. Chapter

Fae got out her phone and snapped a picture of the void in front of her, the bottom out of sight in the darkness, but still down there somewhere. She took a deep breath and took another step forward, feeling her balance getting unsteady, the cold air feeling more powerful than seconds ago. Her feet nearly sticking out over the edge, she didn't like it.

'I'm standing on the edge now.' She texted, hesitating before sending the message.

'Good, can I see a picture of it?' Dave replied quickly after.

Fae was still unsure whether it was his real name or not.

She selected the picture she'd taken and pressed the arrow, her eyes following as the picture appeared in the chat log. A tear fell on the screen, she hadn't noticed that she'd been crying.

'Good, now let yourself fall. Enjoy it while it lasts...'

Dave had added a grinning emoji on the end of the text, showing how he enjoyed the moment of being in control.

Fae sat at the dinner table, thoughts filling her mind. The talk of her parents just a distant blur, not important because they never included her in their daily conversation. She had gotten used to being overlooked. She was wondering whether they would even notice if she disappeared, she was sure they wouldn't care.

In Fae's opinion, her parents were careless, childish and selfish. They never spoke to her, nor did they provide her with the things she needed as a human being. Dinner was the only thing they would make for her, the only time she would see them. They didn't ask her about her day or how she was doing. It was tearing at her mental health.

She sighed and leaned back in her chair resting her head on the back of the seat, bringing her gaze up to the ceiling. Her bangs covering the top of her view.

A headache crept in, Fae's head overflowing with worries.

School was a place where she could enjoy learning and trying to make herself a better self, something she actually liked. It was the new way she would describe school, after loosing all of her friends. Fae was always alone, nobody spoke with her and she didn't try to talk with others either. Fae's anxiety was making it hard for her to socialise in "strange" settings. Since she was a "loner" she'd also get picked on. It scared her and she would always come home to panic attacks and hours of unstoppable crying.

It had lead her to self harm, because it would stop the mental pain for a bit of time, the physical pain overwhelming it, which she preferred.

Earlier today Fae had been in an incident where her teacher had gotten annoyed at her. She hadn't answered the question mrs. Talliah had asked. Fae had gotten a panic attack, where all thoughts in her head went upside down, which made it impossible for her to put together normal sentences. She'd just sat in her seat, looking passive. Mrs. Talliah had gotten mad and started going on a rampage about how disrespectful it is, not to answer people when they ask a question, making Fae the centre of her speech. In Fae's opinion mrs. Talliah wasn't supposed to act like that as a teacher. Fae had felt so shameful and just wish she could disappear from the moment.

Fae got up from her chair and grabbed hold of her empty plate, walked into the kitchen, where she left the plate in the sink.

She quickly ran up the stairs to the floor where her room was placed and locked herself in her room, where she sank into her sofa. She liked to browse the internet for time to pass by quicker, even though it would give her a view into others great lifestyles. She wanted better times to come to her, she was waiting for it.

She opened up her favourite social media on her phone, Fae had found a quote she really related to, earlier that day, after the incident with mrs. Talliah. "You stabbed me in my heart, then yelled at me to stop bleeding." She posted the quote. Her whole profile was filled with posts with quotes alike, and she would always write about how relatable she felt they were to her.

She always felt better after sharing a quote, even though not a lot noticed her nor cared for her.

Fae started looking for other quotes, something she normally would do after dinner.


Fae got a notification.

Confused she opened it up, it was from someone she didn't know.