We Meet Again

I tugged Matthew's hand gently as we walked the way home. I had been two minutes late in picking him up which he wasn't very happy about. He was in another one of his moods, the best thing to do was to just ignore it. Eventually he would get over it and go back to being the adorable little brother. It didn't take us long to arrive back home since his daycare was only two blocks away from our house. I unlocked the door slightly pushing him inside, he ran straight for his toys which I knew would keep him busy for hours. I took off my shoes taking a seat on our small couch, I was going to busy myself with homework. I was able to get half of work done before it was time to bathe Mathew, "Matt come it's bath time" I cooed picking him up in my arms gently. He bounced in my arms with excitement, he loved taking baths and I usually ended up soaking wet. I bathed him quickly before taking him out to dry him off and of course being a bit naughty he ran around the apartment butt naked. "Matt come here now! You need to put clothes on"! I screamed trying to not slip as the bottom of

my feet were wet from all of his splashing.

I finally grabbed him and shoved clothes on his body. I let him run around as I knew it would tire him out, I made him his favorite mac and cheese bowl and fed him his dinner. He became grumpy and tired and soon it was bedtime, so I laid with him until he fell asleep. I hopped in the shower washing myself with my favorite coconut body wash. The days events plagued my thoughts and no matter how hard I tried my mind always went back to him. Something about him annoyed the hell out of me but also piqued my curiosity. I hadn't expected my first day to go like this and I could only hope this wouldn't be am everyday occurrence. With a deep sigh I got out fhe shower placing and got dressed, I placed a pink bonnet over my head so that my braids wouldn't mess up over night. I ate a bowl of cereal for dinner and before I knew it I grew too tired to keep my eyes open. That night I dreamed of him... I dreamed of Aabir taking my hand once again and forcing me to dance with him. It was a dream I would never understand.

The next morning I woke up in a much brighter mood. Today was going to be a long day as I had four classes to get through. I dreamed of being a writer, it was all I ever wanted to be in life. I was a hopeless romantic , wishing for something I knew would never happen to a girl like me. I was a brown skinned girl with a plump body, no one dared to look my way... no one except Aabir... it felt strange at how comfortable I became calling him that. I'm sure he wouldn't mind as he sure didn't mind yesterday embarrassing me in front of strangers. I grabbed an apple biting into as I read the note on the fridge from my mother, she had left dropping Matthew off at daycare. She left a ten dollar bill for me to get lunch. Soon I would be looking for a job so my mother wouldn't ne stuck with the heavy lifting. During my high-school days I had worked part time in a cafe and saved up much of my earnings. I had planned on finding my own apartment feeling it was time for me to have my own space to call my own. It was only right and I would still be here to help take care of Matthew. Grabbing my phone and bag I made my way to travel to school, today was one of those days where everything was packed with people. As I got off the bus I felt myself trip on a pair of feet causing me to lose my balance . I was about to embrace my fate when a pair of strong hands pulled me up quickly. My eyes wide with terror I looked up at my savior, I was greeted by a frowning Aabir who was angrily yelling at the person who tripped me to watch where they were going.

I backed out of his arms mumbling a quiet thank you. Aabir said nothing as he continued staring at me. "Are you always going to make me worry my clumsy bunny"? He teased me lightly grabbing my hand roughly into his, we got on the train platform waiting for the train to arrive. I tried pulling my hand out of his but he held on tigher forcing me to admit defeat. "The more you struggle the more I'm reluctant to let you go" he grinned showing off his pearly white teeth. He was so affectionate he nearly made me lose my sense of thought every time he smiled my way. When the train finally arrived he pulled me along side him wrapping a tan arm around my large waistline. I felt slightly embarrassed, he probably thought I had a too large of a waist. No matter how hard I protested he pulled me towards his chest tighter forcing me to look him in the eyes.

"Will you let go! People are staring" I whispered my eyes dodging to the ground. I squirmed more into his arms but he just kept grinning like a kid who received candy.

"Mmm I'm quite comfortable like this. They can stare all they want they just can't touch" he growled pulling me closer. I felt my face grow hot as the train finally pulled at our stop. Aabir led the way to the college not listening to my cried of protest. The last thing I wanted was for people to get the wrong idea.

"Aabir... Aabir please... people will get the wrong idea" I pleaded until he came to a sudden halt. I stopped myself before I could bump into him, he turned facing me with a frown and expression which was a first for me.

"There is nothing wrong with people thinking what they want. In fact their thoughts aren't so far off" he said with a smirk. Frowning I pulled my hand out of his shocked by his words.

"Please refrain from touching or talking to me. I barely know you yet you think you can order me around" I snapped stomping off towards the college building. I heard his slight chuckle as I made my way towards my first class.