The magic school bus

Today is the first day of school for all the kids, Since most of them are all in different grades it's kinda hectic around this time of year. It's ok though because power couple, Mark and Jackson, have it all down to business.


Ahh, the lovely sound of the alarm clock, a sound Mark knew very well, also very much hated it. Mark finally gets up, annoyed as always, and checks the time. He has yet again gotten up late. Today could be no exception because it was the first day of school for all of his babies. He could tell this morning was going to be very rushed and the kids would probably forget to put on pants, oh well," a moms gotta do what a moms gotta do", you know.

The only thing stopping him from getting up and yelling at the kids to get up is his husband, Jackson still sleeping. He's a very light sleeper, yet he still manages to sleep through the alarm clock, Any other slight sound could wake him up so fast, like the Flash. He couldn't do the dirty work without his husbands help, if he did, the kids would probably be sent home with how? what do you say? homeless they look.

Mark leans over to Jackson's ear, You would think he would whisper to him ,"Good mornings.", or a little "Get up!" but no that's just not how Mark is. "WAKE UP SLEEPYHEAD", and a small smack to the face was all he had to do to get Jackson up and screaming to call 911. He didn't call 911 though because his husband always says that, maybe he shouldn't try to give him a heart attack every morning. Then he thought about it... naw. He probably deserves it anyways, Mark thinks.

Jackson gets up and looks at the calendar "Dang it, why does there have to be school today can't i sleep five more minutes", he says in frustration he uses his baby voice to get what he wants but it's not gonna work on Mark today. "No, come on you big baby, It's time to get the kids up YAY!" The enthusiasm didn't work as he saw Jackson slouching out of the room, to make a cup of coffee for the big day.

The first room he wandered into was JB and Jinyoung's castle, That's what they named their room. Mark walks in quietly at first, but then jumps onto Jinyoung on the lower bunk of their bed. Mark knows that he can get a little feisty. He gets off quick not wanting to be murdered. "Good morning kids get up and maybe your father will have enough energy and consideration to make you guys breakfast", All the ruckus woke up JB, He's a light sleeper just like his daddy. He usually gets the older boys up first since they're in a higher grade. They have a different bus that bus comes earlier than the other one. JB and Jinyoung are older they know the drill and can get up faster.

The next room Mark goes to is Youngjae's, He has a room to himself because Jackson insisted. Jackson has a soft spot for Youngjae and no one knows why, Maybe because he's the only innocent child in the house and he's very cuddly. We have quite a big house with four rooms because we have a big family. I wanted to use Youngjae's room for an office or something Youngjae could just be in a room with the other kids, but Jackson had to take side with his favorite. I ended up dealing with it because I know he wouldn't give up his fight for his nice little baby Youngjae. I know how much he loves him, Sometimes he would stay up late at night only to talk to me about how much he loves Youngjae, He would even cry some nights about it. I mean I like Youngjae too but I would never pick favorites, He is the best kid but that doesn't mean anything right? Anyway I love waking him up because he just gets up so easily and he's a morning person so that helps. I don't even have to go through any trouble. I guess you could say Youngjae is quite perfect, but he's not my favorite. Like I said I don't have those.

After arguing with myself that I shouldn't have favorites, I move onto the next room. The most difficult out of everyone and everything. The youngest, the babies, the very hard to handle A holes i guess you could say. It's Yugyeom and BamBam, Still I don't even know why they have a room together if all they do is stay up all night doing stupid stuff. Literally no one knows what they do. Their room is always a mess with all kinds of stuff like food, pillows, toys, and even animals. They never wake up or easily because they are too busy at night to wake up during the day, That's why I hate them. I don't like them any less than any of the other kids I just don't like dealing with them, at all. At least Jackson's good with them but he didn't want to do anything this morning, I guess I'm alone for this one, Maybe I did let him get away with it today, dang it! BamBam is the hardest to wake up because he's so stubborn and doesn't want to do anything. He's only seven and he just knows everything is useless. I won't tell him the truth. Yugyeom is kinda easy because he's a little goody two shoes and does whatever mommy and daddy say. Then he wins us over with his charms and we give up. I got them up, though, like I always do. Then I start walking to the kitchen where Jackson is and the kids like to get dressed and stuff themselves.

I know I won't be met with a pleasant sight when I walk through the kitchen because there he is in all his glory. Jackson is sitting at the table looking into nothing, half naked, with an empty coffee cup and I don't even think he realizes it yet. "Damn it Jackson I asked you to do one thing and you can't do it." I say angry, It's not rare for me to get angry at him over basically anything and everything. "Oh sorry i was doing it ... What did you want me to do again?" there it was the Jackson I know and love, forgetting a simple task. "I asked you to make breakfast for the kids so they won't think we're bad parents, You haven't even gotten out a single apple." Well this definitely is gonna be a rough morning. " Get some clothes on you don't want the kids making fun of you even more than they already do." I'm kinda done with him right now so we'll skip this part for now.

*Time skip* 30 min

So the kids are dressed and ready. They've ate some pop tarts so they're all good to get on the bus. This morning actually wasn't as big of a disaster as I thought it would be, thank Jesus~! The older kids bus hasn't come yet so that's a good sign or a bad one, maybe i got up earlier than I thought and the alarm clock needs to be reset. I haven't checked my phone at all today. I was actually getting kinda worried when the bus didn't come as soon as I thought it would but then it showed up. Just now Jackson decides to come running out of the house in only pants still half naked with two cups of coffee and he's coming over really fast so he's spilling the coffee everywhere. I don't think the kids are surprised though. They look kind of embarrassed because they hurriedly get on the bus and tell the driver to floor it.

Once Jackson makes it over most of the coffee is gone and he's out of breathe waving at the bus passing. I swear he's like this every year. Eager to see the kids go off to school even though it's not even their first time. He's a good dad, when he actually makes it to the stop on time. "Here, I made you some coffee I hope you like it" he said with a smile, passing me the mostly empty cup. Even though it's basically all gone I appreciate it and smile back at him and take a sip. It's not bad but I wish there was more. This isn't enough to get me through the day, but I silently thank Jackson for thinking about me. All of my nice Mark attitude is up for the day when I realize he is still half naked and waiting for the second bus filled with little kids. He's having a cute little conversation with the other kids when I just can't help myself. I reach out to his shirtless back and ... *smack* it what where you guys thinking? Nasty! "What did i tell you about getting dressed?" I could see the pain in his face as he held his back in agony "I put on pants so that counts" he said, defeated. "Not enough" I said and smacked his stomach this time softer than before. By now the kids were laughing at us and we start laughing too with how cute they are.

Soon the second bus is coming and the younger kids are saying bye to mommy and daddy. When the bus arrives, though, I stand in front of Jackson not wanted the little children on the bus and the driver to see my husbands titties on full display He complains saying he wants to see his babies when they leave him again. The bus leaves with the rest of our kids and I kinda feel emotional but then I think they'll come back it's not a big deal so I hold the tears. I go to turn around and say something to Jackson when I see that he's crying, Another fun fact about him is that he cries a lot over everything. One time a bird hit our window after he cleaned them and it almost died. he cried so hard, saying it was his fault that it hit the window. I really do love when my husband cries over every little thing, at least he knows he's weak.

"Come on let's go insides they'll come back it's ok" I say and lead him to the house.

