Wang Gae Park Gae

Jinyoung has very bad anger issues as you may know. He sees it from his loving mother, Mark, and as you also may know Mark let's out most of his pent up anger on his husband, Jackson. Jinyoung just chooses to let his frustration out on his youngest and most irritating brother Yugyeom.

Sometimes Jinyoung feels bad for his father, getting bullied and yelled at by people at both your house and your job can't be easy. JB may be the eldest of the litter but more than anyone Jinyoung understands his parents struggles. JB is more of a mom figure fore the little kids when their mother isn't actually around.

Jinyoung spends a lot of free time with his dad since he feels like he needs someone with him all the time. Sometimes Jinyoung feels like his own father is the child in this situation. He knows how his dad feels about be treated like a baby, by literally his own baby. He just let's it happen because he likes hanging out with his son to much to even think about it a whole lot.

One day the father-son duo went on a trip to the park to feed the wild squirrels and help out with everyday work. Jackson was thinking of something really hard and when he finally said what was on his mind made Jinyoung want to run away. He had said he wanted a name to call their hang out time since they've been going on little trips with just the two of them for a while now. When the end of the day came, Jackson sought deep in his mind for a name and behold he had found one.

"Wang gae, Park gae" he said to Jinyoung on the way home from their trip a few years ago. Jinyoung, not knowing what he was trying to say asked what he meant by that. "It's what I'll call this" he said motioning in between him and Jinyoung. It was a unique name, no doubt about it, but it was just kinda weird. You see, Jackson and Junior didn't have the same surnames, cause their family is complicated. Hence why he calls it Wang gae Park gae. Jackson Wang and Park Jinyoung. Mark didn't take Jackson surname because well, they weren't married...yet. Gay marriage wasn't legal in Korea and it was stopping Mark and Jackson pretending it was. They call each other husband and wife anyway, they feel closer that way. They hope one day to finally get married.

Jackson wanted to talk with Jinyoung about something one day when they went out for lunch after school. They got to talking about the other kids and Youngjae just so happened to come into the conversation. "So what's the deal with you and sunshine" Jinyoung said out of the blue taking a sip of his blueberry slushy. Jackson explained, not wanting to hurt his sons feelings. Basically he said Youngjae was his favorite daughter, although it didn't give much reassurance to Junior he appreciated it. Then he went on to say Jinyoung was his favorite son, that was better to hear.

Jinyoung understood where he was coming from, he shouldn't be this blunt with this guy that is his father, it just so happens to be this way. "Well, i have the same feelings, just replaced with hate, i guess" Jinyoung says, wanting that worried face to be thrown off of his dad's face. He'd always hated it when Jackson was feeling down or upset, cause he likes to believe his father is the strongest man out there. "Like mom's cool cause i relate a lot to em' you know" Jackson nods intrigued with Jinyoung sudden explanation. "I kinda have to like Youngjae, cause we're like tied in this competition you call "favoritism". He says using his figures as quotation marks for further detail. Jackson likes that he's reassuring him that whatever hate and love is, is that it's ok and normal for everyone to feel. He should really be the one telling Jinyoung this but he feels like he's learning a lesson, so he listen without a saying a single word.

"JB and I are like best friend brothers and we get along, so he's cool" he's talking about everyone and Jackson just can't wait till the last one. He's been wanting an explanation about-"And like Yugyeom...well Yugyeom is complicated i love the boy i just don't like him, you know". Jackson knows what he means, sometimes he feels the same way but it's ok, this is ok.

All of a sudden he feels like taking a picture of this moment with his very handsome son. All the moments they've had together have been fun and memorable but this one was special. He takes out his phone and tells Jinyoung to get in. Jackson shoves his face into his sons cheek so both of them could fit in the the camera screen. "Dad stop, i don't like your face" he starts pushing away getting uncomfortable. "Shh, just enjoy this Junior".
