Grace for The Forsaken

Home. It should be a place of safety, of care, of protection. Five had been born here but it is home even for the foreign line. Left family and friends, trained for years to live the dream as Twice, they owe stardom to it after all.

Spot the irony.

Safety? Idols walk on eggshells having to follow ridiculous standards and expectations. Care? They are overworked raking countless wons and dollars on the company's whim. Protection? When push comes to shove, they become pawns.

Ten years of preparation only to be dragged like this. Almost 4 years of establishing genuine image only to have it twisted in an instant. Eight others are affected. It would be easier if it was only me. I'd just cry internally swallowing my pride.

"Aaa~ You need to eat." Sana snaps Jihyo out of thought by offering a spoonful. Jihyo, who's just poking her food, takes it in. Sana brings another but Jihyo grunts, "mwoyah~".

"Let me feed you. Here, just one more."

Jihyo takes this too as Sana cautions, "Cause I won't be near you later." Dear Home, why have you forsaken me?

"Sana unnie still at it?" Chaeyoung to Momo. She nods as she gnaws on her lunch. "Oh wait, might get nervous again." Momo slows down.

Nayeon sighs, "We're already at JYPBob yet we're still feeling anxious."

"Right? But this is better than being awkward in front of Twice TV unnies", Jeongyeon shares.

"Yah~ We'll walk on the Blue Carpet and receive award later on. What's with the long faces?" Chaeyoung is baffled.

"It loses meaning without Once." Sana in low tone looking gloomy.

"I hope many Onces would be there." Jihyo is desperately looking for a sign, "To know if they got our message. Or at least, still believe in us."

"Many will be there." Chaeyoung assures.

"Ooh~ where are you getting this vibe", Jeongyeon adoring Chaeng's confidence. "Things coming to fruition?"

Chaeyoung shrugs with a smile.

She owned it. Twice has graced upon Soribada Awards with thousands of Onces lighting Candy Bongs warmly welcoming them. It's as if they are in their own concert. The dark cloud that seemed hovering Sana has passed. That's when they know the plan is progressing.

To keep the ball rolling, Chaeng advances her fanservice 10X. Onces' world. It's her answer when asked about the kind of award they'd like to receive

"So, it's really working!" Jeong snuggles with Chaeng on the waiting room before the show proper. "Our efforts are not in vain."

"We're just getting started. With my GQ shoot, all hell would break loose."

"By the way, how was it?"

"You'll find it out soon, hyung! September is coming. But there's one more thing," Chaeng asks Jeong a favor.

Fierce baby tiger Chaeng on fire that evening. She enthusiastically emphasized a special comeback during acceptance speech beating spoiler Nayeon to it. And on the final bow, Chaeng along with Jihyo dedicated the centerstage holding their hands out for Mina.

On the way to the dorm, the girls are excited to share to Once more personally. School Meal Club in the first van goes Live.

Meanwhile, the rest are still finishing up. Momo feeling great and grateful proposes, "Who wanna go Live with me?" Nayeon hopping up and down yells, "Meeee!"

I've yet to hold my head up and smile in airports nor even post on Instagram. Join Vlive? "Thanks, but I'll pass." Jihyo busies herself packing.

Jeong lends a hand, "Sana-yah go with them." Sana who's helping Jihyo on her stubborn earrings obliges. NaMoSa in the second van together go Live simultaneously overlapping with School Meal Club.

Boarding the last van, Jeong commences Chaeng's favor. She shoots Jihyo a look. "Yeah, I know. I have a few more days 'til September. Ready or not, I will show up." Jihyo senses what Jeong has to say on her habit of going AWOL whenever she gets involve in an issue.

"How 'bout spending one or two of those in our place? You need something other than meditation. Bomb misses you too." Jeong with an offer she can't refuse knowing Jihyo likes cats.

"So, when will this be? We have time after fan meetings, right?"

"Right. I'll text Seungyeon unnie too." Jihyo lights up when Jeong mentions her sister. She knows Sana will go too.

Nice place, good food, warm family, and wisdom of an older sibling. Ever since the issue, Jihyo has felt forsaken. But to see Sana safe, protected, and cared for in such a kind home is her contentment. A saving grace. That's exactly the healing she needs before her one-month escape is up.

Jihyo looks forward to this. Her anticipation grows as days pass and peaks at Osaka Hi-touch. There must be something in there that lends her strength. It maybe daunting to lead the group anywhere else. So, having her partner Sana takes over when in Japan is refreshing.

Arriving at Gimpo Airport, Jihyo holds her head high for the first time in a while. She's at the forefront while Sana marches behind her quickly reaching the van. Jeongyeon finding her way through the crowd comes a bit later. Nonetheless, Jihyo finally gets her much awaited retreat.

Sana fully occupies the sofa with her head resting on Seungyeon. Jihyo is lounging on the floor. Across her is Jeongyeon who's lying on throw pillows, legs hanging on the sofa, and feet against Sana's. The living room of Yoo residence gets filled with laughter over food and liquor.

"Oops~ We ran out. Jihyo, care to help me mix drinks?" Seungyeon gently lifts Sana's head and excuses herself.

"Love to!" Jihyo follows.

When the two has gone to the kitchen, Jeongyeon kicks Sana. "Yah, stop whatever you're doing."

"You're the one kicking me. YOU stop."

"Idiot, stop distancing from Jihyo!" Jeongyeon sighs, "you're hurting yourself AND her. Nothing good comes out of it."

Sana is hushed. "This is my way of protecting her. The world now knows differently and I have to respect how it sees her."

"Really? Like how she��s seen as…" Jeong couldn't bring herself to speak of the slander making her sit up. "But that's not her. Protect her by being with her like you used to!"

"WE would cause a scene. Jihyo and a man makes more sense than me. She thinks so too! It would be best to keep us secret." Sana recalls the confrontation with Jihyo.

"Sana-yah?" Jeong tries to keep the conversation but Sana walks out. "Sana-yah!"

Jihyo and Seungyeon are just about to return when Sana bumps into them. "Oh! Sana, Jihyo mixed this. A new taste. You're gonna like it!" Seungyeon says.

"Unnie mianda, I've been up for hours now." Sana making sleepy gesture.

"Aww alright, bed is made. Rest well."

Sana proceeds to Seungyeon's room. Eyes making contact with Jihyo at first but breaks as she passes. Jihyo turns but Sana doesn't look back.

With her deadline almost over, Jihyo is in deep thought as she later learns the reason behind Sana's gaze. "It's sad to see you guys in that state. So, I told her off. Then, she said something like 'it's best to keep it secret'. Best? How?!"

She's also contemplating on Seungyeon's insight, "Somaek is the usual mix but there are many others. Like yours. And it's valid. As long as it makes you happy. Cheers!"

Am I happy? Is it really not the best? Jihyo snaps herself out and rushes to the dorm.

Jeongyeon, on the other hand, disappointedly sends a text. "Chaeng, Seungyeon-ie and I tried. Sorry."

"No, thank you so much hyung! Seems it was a pleasant visit. Sana unnie posted that she ate well. And now, Jihyo unnie just returned to Insta!" Chaeng replies.

Jeongyeon then receives a text from Jihyo. "Unnie, let's send a support food truck for Seungyeon unnie! Thank you for the last time." She basks in a victorious laugh completing Chaeng's favor.

[A selca and a group photo is uploaded. The group photo consists of Nayeon and Chaeyoung all smiles on the opposite ends. Then in the middle, there's Sana and Jihyo squishing cheeks together. Along with a halfmoon and a butterfly emoji, Jihyo has put a caption that says good night.]

It's not certain who looks at who first. But under the sheets, Sana and Jihyo are smiling back at each other.

While deep into Jihyo's eyes, Sana reflects on Seungyeon's wisdom back in the retreat night. They talked when the unnie caught her tossing and turning. "She feels abandoned, Sana. She's pawned. She's disregarded. Do not abandon her like they did. Like he did. She needs you girls more than ever. Besides, why distance away from something beautiful?"

"Yeppeunde." Sana tells Jihyo. Unhurriedly, she goes in for a kiss. Tilts her head to the other side and goes again.

Her pointed nose bumps on the other's cheek. They giggle. Sana is ready to plant another. Jihyo awaits with mouth open.

"Good night."