Obedient Little Dog

Whenever you're born, you're taught to follow the orders of your parents, raised to learn whatever they teach you. Good or bad, you accept it because you don't know any different, and you won't know any different until you're older.

Parents help shape you into the person you are today, whether it's a people pleaser or an independent person. They are our solid foundation of life, and at times we will do whatever we can to please them, even if it makes us suffer in the end. Sometimes for our birth-givers we will sacrifice the world for them, not the other way around.

After all, they worked so hard for us right? Gone through the pain of bringing us into the world and raising us from small to grown, at least most of them.

At times we grow to idolize them, becoming more and more like them as we watch them fight and argue. Tears pouring out of their very eyes as they scream at the other parent, criticizing their very existence, and ability to grow themselves. The child digesting every word so they can take it into their adult life. Yelling and screaming probably louder than their parents and become something they never intended to be.

Maybe not an exact copy but something of a crooked doppelgänger, copying the mannerisms and sometimes the aspirations.

"What are your parents like?"

"Our parents?" Bertram asked, with an eyebrow raised high, "Is this some sort of rival question?" 

"No, no, sorry if you have mistaken it for that, I was just genuinely curious. I haven't seen very much of them and I just wondered if they get along. If they enjoy each other's company." Bertram blinked back, "Each other's company? I believe so, I mean don't most parents?"

"Yes, of course, I just know that work can get very time-consuming at times so I didn't know if you got to spend much time with them or the other way around."

Lady. Bellum rolled her eyes and smirked, "We get to spend as much time with them as we need, why? Are you feeling neglected? I don't see you spend much time outside or go on trips, all we hear about is how grand your adventures are in your mansion. I mean, do you even get to leave this place when you desire or is there a lack of trust? It would make sense as to why you never visit other establishments in public. Are you afraid, Lady. Victoria?"

Bertram gave his sister the side-eye and I took a deep breath in trying not to look at the floor, "Apologies, if I offended you-" "No, need for apologies just answer the question."

"I am trying, Lady. Bellum, but I can't answer if you interrupt me." "You don't have to answer if you don't want to, Magnolia." Bertram pushed as he took another sip of coffee, grabbing a fresh biscuit off the table as a server set it down.

"Brother, please. She is perfectly capable of defending herself, and I want to know her answer." She smirked and lowered her eyebrows as she picked up her coffee cup, waiting for me to answer. 

"I am not afraid. If I were, I wouldn't be here right now. You all might have time to frolic, but you forget that I am the sole heir of my estate. There is only one of me, so I must prepare and sacrifice until it is my time to take over. Only then will I face the world as it is today. You don't get to be number one by slacking off."

Lady. Bellum slammed her cup down, nearly breaking it, "Slacking off? You think because we travel a lot that we're slacking?" "I didn't say you were, but I am stating that you simply have two heirs, two people eligible, if one messes up. I don't have that privilege, all eyes are on me and if I mess up there is no one to clean up those mistakes after me."

"Not unless you have a clean-up crew." "Clean-up crew?" "Yes, you forget that we are wealthy, Lady. Victoria, we have people who can help with messy situations."

"What kind of messy situations?" "What are you insinuating, in case of any trouble, with the public or whatever it may require. You know this, yes?" "Of course."

"Good, then you shouldn't have to worry, I know we are rivals but we don't have to be enemies, don't you agree?"

I was surprised by her comment, not expecting it to ever come from her mouth personally, so I needed to keep my head right. Just as my mother intended me to do, and in some ways I think I channel the guarded version of her during these conversations. Hiding my true inner thoughts as if they have a camera waiting to catch a wrong move, if revealed to the public, it could destroy me, my mother, and all I've worked for. So, even if it seems rash to Lady. Bellum, it's a must to answer most neutrally if needed. Not to let my thoughts wander too much or let the same garden incident happen again.

"Lady. Victoria, are you still here with us?" She questioned, while waving a hand in my face and I waved it away. "I am fine, I suppose it is not the worst thing in the world, maybe we don't have to be enemies." "Exactly, probably not friends either, but we can settle for acquaintances, right?" 

Bertram stood up from the table, "Except for me! I would like to stay good friends with Magnolia!" 

Both me and Lady. Bellum turned to Bertram, a look of disgust appearing on his sister's face, "Well, I wasn't talking about you, was I, Bertram?" "No?" "Exactly, and don't act as if you don't know that, sit back down this instance before you embarrass me further!" She shakes her head, "Maybe, you weren't entirely wrong about the mistake thing, my brother is always doing such ignorant actions in front of you. I'm glad, I'm the heir and not him, someone has to clean up the mistakes. Thank the heavens I was born first, if I had such an oblivious outlook on the world I'd probably never leave the house either."