Tearing Flesh, Near End

Protection, is what she did?

When she took his wounded body to her shop, it was filled with real monsters—angry, vengeful humans who saw the Wolf as a target.

As a fit for revenge, for the soul that possessed this wolf was evil deep within.

Even if the wolf himself was unaware of what he had done, the people of the village knew, and so did the creature that cursed him. They knew of the blood this creature spilled and its craving for chaos. So when they saw blood spilling from the wolf, they knew what they had to do. Even if the witch protested, it didn't matter; they were already filled with hatred.

The tools meant for carving and cutting meats became a tool for murder, carving into the flesh of this ignorant creature as even its split soul screamed in pain. Tears poured from the wolf viciously as it began to beg for the witch's grace yet she turned away as he cried. 

Bones and red meat were torn from the creature's body and the previous victim's remains leaked out as well as the evil spirit within the wolf wept for redemption. But there was none as the life within the wolf quickly started to drain. The clear liquid turned to white eyes as the humans stood caked in scarlet and onyx-colored blood.

"A-are you satisfied now?" the witch asked, nearly trembling, and they laughed, "It is the least you could do, witch. After all, you think all the healing you do will bring back the dead? Our families who were victims of this beast!" 

The witch was quiet now and the villagers smirked, "Exactly, now clean up this mess, we have dinner to prepare at home, and why it would be satisfying to eat this." They spit on the creature, "We wouldn't want to be poisoned by its evil rotten flesh." 


They stormed out of the witch's shop leaving a bloody mess for her to clean up, her face horrified as the wolf wasn't even dead yet. 

"You're still alive," she muttered, and he moved his paw. "I thought you were going to...Help." She quickly shut her eyes and squeezed her hands tight, "I-I am I just didn't know they were going to do that to you." The wolf was silent, "I am sorry, really but there was nothing they could do-I mean you saw how they looked at you. If I interfered I would have become an enemy to them, they already don't trust me enough and..." She opened her eyes briefly, "You know trust is everything."

"Trust", the wolf stated dryly with a laugh before closing his eyes. The witch quickly ran to his side to see what she could do. Tears formed in her eyes as she looked to see what would help him, what potion could save him, what words would make him feel better.


She was supposed to fix him, and I guess she did but she couldn't do anything about his brain. She couldn't erase the things that happened to him and he couldn't forget it, even if he was alive. That was the least she could do, after all, was to keep him alive, but it wasn't enough.

Just like feeding me and sheltering me isn't enough—I mean the bare minimum at least—overall, I feel like a void, like a shell that is barely holding on and cracking each second. I am sent to my room if I do one thing wrong, with the exception of taking over all this and being perfect when I'm a little older. It is so exhausting and tiring, and it is the pure definition of insanity. 

Dealing with my parents and their unpredictable moods and toying between being a people pleaser or trying to see the world. Knowing that the one person who I thought understood me, is gone, somewhere lost and probably scared. If I had one wish, I would at least want her back into this hell, selfish as it may be she kept hope. She had empathy like I had never seen and she felt like how a real mother was supposed to me. She was kind and gentle, patient even if I made mistakes and she hardly ever raised her voice and if she did, it was never toward me.

I sat in the dark for a while staring blankly with nearly no thoughts in my head, frustration would be one word to describe it but really it was just wondering why. Why was all this happening, and why was it happening to me? I wonder what the purpose of suffering is even when we can just not. The complete question of why so much chaos occurs in this world, in this mansion when we really could just get along. I mean if they didn't need someone to inherit all this would they have even had me?

Would they have just continued their lives and tried to figure it out? Would Rene' have not been a victim of this mansion's cruelty and gone on to live a better life?

It all makes me wonder and question so much...

I hear a noise pass by my room and something thin is being slid under my door, making my brows furrow. Here we go again, playing this letter and clue game and trying not to get in trouble. Wonder how it's going to work out this time.

This time..

"To be honest, there is no good and evil, just humans and creatures. But personally, in my eyes, evil is sealed into human hatred. Don't you think?" The witch glanced up at the wolf with a nod. "Yeah, I can agree. Humans act differently when they hate something, truly evil." "Exactly. Now answer my question: Would you have let them kill me if I had done something wrong?"

The witch frowned and bit her lip, "Yes, and if I thought you had bad intentions, I would have let you die that day with no regret. Because I feel you would have deserved it, whether you had a family or not."