Act like a Lady...

"You should act like a lady" she said.

These words still ring in my head like she told me yesterday.

Act like a lady...

I didn't understand what that was supposed to mean.

I was a little girl playing in the mud with my friends,  climbing trees and coming home all dirty and full of scars.

Everyone seemed so pure and full of love.

But the day she told me to act like a lady things started to become different.

I started wearing dresses and stopped playing in the mud because that is not what a lady does.

I started playing with dolls acting like I am their mother.

And started cooking with my toys.

But is that what a lady does? 

Always act innocent, calm and friendly.  And always does what she is told? 

No,  today I understand what acting like a lady means.

It means standing up for everything and everyone you love.

Don't ever let anyone bring you down or tell you what to do! 

Acting like a lady is more than looking cute.

It's more than being a mother or a good wife.

If you feel like you don't want kids or marry then don't do it.

If you want a great career all alone,  if you want to be a CEO then do it.

Nobody has the right to tell you who, how or what you have to be!