Untruth Be Told

"Their dating ban will be lifted 3 years later their first broadcast. After that, I'll buy their boyfriends a meal if they bring them."

When Twice debuted, the girls guested on Section TV with JYP himself. The PD-nim was driven to clarify on the matter. Leader Jihyo, on the other hand, had something to say:

"It should be more like 5 years than 3."

10 years of training. 3 years of dating ban to focus on work. And still wanna add 2 more years on top of that. Well, the reason wasn't just the joy of work.

The ban served as a shield, an indestructible wall from the worsts of idol life—the issues. Jihyo knows that as soon as it's lifted, they will be vulnerable. And they will have to deal with complications they wouldn't enjoy.

Thus, with Jihyo's leadership, the girls have focused on work and on being happy amongst themselves. Hoping that through these, the issues would be prevented for 2 more years.

Along the way, however, some happiness blossomed into love. The leader has fallen and it's used against her. It may not be in her plan to be vulnerable this soon but, she has decided. Now, she's taking responsibility.

"Once this is Jihyo

I'm sorry that I might have hurt and disappointed Once in the V app chat yesterday. I'll talk step by step from the beginning.

Last year in March, rumors spread around my name and I've become afraid of facing people since. The reason I cried at the airport then was because people were filming and shouting at me. I was scared of what they thought of me.

Then in August, my private life was reported and untrue things surfaced. Things that weren't true were mentioned…"


Jihyo didn't say which.

Well, she couldn't. The same way Daniel couldn't. Otherwise, Jihyo could've clarified misunderstandings, eliminated what people thought of her, and be free of anxiety.

Unfortunately, SHE JUST COULDN'T.

In covering up the powerfuls' costly mistakes, the public must be given something else to talk about. REGARDLESS of truth. The louder, the better so that their scandals would be buried and deleted fast.

Therefore, it's necessary to get two bright stars on a story that would tickle the public's mind.

Lucky for Dispatch, Jihyo has something they could just latch the dating issue on. They didn't even need creative writing skills; just creative editing.

Report Detail #1: They reportedly began dating in the beginning of the year.

The ban was lifted October 20, 2018. Had the two started in between January to March 2019, it's just 3-5 months after for Jihyo to plunge into celebrity dating. A type of relationship that's prone to issues. Especially, when revealed.

She must've become too eager that the 2-year top-up plan was swiftly forgotten.

Understandably, being too happy could make you forget. Falling could happen. Thing is, the person catching wouldn't be far off in order for the hesitant Jihyo to feel safe.

"Thank you for always being with me", she said as a birthday greeting to that special someone.

And then in January, "Sana's Jihyo" happened. Everything was happy. Everything was fine that Jihyo didn't even notice she has fallen.

Report Detail #2: They meet at Daniel's home. Jihyo drive there in her own car. Twice members know about the couple. Someone even gave Jihyo a ride to Daniel's house and later picked her up.

On Idol Room episode 48 recorded April 18, 2019—the girls were asked who among them successfully earned Driver's license. Jihyo, Jeongyeon, Nayeon, and Dahyun had hands up.

Additionally, they were asked who have their own car. The girls shook heads. None of them at that time. At the least, just family car. Nayeon even told the hosts, "Are you gonna buy it for us? We don't have to drive."

And if Jihyo were to buy her own, she wants something different from her family's sedan Benz pertained on the report. The leader said, "I wanna drive a convertible and go on a highway."

Granted, they are licensed to drive. But since they're more often with the managers, they didn't have to.

Jihyo, however, does visit a house—best friend Jeongyeon's house. Sana is tagged too, since she's become an honorary daughter of the Yoo family.

Report Detail #3: [The incriminating photos]

Dispatch has photos.

That of a house's front gate and cars. Not the actual persons. Dispatch wouldn't shoot them alighting. It was more convenient to capture cars than actual human figures. And simply paste headshots indicating it's them.

Well, Dispatch gave the public a "Jihyo" at the front gate. A blurred side-profile of a supposed Jihyo, that is. Considering their high-quality cameras, the execution was poor.

Moreover, something's off with her figure. It's hunchback. Funny how she, a decade-long trained idol and main vocalist, could slouch like in the photo. That for sure is gonna hurt her breathing.

Perhaps, it must've been difficult for whoever girl was photographed. Jihyo's perfect posture couldn't be mirrored. Even on casual walks, she maintains it.

To be fair with Dispatch's effort of setting the photo evidences up, there were clearer closer shots. But, INDIVIDUALLY. The two were never in one frame together.

Report Detail #4: The two were seen on a date in Hannam UN Village Seoul, August 1.

That day, the budding solo artist Daniel had been hustling through fan meetings. In Busan and then, in Daegu. The average travel time to Seoul—3 hours by car. At least 6 hours spent on the road alone; already ¼ of his day.

Twice, on the other hand, was in the Genie Music Awards.

Adding up all the preparations from rehearsals, hair & make-up, red carpet, and costume change to the show proper packed with speeches and performances, and victory dinner; early sleeper Jihyo had a full day with Twice.

Ill-fatedly, it's also the event when Nayeon delivered the good image speech only for Jihyo to be reported days after. The unnie was furious having to eat her own words.

Not that dating equates bad. It's just that, the report details were inaccurate tainting the sincere image they've built for years. Also, Twice came off as easy girls.

Jihyo going to a house meeting with gal pals sounds fine. But when you edit out the girls, replace them with a man…

Add to that an amorous tune with a then charting UN Village by EXO Baekhyun, the public's mind would definitely be tickled. It doesn't help that the title is the same as the reported dating spot. The lyrics too tells of nocturnal activities.

[Up the rolling hills

Rolling, rolling, rolling hills

There's a broken lamp post

If you see it, turn your light]

People formed thoughts. Unwholesome thoughts.


"…That made me feel uneasy, scared. All kinds of negative thoughts had risen that it became difficult for me to stand in front of people, to talk, and perform on stage.

I was so scared during the tour too. So, I went to the hospital and received therapy and medications. But that didn't help much. Just like that, time passed and Japan tour started.

I had a really hard time at the concert before MAMA where I had to stand before many people. I cried in fear during the 3 days and I really wanted to hide.

I performed at MAMA in that condition and had to face a much bigger audience than before. So, it became harder to breathe.

I didn't want to worry people if they see me crying again at the airport. So, I decided to arrive at a different time from the members.

All these times I've talked about… no, actually since debut, I've seen so many bad and rude things about me. I was very hurt and angry. But I kept going. I have my job and fans so, I just stayed still.

I was like this until MAMA.

I'm not asking for sympathy nor acknowledgement. I wanted to explain why I used a negative expression yesterday.

No matter what I've been through, I've never been not sincere in front of Once. Never not cherish Once. Never not worry about Once. I was also sincere yesterday.

What I'm most sorry of is that, I know this is a time where our team and Once are very confused. So, I'm sorry for being too expressive yesterday. To Once and to the team.

Seeing the messages posted by my…"

Jihyo pauses a bit, thinking how to make an encompassing reference to the commotion without further unnecessary troubles.

She then continues, "…posted by my members to explain about it and also looking at what Once were saying, I believe it's only right for me to fix what I did. Hence, this writing.

I sing, perform, and talk in front of Once. I do this work because I sincerely hope that Once and I will be happy. I do this because I have Once who love and hug me warmly.

I can put up with a lot of things. So, I hope Once won't feel hurt looking at those things.

In the future for as long as we're idols, we're going to have issues. And people will talk about it. But I'll do my best. I don't want us to spend precious times anywhere else other than those that make us happy.

I'm sorry for making you worry and thank you Once."

It's way past her bedtime. Despite that, Jihyo drifts off in serenity. She doesn't mind taking in all the noises and troubles upon her. Taking responsibility has never been this fulfilling.

A gentle warmth is felt on her cheek, Jihyo wakes up to Sana leaning from the bedside. The Japanese whispers, "O- Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."

Noticing that Sana is all dressed up, the leader asks "You're leaving? Already?"


Jihyo lifts arms for a hug. Sana lays down and melts into her. The girls are officially on vacation and Sana is scheduled to fly back to Japan. Time ticks fast but also because of this, Jihyo doesn't worry on missing Sana.

The leader mutters, "See you soon."