Rage(100th Chapter)

Warning: Gore

With broken bones and twisted toes, the townsperson was no longer recognizable when she was done. 

Cover in the blood that wasn't hers, she turned into a wicked menace with darkness filling up the kind heart she once possessed.

"You all did this to me, don't look surprised, don't look in horror." Her hands were drenched and pain still shot through her skull like a knife.

She ran her nails through her scalp, clawing at the strands of ginger as a breath ran through her lungs. She shook off the blood, leaving drops of crimson on the ground, "Gross", she muttered looking at the judgment in front of her.

"You blasted witch! You just k-killed him!" Someone yelled and she shrugged, "Oh well, you didn't care when the wolf almost killed me, only when he bothered you."

The villager shook her head, "N-no we warned you! Just like he said, but you were too ignorant to listen!" She stated, stumbling back and the witch laughed, "Ha, have you ever loved someone, that you didn't care what fate said about you? I might not have been able to change him but at least he was there for me when I was alone. When I needed someone, and you all were suddenly preoccupied."

She pointed her finger at the village lady and tilted her head, "Seems, like you're preoccupied now, huh?" The village lady shuttered as the witch grew closer and that's when one of them snapped, pulling out a shotgun hidden carefully on the porch of their home.

"Back Witch! I will not tell you again! I knew one of you forest beasts would try something!" 

"So you stored a gun, just for me?"

"It wasn't originally for you but-", they cocked the shotgun, "Very desperate times, so I must take desperate measures, witch." 

"And, you think that gun is going to stop me? Where did you even get that?"

"Doesn't matter", they pointed it at her, "Last chance, you've been kind to us before so we'll give you a chance to-" 


The shotgun went off but it fired in the wrong direction, spraying the one who held it, red liquid dripping from the villager's mouth. Screams erupted and weapons began to gather as many words were thrown at the witch, "Cursed!" "Evil" "Wicked!"




The words echoed as I finished the last drop of tomato soup, shaking at the taste.

"I finished", I mumbled, passing the empty bowl to them, and they smiled. "It took you long enough, but your mother will be pleased. It's good you're eating again, Lady.Victoria."

They took the bowl away and quickly left without a goodbye, and I lay back down with a frown. "At least it's over for now," I said. I felt my stomach churn, and I bit my lip, trying not to throw up. It didn't feel good eating that soup, and it didn't feel good having people watch me have to eat when I was not hungry—I was just not hungry.

But that doesn't matter to them, all that matters is not looking too skinny to where it seems like I'm neglected. Even if I hate every bite of it, it tastes sour most of the time.

Knock, Knock

I didn't glance up at the door even as they knocked again; I just wanted to lie down and close my eyes. Let the day pass by again and again until it didn't bother me anymore, washing me away with the sorrow and anger in this mansion.

"Victoria", someone whispered, "It's me, I wanted to check to see if you were alright."

It was Charles, I pushed myself out of bed and walked over to my door, laying my head down. "Yeah, I'm here", I yawned and shut my eyes as he continued to talk, "Oh, that's good, did you find what you were looking for?"

I shrug, "I guess, but maybe I shouldn't have gone." "Oh, did the flashlight help? You can keep it if you want." "Alright." I had forgotten about that flashlight until he said something. It was helpful for a bit until I got caught, then everything broke to...

"Thank you, by the way for the flashlight and for coming to check on me", I whispered back. "I told you I would, and I'm glad you're okay, I saw some of the maids come by and they seem-" "Mindless?" I asked and he laughed, quickly cutting it short, "Sorry, I just didn't expect you to say that. You had me surpris." I laugh a bit, "I know it was unexpected but it's how they are. At least to me, I'm just glad they're gone, for now."

"I see, well I am glad you can get a second to breathe as well, I overheard that the Bellums will be arriving today. That seems interesting."

I roll my eyes, "Sure if you like being in defensive mode, I guess Sir. Bertram is sort of alright but his sister is kind of the worst."

It was quiet for as second and I almost thought he left until he spoke again, "That's good I suppose, just be careful. Okay?"

"Alright, yeah, I will, I don't fully trust him." I turn my eyes to the door, I honestly don't fully trust anyone. 


She didn't trust anyone fully either, but he was an exception, he was a piece of gold in the dirt.

A golden source of happiness that she was glad to hold until she didn't anymore. Her whole reputation going to shreds after building up so long. Sacrificing it all in the hope that he would be a good person.

But there are no good people, no friends, only acquaintances, don't get too close and don't believe in the good. It will only disappoint you, just as it did her, the good times don't last forever, and soon the dark will close in. 

It is only the brightest of spirits that will survive the dark times and only the hardened heart that will push you through. Never show vulnerability and be on guard even if they tell you not to.

They are not your soulmates and you won't be best friends forever.