finally responded, and Allen immediately stopped what he was doing.

Glancing up, Art raised a brow, "You started this, now finish it.", he said in a way that Allen knew he'd better listen. Swallowing the lump in his throat, Allen pulled Art's long and thick manhood from his boxers, and slowly enveloped the whole thing, his tongue doing circles around the throbbing veiny member.

As Allen sucked Art off, his eyes began to water. If there was a word to describe how he felt at this very moment, 'hate' would be it.