Just like mommy and daddy

It was a day just like any other, Mark was getting frustrated trying to take care of all his chaotic kids while Jackson was busy with work. Ever since they got that stupid dog it hasn't learned a single thing, Maybe cause it spends so much time with BamBam and Yugyeom. Youngjae just kinda gave up on trying to take care of him so he basically gave it to the youngsters and who knows what they do to that dog. One day Mark walked in on them painting him with brown paint. They said he needs to be his true self.

Mark was in the kitchen sitting at the table looking over bills he was supposed to look over days ago. He gets distracted from all the chaos happening around him. Once he was done Mark went to check on the kids in the living room where they were all huddled up, watching Trolls because Red Velvet was in it. He noticed Yugyeom and BamBam sharing one blanket and he coos at how cute they are. Wanting to see what they were up to giggling under the cover, Mark took the blanket off to see they had his phone. They were looking through his and Jackson's text messages and he knew they could only make fun of them after.

They always had something sneaky going on and it wasn't for the fun of things. It was because they were always doing something inappropriate like smelling each others farts or looking at nasty stuff from their trash can. Or something way worse. When Mark thought it was enough they always did something way worse. Always making dirty jokes and laughing about it. Not saying it wasn't funny. It was just that Youngjae doesn't need to be hearing that kind of stuff. He was so innocent and perfect Jackson just wanted him to stay like that. To make his husband happy Mark kept Youngjae away from the little ones. Maybe Yugyeom and BamBam were exposed to some inappropriate things along the way growing up.

It makes him think about himself, About how his kids remind him of how he used to be and sometimes still is. Mark has always had a different way of thinking of things. Maybe a bit less on the innocent side. Jackson has always teased him about it but then he thinks about it and they both can be a bit gross at times. It's weird how his kids remind him of dirty he thinks. It was his fault after all, teaching them all these terms he hates it but then again it's what makes them, them.

Thinking of these things brings Marks mind into a trance as they wandered around all up in his brain. He brought up memories from the past. Remembering that one time JB was rolling on the floor after his 11th birthday when he got cake all over his face. He couldn't help but think about Jackson after seeing this and thinking about how similar they are. Cause, lets face it that's the most Jackson thing anyone could do, according to Mark. Then his brain wandered towards Jinyoung and his anger issues. Thinking about how he has his moments in the anger industry. Maybe it's where Jinyoung gets all his pent up emotions. It's from Mark and how frustrated he gets. The hard part about it is the fact that Mark lets it all out at once and Jinyoung sees that so I guess he does the same. He loves all of his little babies and how they all have different ways of thinking, but Jinyoung is the worst. He feels bad for Jackson having to deal with all his anger. Then he feels bad for Yugyeom because Jinyoung chooses to let out anger on him. Poor Yugyeom but then he doesn't feel bad. One, because BamBam's got his back and two, that's what he gets for being a little shit all the time.

By the time Mark has moved on to think of other things, he's in his and Jackson's room now looking around remembering how they got to this point. He remembers how he wanted kids so bad that when him and Jackson got together they had the thoughts together right away. When he knew Jackson felt the same they decided on having their first baby. Since they were both men obviously they couldn't have one so they thought of an idea for a surrogate. They found a perfect one, Jackson's sister then they started their family together one by one. They really wanted a girl and by the third baby when they weren't satisfied they said "oh well" and continued having more until they were complete.

Mark thinks about Jackson and how sweet and caring he was and still is. After, he could only think about his precious and innocent Youngjae. He was the spitting image of Jackson and he loved watching Youngjae and how he acted when he didn't have Jackson there. A single tear rolled down Marks cheek reminiscing the good times and knowing there are more to come only makes his eyes more watery, crying in happiness and pride. Just as a few more salty tears come down he hears the door opening and Jackson emerges from behind it. He walks up to Mark with a smile at first but it slowly fades at the sight he's met with. Jackson's always said he hates seeing Mark cry, The first time he said so Mark made a joke about how ugly he looks. He loved his husband because he was always there when he needed him and how he comforted him even when he didn't want to be.

"Hey what happened, are you ok?" he said, climbing on the bed sounding worried as he wiped Mark's tears. He loved this side of Jackson and it only made Mark fall in love with him all over again. It made more tears slip out as Jackson cuddled him, still worried as ever over one small thing. This really is a Youngjae thing to do but Jackson had to make it his own. He loved how his kids have their own little personalities but how similar they all were to him and Jackson. They really are all just like mommy and daddy.

Seeing as Jackson hasn't given up on making Mark stop crying, he decides this moment needs a little spice. Considering Mark was working out lately he tackles Jackson to the bed proud of how strong he's gotten. Jackson just kinda sits there confused for a moment, that is until Mark placed a small kiss on his cheek. He instantly regretted his decision as Jackson started kissing Mark all over. Just at the good part there was a sound at the door.

"Mommy where's da- ahhhh".

It was Yugyeom and he just witnessed something that would go all around the house for days. He would definitely tell BamBam about this. This is what you get for getting sad isn't it, well at least when you do you get your big strong tittie husband to give you kisses and make you feel better. If that's what life was for Mark he wouldn't want anything else.

